All posts by Tatiana

The 40% of Local Component-Regulation May not Help to Reduce the Cost

The government is currently preparing a regulation for the implementation of Frequency Division Duplex-Long Term Evolution (FDD-LTE)- based 4G connection on 1800 MHz. Well, it should have been finalized this year, as customers should have had the taste of the new tech already. Continue reading The 40% of Local Component-Regulation May not Help to Reduce the Cost

Kewajiban TKDN 40% untuk Smartphone 4G Belum Tentu Tekan Harga

Ilustrasi Produk Lokal / Shutterstock

Saat ini pemerintah sedang sibuk menyiapkan aturan soal implementasi 4G berbasis Frequency Division Duplex-Long Term Evolution (FDD-LTE) di frekuensi 1800 MHz. Ya, pada tahun ini seharusnya pelanggan seluler sudah bisa menikmati layanan generasi keempat di frekuensi ideal yang paling dinanti.

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E-Commerce Players: What Kind of Tax Do You Look to Apply, Dear Government?

Government’s plan to apply tax towards e-commerce players isn’t a joke, as they are currently finalizing the blueprint with related parties. Rudiantara, our Minister of Communication and Information, claimed that his team have discussed with the Ministry of Finance in regard to materialize the regulation. He even said that it’s not only e-commerce which will be the subject of this plan, but also over the top (OTT) players that have transactions as well. Continue reading E-Commerce Players: What Kind of Tax Do You Look to Apply, Dear Government?

Pelaku Industri E-Commerce Pertanyakan Pajak Apalagi yang Ingin Dikenakan Pemerintah

Ilustrasi Pebisnis yang Kaget Mendapatkan Tagihan Perpajakan / Shutterstock

Rencana pemerintah untuk memberlakukan kewajiban pajak pada pemain e-commerce rupanya tidak main-main. Pemerintah saat ini tengah mematangkan rencana tersebut dengan berkomunikasi dengan berbagai pihak terkait. Rudiantara, Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika, mengatakan pihaknya telah berdiskusi dengan Kementerian Keuangan perihal rencana aturan tersebut. Bahkan menurutnya, tidak hanya e-commerce, tetapi juga pemain over the top (OTT) yang memiliki transaksi juga akan dikenai pajak.

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