Tag Archives: CARpartner

Carsome Indonesia on Succession, to Enter the C2B2C Business Model

In order to boost its business in Indonesia, the used car sales platform Carsome has just appointed Delly Nugraha as General Manager of Indonesia. Previously, Delly was known as VP at Gojek who was responsible for the development of SME partners. This succession was also used by Carsome as a form of commitment to seriously work on the Indonesian market. An understanding of the local market is considered important to support this goal.

In a media conference this afternoon (26/11), Delly conveyed a number of strategies that would be taken to improve Carsome’s business. One of them is to launch the C2B2C business model in 2021, enabling consumers to sell their used cars, as well as buy used cars through applications. Previously, Carsome applied C2B services, as a medium for consumers to sell their cars to dealerships – including promotional, inspection, and payment services.

Furthermore, Delly said, there are two things that will be done to strengthen the existence of Carsome Indonesia. First, continue to build consumer trust by improving used car buying and selling services that are easy, fast, and transparent. Second, build organizational and team strength in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic situation. He believes that the positive growth in business results is in line with generating positive business margins as well.

“The used car market was affected by the pandemic, but has started to show growth again in the last few months. We believe the used car market will recover and improve in 2021. Our role at Carsome is to continue to maintain and even increase the momentum of the used car market revival,” said Delly.

According to the research by DSResearch in 2018, there are several car sales services that are currently popular in Indonesia. At that time the survey was followed by 729 respondents who had made car sales transactions through the application. Apart from Carsome, there are BeliMobilGue (now rebranded as OLX Autos) and Carro.

Platform penjualan mobil bekas di Indonesia

Carsome has been present in Indonesia since 2017. As the business strengthens, including the series C funding worth $50 million obtained at the end of 2019, currently in Indonesia they have reached more than 4100 dealers. Overall they have also helped sell more than 100 thousand used cars in their operational areas, namely in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore.

Also attending the Grace Quah event as Regional Marketing Director. He said the most significant markets for Carsome were Indonesia and Malaysia. Many efforts are being made to become a market leader, including they are currently raising new funding to present various product and service initiatives for consumers. There are no details that can be conveyed about the fundraising, the process is not yet complete.

This year, Carsome also launched several technology products, namely the CARpartner and CARdealer applications (previously known as CarsomeGO) to simplify and accelerate the process of searching for used car information and transaction convenience for used car dealers.

“We have a unique value proposition, from the dealer side, they will get more and faster offers (after the goods are inspected). Having more comprehensive options makes them happier. From the consumer side, products are also offered at competitive prices, because our system offers used cars that are sold to many dealers at once – they can bid up to a deal at a certain number, ”Delly said.

With the presence of new business models and innovations, Delly is optimistic that Carsome will become the market leader. This year, it is said to have doubled its sales from before the pandemic. In fact, the growth of used cars sold through Carsome increased by almost 300% quarter-on-quarter in the third quarter of this year.

* Note: We are revising parts of the business model, from C2C ​​to C2B2C

Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian

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Carsome Indonesia Lakukan Suksesi, Segera Rambah Model Bisnis C2B2C

Guna menggenjot bisnisnya di Indonesia, platform penjualan mobil bekas Carsome baru saja menunjuk Delly Nugraha sebagai General Manager Indonesia. Sebelumnya Delly dikenal sebagai VP di Gojek yang bertanggung jawab untuk pengembangan mitra UKM. Suksesi ini juga dijadikan Carsome sebagai wujud komitmen untuk secara serius menggarap pasar Indonesia. Pemahaman tentang pasar lokal dianggap penting untuk menunjang tujuan tersebut.

Dalam acara jumpa media siang ini (26/11), Delly menyampaikan sejumlah strategi yang akan diambil untuk meningkatkan bisnis Carsome. Salah satunya akan meluncurkan model bisnis C2B2C di tahun 2021, memungkinkan konsumen menjual mobil bekasnya, sekaligus membeli mobil bekas lewat aplikasi. Sebelumnya Carsome mengaplikasikan layanan C2B, sebagai medium konsumen menjual mobilnya ke dealer — di dalamnya termasuk layanan promosi, inspeksi, dan pembayaran.

Lebih lanjut Delly mengatakan, ada dua hal yang akan dilakukan untuk memperkuat eksistensi Carsome Indonesia. Pertama, terus membangun kepercayaan konsumen dengan meningkatkan layanan jual-beli mobil bekas yang mudah, cepat, dan transparan. Kedua, membangun kekuatan organisasi dan tim di tengah situasi pandemi Covid-19. Ia yakin pertumbuhan hasil bisnis yang positif sejalan dengan menghasilkan margin bisnis yang positif juga.

“Pasar mobil bekas sempat terkena dampak pandemi, namun sudah mulai menunjukkan pertumbuhan kembali sejak beberapa bulan terakhir. Kami yakin pasar mobil bekas akan kembali pulih dan membaik di 2021. Peran kami di Carsome adalah untuk terus menjaga bahkan menaikkan momentum kebangkitan pasar mobil bekas,” ujar Delly.

Menurut hasil riset yang dilakukan DSResearch tahun 2018, ada beberapa layanan penjualan mobil yang saat ini populer di Indonesia. Kala itu survei diikuti 729 responden yang pernah melakukan transaksi penjualan mobil melalui aplikasi. Selain Carsome, ada BeliMobilGue (kini sudah rebranding jadi OLX Autos) dan Carro.

Platform penjualan mobil bekas di Indonesia

Carsome mulai hadir di Indonesia sejak tahun 2017. Seiring penguatan bisnis, termasuk pendanaan seri C senilai $50 juta yang didapat akhir tahun 2019, saat ini di Indonesia mereka telah merangkul lebih dari 4100 dealer. Secara keseluruhan mereka juga sudah membantu menjual lebih dari 100 ribu mobil bekas di wilayah operasionalnya, yakni di Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, dan Singapura.

Turut hadir dalam acara Grace Quah selaku Regional Marketing Director. Ia mengatakan, pasar yang paling signifikan untuk Carsome adalah Indonesia dan Malaysia. Banyak upaya yang tengah dilakukan untuk menjadi pemimpin pasar, tak terkecuali mereka tengah menggalang pendanaan baru untuk menghadirkan berbagai inisiatif produk dan layanan untuk konsumen. Belum ada detail yang bisa disampaikan soal penggalangan dana, prosesnya belum rampung.

Tahun ini, Carsome juga meluncurkan beberapa produk teknologi, yaitu aplikasi CARpartner dan CARdealer (sebelumnya dikenal sebagai CarsomeGO) untuk lebih mempermudah dan mempercepat proses pencarian informasi mobil bekas dan kenyamanan bertransaksi yang diperuntukkan bagi para dealer mobil bekas.

“Kami punya unique value proposition, dari sisi dealer mereka akan mendapatkan penawaran lebih banyak dan cepat (setelah barang diinspeksi). Adanya opsi yang lebih lengkap membuat mereka lebih senang. Dari sisi konsumen, produk juga ditawarkan dengan harga yang kompetitif, karena sistemnya kami menawarkan mobil bekas yang dijual kepada banyak dealer sekaligus – mereka bisa menawar sampai deal di angka tertentu,” ujar Delly.

Dengan hadirnya model bisnis dan inovasi-inovasi baru, Delly cukup optimis membawa Carsome untuk menjadi pemimpin pasar. Tahun ini, pihaknya juga mengklaim telah meningkatkan penjualannya sebanyak dua kali lipat dari sebelum pandemi. Bahkan, pertumbuhan mobil bekas yang terjual lewat Carsome meningkat hampir 300% quarter-on-quarter pada kuartal ketiga tahun ini.

*Catatan: Kami merevisi bagian model bisnis, dari C2C ke C2B2C

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