Tag Archives: Apps Planet

S-Nexian and Local Mobile Application Stores

S-Nexian is preparing to launch a mobile app store, Apps Planet, that will be pre-loaded in the ranks of their Android smartphone soon.

S-Nexian could be considered a local mobile phone vendor with the largest market share, has teamed up with five GSM operators for using operator billing payment system. Details about the Apps Planet still can’t be informed here; however we will inform the details once the information is clear. In my opinion, what is becoming a wedge for me is local application store.

Previously, the three major operators,Telkomsel, Indosat, and XL have set up their own local mobile application stores. Some of them even (with the euphoria) invited special developer to present a business scheme that will be run. As for XL at the initial launch of their BlackBerry service, they have been partnering with Better-B and providing pre-loaded XL Mall. The result now is? None of the local application stores survived.

Why there is barely no local application store survive? Although I wasn’t involved directly in that three stores applications, it seems clear that there is no clear commitment between both parties; operator as an owner and developer as a store filler. With a limited number of applications and smartphone market as well, of course, this segment isn’t feasible to proceed for long term – especially in terms of financial and monetization.

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S-Nexian dan Toko Aplikasi Mobile Lokal

S-Nexian dikabarkan segera meluncurkan toko aplikasi mobile Apps Planet yang bakal pre-loaded di dalam jajaran smartphone Android-nya. S-Nexian yang bisa dibilang merupakan vendor ponsel lokal dengan pangsa pasar terbesar telah bekerja sama dengan lima operator GSM untuk sistem pembayaran menggunakan operator billing (atau di sini lebih dikenal sebagai potong pulsa). Rincian tentang Apps Planet masih belum kami dapat di sini — akan kami informasikan kemudian detailnya jika sudah ada informasi jelas. Yang mungkin masih menjadi ganjalan bagi saya adalah adanya toko aplikasi lokal.

Dulu, tiga operator besar yaitu Telkomsel, Indosat, dan XL sudah pernah mendirikan toko aplikasi mobile lokalnya sendiri. Beberapa malah dengan gempita mengundang pengembang khusus untuk mempresentasikan skema bisnis yang bakal dijalankannya. XL malah dari awal peluncuran layanan BlackBerry-nya sudah menggandeng Better-B dan memberikan aplikasi XL Mall secara pre-loaded. Hasilnya sekarang? Tidak ada satupun toko aplikasi lokal yang bertahan.

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