Tag Archives: boy thohir

Autopedia GoTo

Peluang Platform Car Marketplace “Autopedia” Masuk ke Ekosistem GoTo

Baru-baru ini, Garibaldi ‘Boy’ Thohir resmi menggenggam saham PT Tri Adi Bersama (Anteraja) sebesar 10 persen senilai Rp70,55 miliar. Kini, Boy Thohir kembali dikabarkan akan membeli 5-10 persen saham milik PT Autopedia Sukses Lestari Tbk (IDX:ASLC).

Baik Anteraja dan Autopedia sama-sama merupakan anak usaha dari PT Adi Sarana Armada Tbk (IDX: ASSA). Sementara, Boy tercatat sebagai Komisaris Utama PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (IDX: GOTO) yang mana juga baru saja resmi melantai di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI).

Akuisisinya terhadap saham Anteraja otomatis membawa perusahaan logistik tersebut ke dalam ekosistem raksasa milik GoTo. Tentu aksi korporasi ini akan sejalan dengan strategi hyperlocal yang tengah digenjot oleh GoTo.

Berdasarkan paparan publik beberapa waktu lalu, Co-founder dan CEO GoTo Andre Soelistyo menyebut akan menggunakan dana IPO untuk mengeksekusi strategi hyperlocal lewat tiga anak usaha, yakni Gojek (ride-hailing), Tokopedia (e-commerce), dan GoTo Financial (fintech). Pada lini ride-hailing dan e-commerce, logistik memainkan peran yang sangat penting.

Ekosistem digital GoTo / Sumber: IndoPremier

Lalu bagaimana dengan Autopedia?

Penjualan mobil O2O

Jika melihat model bisnisnya, Adi Sarana saat ini punya posisi kuat di sektor otomotif lewat tiga pilar bisnis, yakni JBA Indonesia, Caroline.id, dan Cartalog.

JBA merupakan platform lelang kendaraan, baik online maupun offline, yang didukung 34 jaringan lelang offline di seluruh Indonesia. Sebagian besar menyasar B2B yang melibatkan perusahaan pihak ketiga, yakni pembiayaan dan diler. Cartalog adalah platform untuk engine berbasis teknologi AI yang menyediakan daftar harga kepada seluruh pemain di industri otomotif, khususnya penjual dan pembeli mobil bekas.

Kemudian, Caroline.id adalah marketplace C2C dan B2C yang menghubungkan pembeli dan penjual mobil bekas dengan harga transparan. Melalui platform ini, penjual dapat mengirimkan appraisal untuk menilai, melakukan listing, dan memproses mobil yang akan dijual. Di ranah B2C, Caroline.id bersaing dengan sejumlah pemain, seperti Carro, OLX, dan Carsome.

Per kuartal ketiga 2021, JBA Indonesia telah melelang sebanyak 75.000 unit kendaraan, lebih dari 20.000 pengguna, dan lebih dari 50.000 unduhan di Google Play Store. Caroline mencatat transaksi lebih dari 100 unit mobil, dan memiliki 1.000 unduhan aplikasi di Play Store, sedangkan Cartalog masih 5.000 unduhan.

Berdasarkan wawancara dengan DailySocial.id tahun lalu, Direktur Adi Sarana Armada Jany Candra mengatakan tengah fokus memperkuat digitalisasi pada tiga pilar bisnisnya dan meningkatkan ekosistem otomotif berbasis digital yang terintegrasi dengan teknologi terkini. Autopedia juga tengah membidik untuk menjadi O2O untuk mobil bekas lewat brand Caroline dan JBA.

“Saat ini, kami masih fokus untuk mengembangkan bisnis yang sudah ada dan memperkuat fundamental perusahaan dengan melakukan inovasi-inovasi teknologi berbasis digital. Namun, kami masih harus lihat perkembangan bisnis ke depan jika bicara kemungkinan kolaborasi dengan platform yang punya ekosistem digital besar,” ujarnya kepada DailySocial.id.

Jika benar masuk ekosistem GoTo, skenario yang cukup memungkinkan adalah mengintegrasikan layanan yang dimiliki Adi Sarana ke platform Tokopedia yang juga sudah merambah ke penjualan mobil baru maupun bekas. Ekosistem raksasa yang dimiliki GoTo memungkinkan Adi Sarana untuk memperluas channel penjualan mobilnya.

Salah satu kolaborasi Tokopedia yang sudah berjalan adalah bersama Carro. Carro mencatat tren pembelian mobil secara contactless mengalami peningkatan 100% dari bulan ke bulan. Per September 2020, sebanyak tiga dari sepuluh mobil terjual, terjadi secara contactless.

Selain itu, platform car marketplace juga bisa menjadi alternatif bagi mitra pengemudi Go-Car yang mungkin membutuhkan bantuan pengadaan armada. Seperti diketahui, platform serupa Autopedia biasanya juga bekerja sama dengan lembaga pembiayaan untuk pembelian mobil bekas — atau kegiatan tukar-tambah.

Bisnis car marketplace berkembang pesat

Di Indonesia, bisnis car marketplace berkembang dengan baik dengan model bisnis C2B2C. Beberapa platform yang telah melayani pasar ini di antaranya Carsome, Carro, Moladin, OLX Autos, sampai dengan yang paling baru ada Broom. Selain memberikan platform, mereka juga bertindak untuk membeli dan menjual mobil bekas langsung dari/ke pelanggan.

Di industri jual-beli kendaraan bekas memang masih ada sejumlah tantangan klasik yang dihadapi pelakunya. Mulai dari fragmentasi pasar, transparansi harga, inventarisasi produk, sistem inspeksi, sampai dengan kemudahan dalam pembiayaan. Setiap bermain berlomba-lomba untuk menyajikan solusi terbaik dalam menyelesaikan isu tersebut.

pasca penutupan pendanan seri F, Gojek berpotensi melanjutkan inisiatif IPO. Sudah ada pembicaraan untuk melakukan dual listing di BEI dan tempat lain.

Putaran Pendanaan Seri F Gojek Ditutup Januari 2020, Lanjut Rencanakan IPO?

Seperti diketahui sebelumnya, startup decacorn Gojek saat ini tengah menggalang pendanaan dalam putaran seri F. Perusahaan menargetkan dana baru sebesar $3 miliar (setara 42,2 triliun Rupiah) untuk mendukung percepatan ekspansi di kancah regional.

Putaran terakhir diumumkan pada September 2019 lalu dengan partisipasi perusahaan asuransi dan investasi AIA Indonesia. Sebelumnya di bulan Juli 2019, Visa dan tiga unit bisnis Mitsubishi juga turut bergabung. Termasuk Astra di Maret 2019 serta Google, JD.com, dan Tencent Holdings di Oktober 2018.

Dalam sebuah acara di Singapura, Co-CEO Gojek Andre Soelistyo menyampaikan, putaran seri F kemungkinan ditutup pada Januari 2020. Prakiraannya, saat ini perusahaan sudah bukukan sekitar $2 miliar. Kabarnya raksasa e-commerce Amazon tengah dalam pembicaraan untuk kemitraan strategis dengan Gojek.

Kemungkinan IPO

Di kesempatan lain, dalam sebuah wawancara denganKomisaris Gojek Boy Thohir, disampaikan bahwa setiap unit bisnis yang ada sudah dirancang untuk mendulang profit di waktu mendatang. Babak investasi baru yang terus digalang menurutnya memang bagian dari rencana pertumbuhan (growth).

“Di masa depan, setiap bagian dari bisnis Gojek akan profit. Tujuannya untuk mencapai pada ukuran tertentu. Guna mencapai ini, maka harus mengeluarkan uang terlebih dulu. Ketika mencapai target pertumbuhannya, Gojek akan profitable,” ujar Boy.

Ia juga akan mendorong perusahaan untuk melakukan penawaran publik (IPO). “Saya pikir setiap startup akan berkembang menjadi perusahaan publik. Ini adalah cara investor untuk exit.”

Boy pun mengarahkan Gojek untuk melantai di bursa saham. Ia pun terus mendorong BEI untuk lebih proaktif memberikan nilai tambah bagi startup agar lebih tertarik melakukan IPO di Indonesia.

Rencana IPO turut disampaikan Andre dalam konferensi pers ulang tahun ke-9 Gojek di Jakarta (02/11). Saat ini perusahaan sudah mempersiapkan langkah untuk ke sana, kendati belum menentukan waktu terbaiknya. Dipastikan juga BEI akan menjadi salah satu pilihan, karena ada peluang perusahaan melakukan pencatatan di dua tempat (dual listing).

Acara peringatan HUT Gojek ke-9 di Jakarta / Gojek

Kabar ekspansi

Saat ini Gojek sudah mulai memasuki pasar di beberapa negara di Asia Tenggara, meliputi Thailand, Vietnam, dan Singapura. Sementara di Malaysia dan Filipina tengah dalam tahap pematangan. Kabar teranyar, mereka telah jalin kemitraan strategis dengan perusahaan taksi terbesar di Singapura, Trans-Cab. Per Desember 2019 ini, layanan taksi bisa dipesan lewat aplikasi Gojek. Sementara di  Malaysia, pemerintah setempat sudah memberikan izin kepada Gojek untuk melakukan uji tuntas layanan ojek online di tahun 2020.

“Pertumbuhan di Thailand dan Vietnam sangat baik. Gojek berpotensi jadi pemimpin pasar. Di Asia Tenggara, Indonesia jadi pasar terbesar. Pemain yang mendominasi pasar Indonesia menjadi juara, karena mewakili setengah dari pasar regional,” tutur Boy.

Ia pun memberikan komentar tentang pesaingnya, Grab, yang saat ini punya valuasi lebih besar. “Saya yakin Gojek akan menjadi juara di Asia Tenggara. Bahkan karena para pesaingnya mungkin memiliki lebih banyak dana. Saya pikir uang bukan segalanya. Perusahaan Indonesia harus mendukung Gojek.”

Selain jasa transportasi, saat ini Gojek telah operasikan berbagai jenis layanan. Termasuk yang teranyar platform vodeo on demand GoPlay. Platform digital wallet miliknya juga berhasil penetrasi di pasar. Menurut laporan Fintech Report 2019, GoPay jadi layanan digital wallet yang paling banyak digunakan di Indonesia.

Application Information Will Show Up Here
Application Information Will Show Up Here
Boy Thohir as Gojek's new commissioner has high hopes for IPO

Gojek Commissioner Has High Hopes for an IPO

Indonesian energy industry tycoon Garibaldi Thohir, also known as Boy Thohir, was appointed to the board of advisors in ride-hailing firm Gojek in July.

After Gojek founder Nadiem Makarim joined President Joko Widodo’s new cabinet, Thohir stepped up as president commissioner to lead the company’s non-executive board. Thohir had been Gojek’s independent commissioner since July.

Thohir belongs to a family of entrepreneurs that are internationally recognized for their success in the business world, and his father is the co-owner of Astra International, an investor in Gojek.

KrASIA recently interviewed Thohir about his role as president commissioner with Gojek, as well as his investments in digital businesses.

KrAsia (Kr): How familiar were you with Gojek prior to being appointed as its commissioner?

Garibaldi Thohir (GT): I knew Nadiem before he began to develop Gojek. I partnered with Northstar Pacific’s founders Patrick Walujo and Glenn Sugita [the early investors of Gojek] for years.

Six years ago, Patrick told me that Nadiem began expanding Gojek. He said he would support Nadiem’s business. Sometimes Nadiem would come to me for my advice. Gojek grew until it expanded to other countries in Southeast Asia. One day, Nadiem and other friends [in the company’s management] at Gojek officially asked me to be its commissioner. I was interested because I could contribute more to Gojek, an Indonesian creation.

During the past six years, I sometimes gave them advice concerning the management style and direction. Even though it is a startup, it is going to become a big company, like eBay or Amazon. Gojek does not need to change its DNA. It is going to become a publicly traded company one day.

Kr: Are you worried about Gojek’s loss-making status?

GT: I do not really know the details, because I’m not an active part of its day-to-day operations. But if we look at Gojek, there are other businesses such as GoFood, GoRide, and GoPay. We should not only look at individual parts of its business, but also its whole ecosystem.

GoFood is the most phenomenal. The other services that will boost the business are transportation and the payments space.

I think in the future, every part of Gojek’s business will be profitable. The goal is to reach a certain size. To achieve this, it has to spend money. When it achieves its growth targets, Gojek will become profitable. Ultimately, as investors, we expect our portfolios to be profitable.

Kr: Have you encouraged Gojek to become a publicly traded company?

GT: Yes, I think every startup company will evolve to become a publicly traded company. It is a way for investors to exit. I think there are still big tech companies in China that earn profits. We can learn from them.

In Gojek’s case, I believe Gojek has a viable business model. If it achieves scale, its costs will reduce.

Kr: Should Gojek pursue an IPO in Indonesia or other countries? If they choose Indonesia, is the market capable of absorbing the market valuation of Gojek?

GT: As the commissioner of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), I encourage Gojek to have an IPO in Indonesia, as this will create a multiplier effect.

I have had discussions with the IDX directors; we definitely have to beat the market size of Singapore or Thailand. Many Indonesian companies have listed on Singapore’s SGX. So we have to rethink the value and attractiveness of IDX, so companies will prefer to carry out their IPOs in Indonesia. I encourage Gojek to have an IPO in Indonesia. IDX should be proactive in providing added value to startups. If Gojek succeeds, other industry players will follow suit.

Kr: How do you view Gojek’s expansion in Southeast Asia? Why has it gone smoothly in some countries?

GT: You need to view things from a growth perspective. Growth in Thailand and Vietnam has been extraordinary. Gojek is a potential champion. In Southeast Asia, Indonesia is currently the largest market. The player who can dominate the Indonesian market becomes the champion, because Indonesia represents half of the market in Southeast Asia.

I am sure that Gojek will be the champion in Southeast Asia. It should be and must be. Even as its competitors may have a lot of funding, I think money is not everything. Indonesian companies have to support Gojek.

KR: The World Bank has downgraded Indonesia’s growth outlook for 2019. What do you think the impact will be?

GT : Many economists predict there will be a recession in the United States. Money will flow out of the US. Europe is an old economy. Capital will not come from or flow into the European market. The Indian and Chinese economies are challenging.

However, in Indonesia, the elections went smoothly. Joko Widodo became president again for the second term. If the new cabinet and regulations are market-friendly and attract more foreign direct investment, I believe there will be a bigger chance for direct investments to flow into Indonesia, including its digital businesses, as Indonesia is the largest and most attractive market in Southeast Asia.

Kr: Do you think conglomerates have come to recognize the importance of digital transformation?

GT: Frankly, this is a big gamble. Indonesia is a big market. The tendency of large groups is to set up investment arms. For instance, Djarum Group has GDP Ventures, and Sinar Mas Group has Sinar Mas Digital Ventures, which has emulated people such as Masayoshi Son with his Vision Fund. Indonesian firms are headed that way, because they see the need to transform.

Kr: Why were you interested in investing in Umma, an Islamic community focused app?

GT: It’s simply because 80% of the total population of Indonesia is Muslim and this is a big market. I saw a need in the market, which if we could meet, would create a big opportunity.

Another reason why I was interested is because the Muslim population in Indonesia comprise the mid to mid-low income segments. Somehow, they might not get the right information, so they could be misled by religious propaganda. Therefore, we would like to offer legit products and services to these people.

My group and Erick [my brother] have already invested in Umma. We have some businesses that we will integrate into the app, such as Republika [Indonesian national daily newspaper, known as a publication for the Muslim community], umrah and hajj travel services, and sharia insurance. Umma has been downloaded by more than 26 million users; the daily user count currently stands at 200,000.

I realized that a religious app is sometimes too sensitive for some people. Therefore, the app is focused on creating a sharing community among Muslims. The app has several topics for the community, such as Muslim content, fashion, halal food, and lifestyle.

It is expected to generate revenue from advertisements. The plan is to offer services such as sharia financing, as well as umrah and hajj travel options once the app has garnered 20 to 30 million users.

This article first appeared on KrASIA. It’s republished here as part of our partnership.

Garibaldi Thohir and Northstar Pacific Take Over 35% of Hutchison Tri

A surprising news came out of the telecommunications industry the other day. There’s been a significant change in the ownership of Hutchison CP Telecommunications (HCPT), otherwise known as Tri. Two Indonesian tycoons, coal magnate Garibaldi Thohir and Patrick Waluyo from Northstar Pacific Indonesia is taking over the 35% ownership of the company which was previously held by Thailand’s Charoen Pokphand.

Continue reading Garibaldi Thohir and Northstar Pacific Take Over 35% of Hutchison Tri