Monthly Archives: June 2011

Mig33’s Expansion in 2011

How often do you hear about mig33? mig33 is a platform which secretly have huge number of users in Indonesia, but honestly we’ve never used it at all. What exactly is interesting from mig33 that it has nearly 30 million registered users in Indonesia – the second largest after Facebook? Launched in 2003, mig33 has received funding from a number of investment companies, including those based in Silicon Valley such as Accel Partners and Redpoint Ventures.

We get an opportunity to talk with Kiki Rizki (Indonesia Country Manager) and Chris Chandler (VP Business Development, via Skype) in the office of mig33 in Kebon Sirih about a view interesting things that mig33 will accomplished in the year 2011.

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Mojopia Masuki Ranah Game, Mojogamon Rilis Open Beta

Beberapa dari Anda mungkin telah mengenal Mojopia sebagai perusahaan di balik e-commerce marketplace,, yang selama beberapa bulan terakhir tentang hampir tidak memberikan update apapun dari layanan mereka. Namun ketika hari ini saya mampir ke situs mereka, saya justru menemukan sebuah situs lain, Mojogamon. Hal ini sedikit banyak menjelaskan tentang pergerakan terbaru dari Mojopia.

Mojogamon adalah sebuah portal game online dimana mereka meng-host berbagai game online, menilai dari judul game yang ada, sebagian besar game ini menargetkan pengguna muda/remaja. Mojogamon bermitra dengan OrangeGame dan penerbit game asal Korea, e2on inc, menjadikan Mojogamon sebagai distributor game dan memungkinkan pengguna untuk bermain secara langsung dari peramban.

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Mojopia Gets Into Gaming, Mojogamon Went Live Silently

Some of you might know Mojopia as the company behind the well-funded e-commerce marketplace, who has been very silent for the past few months about the progress of their service. Earlier today when I lurk around the website, I stumbled upon another website Mojogamon which kind of explains what Mojopia have been doing lately.

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[Guest Post] Enthusiasm, Idealism, and Culture: University’s Main Asset to Trigger Innovation

Editorial: This article is the continuation theme about Silicon Valley, University in Indonesia and their relations with innovations and entrepreneurship. Sigit Purnomo as a lecturer surely has an interesting view about this theme. This article was written by Sigit Purnomo as a guest post.

This article tried to continue the trilogy of Angelina Veni about Silicon Valley, Rama Mamuaya with Universities in Indonesia Must be a Trigger for Innovation, and Wiku Baskoro withChoosing to Establish – Work in Startup or Work in a Large Company? In those trilogies there are similar topics of discussion, which is how university and industry collaborate in harmony to make a beautiful symphony called “Silicon Valley”. In this article I would like to talk over what have been said by Angelina Veni: “Silicon Valley is more than just a building, company, and universities – there is enthusiasm here, idealism, and culture.” Enthusiasm, idealism, and culture, my opinion is that these three things is very important for University in Indonesia to trigger an innovation.

Continue reading [Guest Post] Enthusiasm, Idealism, and Culture: University’s Main Asset to Trigger Innovation’s First Gathering in Bandung (Video Interview) held their first gathering in Bandung last Saturday June 25, 2011. Held at Rumah Makan Arum Manis – Cihampelas Bandung, it was attended by more than 300 people, not only users but also merchants. becomes one of interesting daily deals service since it was launched because focusing on food merchants. They have plenty of active users, especially from Bandung. As Firman, founder, stated the reason they chose Bandung to held first gathering was based on the fact that the largest community of is in the city.

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The Treehouse: Internet Hopes and Hypes

Puff Doggy by Daniel Peacock[Editor’s note: The infamous Treespotter has always been an astute and sharp observer of what is going on in Indonesia. Beginning today, The Treehouse at DailySocial will be host to Treespotter’s public thoughts and remarks with regards to technology, enterprise, startups, and the media. As Treespotter is not an employee of DailySocial his views and comments may not necessarily reflect that of DailySocial. Regardless, we are thrilled to have his column. Welcome to The Treehouse.]

There’s an interesting piece from the BBC – on Google’s increased attention on Asia – the shifting gravity as BBC puts it. The article itself didn’t mention Indonesia, it was mostly about China. Google got kicked out of China for doing the right thing. For many foreign players, China is an increasingly competitive market, true on the internet just as it’s true in textile: China now outsource clothes manufacturing to Vietnam. If you think textile was worrying, this is a whole different league.

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Friendster Diluncurkan Kembali Sebagai Gaming Platform

Friendster secara resmi melakukan rebranding situs jejaring sosial mereka menjadi platform game online, menjauhi persaingan dengan berbagai situs jejaring sosial yang lain.

Jejaring sosial ‘pra-sejarah’ Friendster telah benar-benar dilupakan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini, posisinya digantikan oleh Facebook, Twitter dan jejaring sosial lainnya. Setelah mereka mengalami beberapa masalah serius sejak tahun 2006, Friendster masih melakukan berbagai upaya untuk bertahan hidup, namun tidak satupun dari strategi tersebut bisa membuat Friendster keren kembali seperti dulu.

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[Guest Post] Online Game di Indonesia dan Monetisasinya

Editor : Topik hari ini adalah gaming, sebuah industri yang tidak mengenal umur dan terus ada dalam berbagai bentuk mulai dari konsol hingga social mobile gaming. Pertanyaan paling penting bagi gaming startup, bagaimana monetisasinya? Disini Didiet dari OneBit Media akan mencoba berbagi insight mengenai bisnis model gaming di Indonesia.

Ada yang menarik dengan fenomena media sosial akhir-akhir ini di Indonesia. Beberapa platform mulai mendeklarasikan dirinya sebagai platform permainan (game) online. Friendster, seperti yang ditulis dalam blog dailysocial sebuah platform media sosial yang pernah naik daun dan sangat populer di Indonesia, me-relaunch dirinya sebagai online gaming platform. Selain Friendster,mig33 yang mempunyai user puluhan juta di Asia Tenggara mulai merencanakan untuk menjual virtual goods di pasar Asia dan memindahkan kantornya ke Singapura. Bahkan Nokia pun mengadakan Game Developer War yang saya lihat cukup sukses menjaring dan mempublikasi bibit-bibit potensial game developer lokal Indonesia.

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Sebuah Daftar Singkat dari Investor Teknologi di Indonesia

Akhir-akhir ini banyak sekali investasi yang terjadi di Indonesia, startup di bidang teknologi menjadi sorotan dan (hampir) semua orang membicarakannya. Namun, saya melihat lebih banyak dana investasi yang dibentuk daripada startup berkualitas tinggi yang diluncurkan, bukti kuat bahwa semua orang mencoba untuk masuk ke industri ini tetapi sayangnya startup yang ada belum siap, atau kemungkinan lain dimana para startup ini tidak membutuhkan dana (kecil kemungkinannya).

Melalui artikel ini saya akan mencoba memberikan gambaran serta beberapa info tentang lembaga investasi teknologi yang dibentuk untuk berinvestasi di perusahaan-perusahaan startup Indonesia, serta informasi tentang latar belakang dan portofolio mereka. Mudah-mudahan ini dapat memberikan perbandingan yang objektif bagi para pembaca tentang para investor mana saja yang saat ini aktif bermitra dengan para startup dalam bentuk akselerator, inkubator bisnis atau VC.

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Friendster Relaunched As Gaming Platform

Friendster now officially rebrand the social networking site as an online gaming platform, walking away from the stiff competition of social networking sites. They didn’t stand a chance, really.

The pre-historic social network Friendster has been totally forgotten for the past years, casted by the shadow of Facebook, Twitter and other social networks existed. After they experienced some serious trouble since 2006, Friendster still attempted several effort to survive but none of those strategies could make Friendster cool again.

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