Indosat Ooredoo Develops “Future Digital Economy Lab”

In the objective to create more digital talents in Indonesia, Indosat Ooredoo launches Future Digital Economy Lab. It’s started from Indosat Ooredoo Business collaboration with Institut Teknologi Bandung in a form of IoT Innovation & Future Digital Economy Lab launched by Indonesia’s Industrial Ministry, Airlangga Hartarto.

Indosat Ooredoo will acquire more universities, such as Bina Nusantara University, Nahdlatul Ulama University Surabaya, Atma Jaya Catholic University, Trilogi University, STIE PERBANAS, President University, Prasetya Mulya University,Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, and Udayana University.

Focused on IoT technology

IoT becomes telecommunication service focus due to connectivity concept not only equipped in laptop and smartphone, but also other electronic devices. The Future Digital Economy Lab program is expected to support innovation, product design reference, and solution to develop IoT product at industry scale. Corporate R&D collaborates with universities is the key.

“We hope this lab can be a place for collaboration to develop innovation idea, incubation of various use case based on IoT that can improve this country’s independent economy towards the World’s big 5. Programs in this lab should produce real products, high quality, and applicable to answer the issue on field or business development,” Indosat Ooredoo’s President Director & CEO, Chris Kanter.

Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian

About Yenny Yusra

Curiosity has always been a part of my life. With my love for technology with all digital entrepreneur aspects and related ecosystems, I hope to be able to provide relevant and insightful information for tech enthusiasts out there.