Monthly Archives: January 2009

Web Content Writer


We are a Property Information Online media urgently looking for qualified individuals to be posted as:

Web Content Writer (WCW)
•    Minimum S1
•    Candidate should have min 2 years experience in publishing editorial
•    Age between 25-35 years old (Male/Female)
•    Able to speak and write good English and Indonesian
•    Must have good computer knowledge, internet and Photoshop
•    Work closely with designers to develop/conceptualize/visualize ideas
•    Well versed with Property Industry of Indonesia as well as corporate society
•    Able to work long hours
•    Writing sample to be submitted together with resume
•    Fast learner, good communication skills and ready to join as soon as possible
•    An accredited Diploma or Degree from local or foreign Universities or College on Journalism or publishing businesses
•    Candidate with working experience may also apply
Interested applicants should send their CV and latest photo to:
or posted to
HRD Department
Komplek Ruko Graha Mas Pemuda Blok. AD no.3
Jl. Pemuda, Rawamangun – Jakarta Timur

( Only short listed candidates will be notice! )

Yang baru Dari NgeShout & Kronologger

Dua startup yang sangat aktif dalam pengembangan belakangan ini, dua startup yang sama-sama memilih konsep microblogging .. Kronologger, dan NgeShout. Meskipun terbilang baru, namun NgeShout ini termasuk startup yang paling produktif lho, bayangkan … dalam sebulan ini saja sudah ada 4 plugin rilis dari NgeShout. Sagad memang tergolong programmer yang giat bekerja *halah* dengan rilisnya 4 plugin untuk ngeshout yaitu plugin untuk Firefox, plugin NgeShout dengan Javascript, PHP, Adobe Air, dan rilis terakhirnya adalah plugin WordPress yang diberi nama ShoutSuite. Plugin ini sebenarnya pengembangan dari plugin wordpress sebelumnya, dengan ditambahkan beberapa fitur lagi di versi yang baru ini.

Plugin ini nantinya akan mampu menampilkan

  1. My Shouts : berisi daftar shout terakhir
  2. Most Shouted : berisi blog kamu yang paling banyak di shout
  3. My Favourite Shouts : shout favourite kamu
  4. Recently Shouted : Tulisan terakhir yang di shout

Mau coba? Silahkan unduh disini. Lalu install plugin ini layaknya instalasi Plugin wordpress normalnya. Setelah di-activate, anda bisa melakukan pengaturan dari halaman Setting > Shout Suite dan costumize optionsnya sesuai kebutuhan anda.

Tak mau ketinggalan, KukuhTW -Developer Kronologger- juga kemarin mulai menyebar buzz mengenai aplikasi desktop dari Kronologger. Screenshot prototype aplikasi dari platform .NET ini kemarin dirilis oleh KukuhTW melalui Twitter dan Plurk.

SMS & IM di YahooMail

Yahoo Mail telah meluncurkan fitur terbaru untuk SMS dan IM (Instant messenger) yang mengijinkan pengguna untuk mengirim pesan ke mobile phone, atau chat langsung dari halaman YahooMail. Fitur ini telah tersedia di Yahoo Mail versi terbaru, dan jutaan pengguna yang masih menggunakan Yahoo Classic akan lumayan terhibur dengan adanya tambahan fitur ini.

Fitur ini memang sangat bagus, meskipun kompetitornya GMail sudah memiliki fitur ini cukup lama. Setidaknya ada effort dari Yahoo untuk mengejar ketertinggalannya. Namun entah mengapa semua fitur baru tersebut belum cukup kuat untuk membuat saya pindah ke Yahoo Mail. Fungsi standard web-based email di Yahoo masih banyak kelemahan dibandingkan dengan Gmail, seperti masalah spam filtering yang sangat mengganggu. Dan juga masalah load yang cukup membuat frustrasi, at least tidak sebaik GMail.

Hal ini membuktikan, you don’t have to be a pioneer to be a winner.

PayPal Bergabung Dengan OpenID

Open ID Foundation kedatangan seorang tamu yang sangat spesial. Bukan sembarang tamu, melainkan anggota baru yaitu, Paypal. Nah, ini tentunya merupakan berita yang sangat menggembirakan karena Paypal diketahui menjadi salah satu pemimpin terdepan di barisan penyedia layanan yang super duper amat sangat secure alias AMAN. Dan sebagai platform identifikasi online, tentunya keamanan menjadi faktor krusial untuk OpenID.

Hal ini bukan serta-merta berarti kita dapat login di PayPal menggunakan OpenID, tentu saja bukan. Namun, hal ini berarti suatu saat nanti, OpenID dapat berkembang menjadi sebuah platform canggih yang sangat aman dan bisa dipergunakan untuk transaksi yang aman pula. Demi mendukung gagasan ini, Paypal bergabung dengan OpenID sebagai salah satu anggot Board of Corporate Member dan juga menyumbangkan dana sebesar US $50.000 tiap tahunnya untuk pengembangan OpenID.

Paypal sendiri menunjuk Andrew Nash, Direktur Manajemen Resiko Informasi sebagai perwakilannya di OpenID. Selain PayPal, beberapa perusahaan seperti Google, IBM, Microsoft, VeriSign, dan Yahoo sudah terlebih dahulu menjadi board member di OpenID Foundation.

Video : Sejarah Internet

Pengen tau sejarah terbentuknya internet? Gak usah repot-repot baca buku supertebal dengan teori TCP-IP yang njelimet. Cukup dengan melihat beberapa video pilihan dari Daily Social, semoga langsung ngerti tanpa pusing dan masuk angin. Sebelumnya mohon maap untuk para fakir bendwith, post ini isinya full video jadi mohon maaf kalo menghabiskan bandwith.
Continue reading Video : Sejarah Internet

GMail Bisa Diakses Offline

Tim Gmail hari ini melalui blognya, mengumumkan fitur baru yang dikerjakan oleh Tim Google Labs yang amat produktif. Banyaknya feedback yang menginginkan Gmail bisa diakses offline seperti Google Reader rupanya masuk akal dan langsung dikerjakan oleh Tim Gmail.

Hari ini pun fitur itu dilepas dibawah bendera Gmail Labs (baca:experimental). Fitur ini menggunakan engine dari Google Gears untuk menyimpan data secara offline dengan mendownload cache file dari email anda. Jadi ketika anda kehilangan koneksi internet, anda tetap dapat mengakses dan membuka email-email anda. Meskipun offline, anda tetap dapat melakukan kegiatan email layaknya online seperti favorite, label, dll. Anda bahkan dapat mengirim email secara offline, namun email anda akan benar-benar terkirim begitu anda terkoneksi kembali.

Seperti biasa, untuk mengaktifkan fitur ini anda cukup masuk ke menu Settings >> Labs. Lalu klik ‘enable’ pada baris ‘Offline Gmail’, lalu tekan tombol ‘Save Changes’. Jika berhasil, maka akan muncul link ‘Offline’ dibagian kanan pojok atas disebelah username anda. Lalu untuk memulai caching email anda ke lokal, anda terlebih dahulu harus menginstall Google Gears.

Selamat mencoba!

Linux News Blogger

We’re looking for an energetic blogger to cover developments in Linux.

Our site is a mainstream tech news site based in Australia, published by one of the country’s largest publishers. We have a worldwide audience.

Applicants can be based anywhere in the world.

We focus on news for regular PC users, not IT/business news. We also don’t target a hardcore Linux audience, but we aim for news that would have appeal to both new users and experienced users where possible. (For example, we’d be interested in stories as diverse as the improvements in a new release of Ubuntu to kernel-tweaking for better performance on the desktop.)

Applicants should have the following:

* Extensive knowledge of, and love for Linux.
* Strong involvement in the Linux community online (community sites, discussion boards, etc).
* Heaps of ideas about things that should be written about in relation to Linux
* Passion for the topic, with strong opinions (and the reasoning to back them up solidly with facts)
* Excellent writing skills — good grammar and spelling, and an understanding of writing punchily and concisely for web audiences.
* Enough time to write posts daily.
* Understanding of social media (ie Digg, Stumbleupon, Facebook, Twitter etc.)
* Knowledge of basic image optimisation — cropping, resizing, saving in web file formats, etc.

What we offer:

* Get paid to write about something you love.
* Exposure on a very high traffic tech news site
* Payment per post (no variable traffic-based payments from $0 upwards…! A flat rate of $US10 for posts of minimum length 300 words and at least one picture).
* Payment monthly direct to your bank account by EFT/wire transfer. We cover wire transfer and currency conversion charges.

How to apply

* Please provide an example of a post you would write for our website. (We will not publish this story without asking you and paying for it.)
* This post must be 100% original, written by you
* IMPORTANT: Please include the post within the body of e-mail, and not as an attachment (attachments WILL NOT be opened!)
* Explain why you want to write about Linux news.
* Let us know what Linux community sites you’re involved with and why you like them.
* Provide your name, address, cell/mobile phone number and email.
* REMINDER: no attachments please!!!

Email us at

Digital Media & Technology Bloggers

Our client, a business to business (b2b) publishing company is searching for Bloggers to work on a freelance/contract basis to contribute to a variety of high profile blogs covering various industries and technologies.

As a contributing blogger, you will be writing daily posts which provide information and insights valuable to our business and technology interested readers. In addition you’ll be required to actively participate in discussion and respond to comments as well as promoting your articles.

The ideal candidate would be self-motivated, have a strong command of the English language, be able to come up with topics to write about and be passionate about the industry and topic they cover. Knowledge of the major blogging tools, HTML and previous blogging or writing experience is beneficial, but not required.

Bloggers should be able to build, grow, and manage our individual blogs through initiatives such as message boards, user generated content, videos, podcasts, social networks, viral media, etc.

Current Topics Available

• Digital Media & Technology
• Startups & Venture Capital
• Digital Music & Video
• Online Marketing
• Mobile & Wireless
• Gadgets & Technology
• Online Security & Privacy

• Research and write several insightful and well researched blog posts each week, at least one post per day and ideally 10 posts per week M-F.
• Embed yourself and your blog brand in the online community.
• Develop a network of followers, trusted evangelists and influencers who write and speak online pushing links and referencing our posts to their audiences as well as bringing feedback back to the brand.
• Develop and maintain relationships with other Bloggers.
• In some cases attend, speak and participate at industry events and conferences

• Very strong understanding of the particular industry or technology you are covering as well as many connections and a good network to tap for research, quotes and detailed information.
• Understanding of social media sites and tools (Digg, Stumbleupon, Facebook, Twitter etc.)
• Advanced and current knowledge of online marketing trends, analytics, and current events, particularly as they relate to blogs, social networks, and viral marketing.
• Strong analytical skills and proficient writing skills
• Experience using Microsoft Office programs (Excel, PowerPoint, Word, etc.)

Ideal Personal Profile:
• An individual with the highest level of integrity
• Executive presence; an ability to immediately command respect, both internally and externally
• An individual whose style is characterized by urgency, focus, and discipline
• An individual who takes pride in his/her accomplishments, as well as the organization’s accomplishments, and has a eye on consistently leveraging best practices
• Strong, self-confident (without arrogance), and sure-handed when faced with a high-pressure situation, a particularly important trait given the challenges faced by a new brand as it builds its own identity
• Excellent interpersonal skills; someone who is likable, a team builder, and has the personality to be effective across multiple divisions
• Creative and entrepreneurial vision

How to apply

Send resumes to with the subject line “Biz-Bloggers 0108”