Tag Archives: BlackBerry App

The Importance of BlackBerry World for RIM’s Future

Blackberry World, an annual conference attended by the entire supporting ecosystem of Blackberry, is being held on May 1 – 3, 2012 in Orlando, Florida, United States. This year, BlackBerry World will also be host to BlackBerry 10 Jam, a special event for developers where Research in Motion (RIM), will introduce BlackBerry 10, its new operating system for BlackBerry devices that will be released in the second half of this year.

Tyler Lessard, former RIM vice president, said to PC World that the BlackBerry 10 operating system will be different from the existing BlackBerry operating system. Applications on Blackberry App World designed for current operating system will not be compatible with BlackBerry 10.

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Krusialnya BlackBerry World untuk Masa Depan RIM

BlackBerry World, sebuah konferensi tahunan yang diikuti oleh seluruh ekosistem pendukung BlackBerry, digelar 1-3 Mei 2012 ini di Orlando, Florida, Amerika Serikat. Tahun ini, dalam BlackBerry World juga akan digelar BlackBerry 10 Jam, sebuah acara khusus untuk pengembang dimana pihak Research In Motion (RIM), produsen BlackBerry, akan mengenalkan BlackBerry 10, sistem operasi baru BlackBerry yang baru akan dirilis pertengahan kedua tahun ini.

Tyler Lessard, mantan wakil presiden RIM, seperti ditulis oleh PC World mengatakan bahwa sistem operasi BlackBerry 10 sangat berbeda dengan sistem operasi yang dipakai oleh BlackBerry sekarang ini. Aplikasi-aplikasi yang terdapat dalam BlackBerry App World yang diperuntukkan untuk sistem operasi yang dipakai sekarang, tidak akan bisa dipakai dalam BlackBerry 10.

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Does Application Become RIM’s Investment Target in Indonesia?

One of the articles on Bisnis.com (in Indonesian) about RIM investment in Indonesia is caught my interest. We might know the “war” between Indonesian government and RIM becomes like soap opera with long episodes.

Many things keep our attention on it. One of them is the RIM investment. The article on Bisnis.com stated that RIM will propose the investment concept in November. This statement comes from Hatta Rajasa – Coordinating Minister for Economy. The investment (according to Bisnis.com) is about the software, not the hardware, and it might be about the development of research centre and application institute for global market. It will be done with the cooperation with technology institute in Indonesia (Bandung and Bali).

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DuniaVirtual Launched BlackBerry App

It has been a month that one of local e-commerce portal, DuniaVirtual.com released the application for BlackBerry platform. It is one of DuniaVirtual strategies to make the customers easier to access their service. Previously, one of the famous e-commerce, TokoBagus, also launched their application for BlackBerry platform.

DuniaVirtual application can be downloaded for free and is available on BlackBerry App World or can be downloaded directly from DuniaVirtual server. This application can run in any kind of BlackBerry devices with at least 5.0 version.

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DuniaVirtual Luncurkan Aplikasi untuk BlackBerry, Mobile E-Commerce di Indonesia Mulai Seru!

Sudah sebulan yang lalu, salah satu portal e-commerce lokal yaitu DuniaVirtual.com merilis aplikasi untuk platform BlackBerry. Tentunya ini adalah salah satu usaha DuniaVirtual dalam mempermudah konsumen untuk mengakses layanannya. Sebelumnya salah satu e-commerce yang cukup tenar yaitu TokoBagus, juga meluncurkan aplikasinya untuk platform BlackBerry.

Aplikasi DuniaVirtual ini dapat diunduh secara gratis dan sudah tersedia di BlackBerry App World atau dapat diunduh langsung dari server DuniaVirtual. Aplikasi ini dapat berjalan di semua jenis ponsel BlackBerry dengan sistem operasi versi 5.0.0 ke atas.

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TokoBagus Released BlackBerry Application

TokoBagus, one of Indonesia’s famous ecommerce portals recently launched their Blackberry application to reach more consumers. Considering many people are accessing internet through mobile device instead of computer, this application will be a crucial part from an expansion of a web based company.

Collaborating with Better-B, this application (should be) supports almost all kinds of BlackBerry in the market, at least, using OS v 4.5, including type 83xx. However for this beta version (we tried v 0.0.2) it is recommended to use handset with the latest OS, BlackBerry 6, like 9800, 9780 and 9300.

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TokoBagus Terbitkan Aplikasi BlackBerry

TokoBagus, salah satu portal e-commerce ternama di Indonesia, meluncurkan aplikasi BlackBerry sebagai bagian usahanya untuk menjangkau lebih banyak konsumen. Dengan lebih banyak orang di Indonesia mengakses Internet melalui ponsel ketimbang komputer, pembuatan aplikasi semacam ini menjadi bagian krusial dari ekspansi suatu perusahaan berbasis web.

Bekerja sama dengan Better-B, aplikasi ini (seharusnya) mendukung hampir semua jenis BlackBerry yang ada di pasaran dengan setidaknya menggunakan sistem operasi versi 4.5 ke atas, di dalamnya termasuk versi 83xx. Meskipun demikian untuk versi beta ini (versi 0.0.2 yang dicobai oleh kami) disarankan untuk menggunakan handset dengan sistem operasi terbaru, BlackBerry 6, seperti 9800, 9780 dan 9300.

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Intel Indonesia Announced Their BlackBerry App “Warnai Hidupmu”

Intel Indonesia announced their app for BlackBerry with local touch called Warnai Hidupmu (Color Your Life), at Capocaccia, Pacific Place, May 5, 2011. This app is available for free in BlackBerry App World for handset using OS 5 and above. They worked together with 7langit in developing the apps and invited Dennis Adishwara and Asta Andoko (RAN) for the content because of the two gentlemen’s consistent performance in creative communication world in Indonesia.

Navin Shenoy, VP of Sales and Marketing Group and General Manager of Intel Corp Asia Pacific in their press released stated, “Warnai Hidupmu will enable cell phone users and technology enthusiast in Indonesia to gain easier access on Intel’s latest information and activity. We realize how our users in Indonesia are getting more and more creative and active in social network – Intel is here to reach out to them.”

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Intel Indonesia Umumkan Ketersediaan Aplikasi BlackBerry “Warnai Hidupmu”

Bertempat di Capocaccia, Pacific Place, Intel Indonesia umumkan ketersediaan aplikasi BlackBerry bernuansa lokal. Diberi nama “Warnai Hidupmu” (Color Your Life), aplikasi ini dapat diunduh secara gratis mulai minggu ini di BlackBerry App World untuk handset dengan OS 5 ke atas. Untuk pembuatan aplikasi ini, Intel Indonesia bekerja sama dengan 7langit dan menggandeng Dennis Adishwara dan Asta Andoko (RAN) untuk pembuatan kontennya karena konsistensi kinerja mereka dalam komunitas kreatif di Indonesia.

Navin Shenoy, VP Sales and Marketing Group and General Manager, Intel Corp Asia Pasifik, dalam rilis persnya mengatakan, “Warnai Hidupmu memungkinkan pengguna ponsel dan penggemar teknologi di Indonesia untuk mendapat akses yang lebih mudah pada informasi dan aktivitas terbaru Intel. Kami sadar bagaimana pengguna kami di Indonesia telah semakin kreatif dan aktif dalam jejaring sosial – untuk itu pulalah Intel hadir menjangkau mereka.”

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Monitoring Our Children’s Activity with Kieeds

When I first got the information about Kieeds, I honestly excited by the theme raised. How can parents and schools collaborate to monitor the activities of our children everyday? Kieeds present as a bridge for the parents and the school to exchange information about what activities are carried out by our lovely kids in the school and the current activities in their school.

Although right now my daughter has not yet entered the school or pre-school, of course I’ve started to look around the school that would fit with my kids someday. Not just about the cost, the physical structure and the curriculum, but the convenience when communicating with principals, teachers and other school tools are important when I’m about to entrusted my aughter to her education.

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