Tag Archives: BII

Top-Up XL Tunai from BII

A little step in order to reduce the money supply, XL Tunai (XL Cash) now available to receive top-up from Bank International Indonesia (BII) — both company are owned by Malaysia conglomeration. Cited from Republika, with this cooperation, the BII customers can use electronic banking and ATM to top-up the XL Tunai. Not only from BII ATM, the customers can use the link of ATM Bersama, Prima, or ALTO.

XL Tunai can be used in some merchants that are the XL Tunai partners, including to buy pre-paid credit or to pay the post-paid invoice for XL. You can read the complete information about the XL Tunai on the XL official web.

The telecommunication solution for payment media is getting better by the time. Not only XL but also some other telecommunication operator apply the same system. Even some banks that are actually the official media to do transaction support this system. The development of the technology changes people’s way of transaction. The more mobile the people they will need the application which money in debit/credit cards (EDC) available on their mobile device to do transaction.

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XL Tunai Sekarang Bisa Top-Up Melalui BII

Satu langkah kecil lagi untuk mengurangi uang beredar. XL Tunai kini dapat di-top up melalui Bank International Indonesia (BII) — yang entah kebetulan keduanya dikuasai oleh konglomerasi Malaysia. Dikutip dari Republika, dengan kerjasama ini pengguna BII dapat menggunakan electronic banking dan ATM untuk melakukan top-up terhadap saldo XL Tunai-nya. Tak cuma dari ATM milik BII sendiri, pengguna dapat mengaksesnya menggunakan jaringan ATM Bersama, Prima, maupun ALTO.

XL Tunai dapat digunakan untuk bertransaksi dengan sejumlah merchant yang merupakan mitra XL Tunai, termasuk juga untuk pembelian voucher pulsa prabayar ataupun pembayaran tagihan pascabayar XL. Informasi lebih lengkap tentang XL Tunai dapat Anda peroleh di laman situs resminya.

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