Tag Archives: AppZone

Peluang Bagi Pengembang Aplikasi Bertambah Dengan Telkomsel AppZone

Minggu kemarin Telkomsel meluncurkan toko aplikasi khusus pelanggan mereka dengan nama Telkomsel AppZone. Seperti yang dituliskan oleh Kompas, AppZone ini telah menyediakan sekitar 2.000 lebih aplikasi yang bisa diunduh (hanya) oleh para pengguna Telkomsel.

Seperti yang sering saya katakan dalam beberapa artikel di DailySocial yang membahas tema seputar pengembang aplikasi dan toko aplikasi, yang kini menjadi hal yang semakin lumrah, toko aplikasi selain menjadi peluang bagi para pengembang juga akan memberikan keuntungan bagi penyedia toko aplikasi.

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Telkomsel Breaks The Device Boundary with Appzone

Telkomsel, one of the biggest telco provider in Indonesia today announced Appzone. As the name suggests, Appzone is an application marketplace where Telkomsel subscriber can download various apps regardless the devices they’re using. Appzone provides applications for Blackberries, iPhones and Java-based apps for Nokia and Sony-Ericsson users. So every Telkomsel users from any devices will have the privileges to enjoy these apps.

Applications showcased on Appzone now not only consist of free apps, some apps are also came with a price tag between IDR 8000 – 20.000, which is very affordable.

This is another alternative for Telkomsel subscriber other than the app offered by their manufacturer like iPhone App Store, Blackberry App World, or Android Marketplace. In terms of competition with other app-market, it is less likely to compete with other marketplace since it’s very exclusive and so far it didn’t gain enough traction from independent developers. It is most likely that Telkomsel have a deal with their software developer partners to develop mobile apps for AppZone.

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