Tag Archives: AskSteve

AdaKerja’s Target After Securing 14.7 Billion Rupiah in a Follow-on Funding

On Friday (30/10), job marketplace platform AdaKerja announced the follow-on funding from Beenext worth $1 million or 14.7 billion Rupiah. The seed funding has opened since last year when the company debuted, Beenext also became their first investor. Thanks to the participation of several angel investors (including the leadership of LinkedIn, DBS, ICAP, and the Tolaram Group), the total funding raised was $1.4 million.

The additional capital obtained will be prioritized in product and technology development resulting in AdaKerja’s service more capable of accommodating blue-collar workers in Indonesia.

In fact, a similar platform is also being prepared to be replicated in Singapore under the name AskSteve. However, to DailySocial, Founder & CEO Ashwin Tiwari said that currently they only focus on business in Indonesia. While the unit in Singapore is only in the beta stage – functionally the same as AdaKerja already operating in Indonesia.

Was founded in 2019, AdaKerja claims to have reached around 600 thousand job seekers and 10 thousand businesses involved on its platform. This achievement made Ashwin and his team quite optimistic about 2020, even though the business climate was badly hit by a slowdown due to the pandemic.

Targeting blue-collar workers (in the informal sector), AdaKerja is not solely on this sector, there are already several platforms that provide similar services. There are Job2Go, Heikaku, or Workmate. However, Ashwin is quite optimistic, because there is a value proposition they offer.

“Yes, I can imagine. But after you open [AdaKerja], there are major differences. And the most important thing, we are not a digital staffing agency. The model [agency] is widely adopted by other players, they charge up to 20% commission to workers, those who should get the whole [wages] income,” Ashwin said.

Ashwin Tiwari
AdaKerja’s Founder & CEO, Ashwin Tiwari / AdaKerja

In terms of features, AdaKerja provides a personalized job search experience for job seekers by chatting using the WhatsApp or Messenger bot. Meanwhile, business partners (UKM), they are presented with an application to manage the recruitment process more efficiently. Embracing blue collar circles, most of AdaKerja’s partners come from SMEs. Because it is considered that these businessmen absorb more informal workers.

As for his business model, Ashwin explained, “Our service is completely free for job seekers. Employers buy interview credits at an affordable cost, then use them to invite candidates.”

Building a job marketplace business in Indonesia is not without challenges. “Frankly, the challenge is to build a fast-growing business, regardless of whether the company is based in Indonesia or not. Building a strong team and corporate culture is also not easy.”

“Our mission in Indonesia is to digitize job search and payrolls for 100 million blue-collar workers and 60 million MSMEs. According to projections, SMEs absorb about 95% of the workforce and record $ 300 billion in the annual payroll; serving them is our focus,” concluded Ashwin.

Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian

Fokus AdaKerja Setelah Kantongi 14,7 Miliar Rupiah dalam Pendanaan Lanjutan

Jumat (30/10) platform job marketplace AdaKerja mengumumkan perolehan pendanaan lanjutan dari Beenext senilai $1 juta atau setara 14,7 miliar Rupiah. Pendanaan awal sebenarnya sudah dibuka sejak tahun lalu, saat perusahaan debut, Beenext turut jadi investor pertama mereka. Berkat partisipasi dari beberapa angel investor (termasuk pimpinan LinkedIn, DBS, ICAP, dan Tolaram Group), total dana yang berhasil dikumpulkan senilai $1,4 juta.

Modal tambahan yang didapat akan diprioritaskan dalam pengembangan produk dan teknologi, sehingga membuat layanan AdaKerja lebih mumpuni dalam mengakomodasi pekerja kerah biru di Indonesia.

Sebenarnya platform serupa juga tengah disiapkan untuk direplikasi di Singapura dengan nama AskSteve. Namun kepada DailySocial, Founder & CEO Ashwin Tiwari mengatakan bahwa secara bisnis saat ini mereka baru fokus di Indonesia. Sementara unitnya di Singapura baru di tahap beta — secara fungsional bakal sama dengan AdaKerja yang sudah beroperasi di Indonesia.

Sejak diluncurkan tahun 2019, AdaKerja mengklaim telah merangkul sekitar 600 ribu pencari kerja dan 10 ribu bisnis yang terlibat di platformnya. Capaian tersebut membuat Ashwin dan tim cukup optimis mengarungi tahun 2020, meski iklim bisnis tengah dilanda perlambatan akibat pandemi.

Menyasar kalangan pekerja kerah biru (biasanya pekerja di sektor informal), AdaKerja tidak sendirian karena sudah ada beberapa platform yang sajikan layanan serupa. Sebut saja Job2Go, Heikaku, atau Workmate. Namun Ashwin cukup optimis, karena ada value proposition yang mereka unggulkan.

“Ya, saya dapat membayangkan. Tapi setelah Anda membuka [AdaKerja], ada perbedaan utama. Dan satu hal yang terpenting, kami bukan agen kepegawaian digital. Model tersebut [agen] banyak diadopsi oleh pemain lain, mereka mengenakan komisi sampai 20% kepada pekerja, orang-orang yang harusnya mendapatkan keseluruhan dari [upah] yang diperoleh,” ujar Ashwin.

Ashwin Tiwari
Founder & CEO AdaKerja Ashwin Tiwari / AdaKerja

Terkait fitur, untuk pencari kerja AdaKerja menghadirkan pengalaman pencarian pekerjaan yang dipersonalisasi dengan mengobrol menggunakan bot WhatsApp atau Messenger. Sementara bagi mitra bisnis (UKM), mereka disuguhkan sebuah aplikasi untuk mengelola proses perekrutan secara lebih efisien. Merangkul kalangan kerah biru, menjadikan sebagian besar mitra AdaKerja datang dari kalangan UKM. Karena dinilai pebisnis tersebut yang lebih banyak menyerap tenaga kerja informal.

Untuk model bisnisnya Ashwin menjelaskan, “Layanan kami sepenuhnya gratis untuk pencari kerja. Perusahaan membeli kredit wawancara dengan biaya terjangkau, kemudian mereka gunakan untuk mengundang kandidat.”

Membangun bisnis job marketplace di Indonesia bukan tanpa tantangan, “Terus terang, tantangannya adalah membangun bisnis yang berkembang pesat, terlepas dari apakah perusahaan itu berbasis di Indonesia atau tidak. Membangun tim dan budaya perusahaan yang kuat juga hal yang tidak mudah.”

“Misi kami di Indonesia adalah mendigitalkan pencarian kerja dan penggajian untuk 100 juta pekerja kerah biru dan 60 juta UMKM. Menurut proyeksi, UMKM menyerap sekitar 95% tenaga kerja dan membukukan $300 miliar dalam daftar gaji tahunan; melayani mereka adalah fokus kami,” tutup Ashwin.

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