Tag Archives: Chilimart

Behind the Rumors around “Chilibeli” Social Commerce

Social commerce startup Chilibeli is temporarily closing its operations, at least until the end of this month. Public’s been told that the reason is server relocation and deep cleaning of resources. The employees are getting laid off and promised that this month’s salary will be disbursed soon.

The management is said to have conveyed the employees that they had tried their best to save the company. According to reliable sources, Chilibeli is still having difficulty on securing the Series B fundraising since last year.

The company is reportedly considering to sell the business. Two unicorn startups are said to have explored potential acquisitions, however, the strongest candidate is rising. WeBuy, a similar startup from Singapore, is highly rumored to be taking over Chilibeli’s business.

WeBuy has been available in Indonesia since September 2021. This company is a portfolio of MDI Ventures, Wavemaker, KB Financial Group, and Rocket Internet.

We haven’t received a confirmation from Chilibeli’s management and its investors regarding this matter.

Chilibeli was founded by Alex Feng, Damon Yue, and Matt Li in 2019. They announced a Series A funding round of $10 million in March 2020. The round was led by Lightspeed Ventures, Golden Gate Ventures, Sequoia Surge, Kinesys Group, and Alto Partners.

The company relies on the C2M (customer to manufacturer) business concept in bridging fresh products from farmers to final consumers in a number of communities. The concept exists to encourage logistics efficiency and ensure product freshness to reach consumers’ hands.

Chilibeli was participated in Surge’s Accelerator Program batch 2.

Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian

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Startup social commerce Chilibeli dikabarkan kehabisan dana operasional dan berpotensi diakusisi WeBuy Singapura untuk meneruskan bisnisnya

Gonjang Ganjing Startup “Social Commerce” Chilibeli

Startup social commerce Chilibeli saat ini sedang menutup operasional secara sementara, setidaknya sampai akhir bulan ini. Alasan yang disampaikan ke publik adalah pemindahan server dan deep cleaning resource. Para pegawainya sudah mulai dirumahkan dengan janji gaji bulan ini masih bakal cair.

Disebutkan manajemen menyampaikan ke para pegawai bahwa mereka sudah berusaha maksimal untuk menyelamatkan perusahaan. Menurut sumber terpercaya, Chilibeli masih kesulitan mendapatkan pendanaan Seri B yang digalang sejak tahun lalu.

Perusahaan dikabarkan sudah menjajaki potensi menjual bisnis. Ada dua startup unicorn yang sempat menjajaki potensi akuisisi, namun kini muncul kandidat kuat WeBuy, startup sejenis asal Singapura, sebagai pihak yang dikabarkan bakal mengambil alih bisnis Chilibeli.

WeBuy sudah beroperasi di Indonesia sejak September 2021. Perusahaan ini merupakan portofolio MDI Ventures, Wavemaker, KB Financial Group, dan Rocket Internet.

Kami belum mendapatkan jawaban dari manajemen Chilibeli dan investornya terkait hal ini.

Chilibeli didirikan oleh Alex Feng, Damon Yue, dan Matt Li di tahun 2019. Mereka mengumumkan perolehan pendanaan Seri A sebesar $10 juta pada Maret 2020. Putaran tersebut dipimpin Lightspeed Ventures, Golden Gate Ventures, Sequoia Surge, Kinesys Group, dan Alto Partners.

Perusahaan mengandalkan konsep bisnis C2M (customer to manufacturer) dalam menjembatani produk segar dari petani ke konsumen akhir dalam jumlah komunitas. Konsep tersebut hadir untuk mendorong efisiensi logistik dan memastikan kesegaran produk hingga di tangan konsumen.

Chilibeli mengikuti program akselerasi Surge batch kedua.

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Chilibeli Introduces Chilimart, to Start Exploring B2B Model

Chilibeli introduces a special B2B platform called Chilimart targeting micro-entrepreneurs. Chilibeli was previously known as a community-based social commerce platform.

Chilibeli’s B2B Sales Manager Novel Leonardo explained that Chilimart has actually been operating since December last year. Chilimart was first designed to reach SMEs.

“The point is, we want to help MSMEs with Chilimart in terms of supply chain process and availability,” Novel said in a virtual press conference (26/8).

Based on the data collected by Chilibeli , there are nearly 65 million SMEs existed in Indonesia. Of this number, 63 million of those are called micro-enterprises. In other words, this micro-business has a central role in the domestic economy.

Entering the B2B segment

Through Chilimart, they are targeting micro-businesses such as vegetable shops, food stalls, grocery stores as their markets. They claim the products sold on the platform are very affordable because they go through a more efficient process including getting first hand supplies.

“Chilimart can directly take from the first hand, with the farmers or the main supplier so that we can get cheaper prices,” added Novel.

Chilibeli’s entrance into the B2B platform means to stir up the fierce battle in the online grocery vertical. Several other players have already implemented this model, including TaniHub and Kedai Sayur.

Novel explained the differentiation of Chilimart from its competitors is that its products are multi-segmented. That means Chilimart does not only provide food such as vegetables and meat but also fruits, instant food and drinks, spices, staples, to health and hygiene products.

In addition, Novel guarantees that their platform can deliver early in the morning as long as confirmation of orders can be made before three in the afternoon. “We invest in our logistics team, therefore, we can run at such hours,” he explained.

Side to side operation

Chilibeli claims Chilimart currently has 10,000 users from all of their operational areas, from Jabodetabek, Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo, and Bandung. Especially in Jabodetabek, users are claimed to be around 6,000 users.

Nevertheless, Novel highlighted the fact that Chilimart complements the Chilibeli ecosystem. It means, they still maintain the concept of community-based social commerce.

“We are still social commerce after all. You could say we are still going both ways. There is a special team dedicated to the two businesses,” concluded Novel.

In addition, Chilibeli also collaborates with Lazada. It has been ongoing since last June. Through this collaboration, Chilibeli can distribute their food ingredients on the Lazada platform. The available food ingredients include vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs, and salted fish.

“Chilibeli is collaborating with Lazada to provide easier access for our customers. Since joining Lazada, Chilibeli has served hundreds of new customers with an increase of more than 1,500 orders in the last 3 months,” Chilibeli’s B2C Commercial Manager, Fintia said in a written statement.

Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian


Perkenalkan Chilimart, Chilibeli Kini Selami Model B2B [UPDATED]

Chilibeli memperkenalkan platform khusus B2B bernama Chilimart. Chilimart ini memilih pengusaha mikro sebagai target pasar mereka. Chilibeli sebelumnya lebih dulu dikenal sebagai platform social commerce berbasis komunitas.

Sales Manager B2B Chilibeli Novel Leonardo menjelaskan bahwa Chilimart sejatinya sudah mulai digulirkan sejak Desember tahun lalu. Chilimart didesain dari awal untuk menjangkau UKM.

“Intinya dengan Chilimart ini kita ingin membantu UMKM dalam segi supply chain process dan ketersediaannya,” ucap Novel dalam konferensi pers virtual (26/8).

Berdasarkan data yang Chilibeli kumpulkan, UKM di Indonesia berjumlah hampir 65 juta unit. Dari angka tersebut, 63 juta di antaranya mereka sebut merupakan usaha mikro. Dengan kata lain usaha mikro ini punya peran sentral terhadap perputaran ekonomi di dalam negeri.

Merambah B2B

Melalui Chilimart, mereka mengincar usaha mikro seperti toko sayur, warung makan, toko kelontong sebagai pasar mereka. Mereka mengklaim produk yang dijual di platform lebih terjangkau karena melalui proses yang lebih efisien termasuk memperoleh pasokan dari tangan pertama.

“Chilimart bisa langsung mengambil dari tangan pertama yakni petani atau supplier utama sehingga kita bisa mendapatkan harga lebih murah,” imbuh Novel.

Masuknya Chilibeli ke platform B2B berarti menambah sengit pertarungan di vertikal online grocery. Beberapa pemain lain yang sudah lebih dulu bermain dengan model ini di antaranya adalah TaniHub dan Kedai Sayur.

Novel menjelaskan yang membedakan Chilimart dengan kompetitor adalah produk mereka multi-segmen. Itu artinya Chilimart tidak hanya sekadar menyediakan pangan seperti sayur mayur dan daging, tapi juga buah-buahan, makanan dan minuman instan, bumbu, bahan pokok, hingga produk kesehatan dan kebersihan.

Di samping itu Novel menjamin bahwa platform mereka dapat melakukan pengantaran pada pagi dini hari asal konfirmasi pesanan dapat dibuat sebelum pukul tiga sore. “Kami investasi di tim logistik kami agar bisa masuk di jam-jam seperti itu,” terangnya.

Berjalan beriringan

Chilibeli mengklaim Chilimart saat ini sudah memiliki 10 ribu pengguna dari semua wilayah operasional mereka yakni Jabodetabek, Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo, dan Bandung. Khusus di Jabodetabek, penggunanya diklaim sekitar 6.000 pengguna.

Kendati demikian, Novel menekankan bahwa Chilimart ini melengkapi ekosistem Chilibeli. Itu artinya, mereka tetap mempertahankan konsep social commerce berdasarkan komunitas.

“Kita tetap social commerce. Bisa dibilang kita tetap jalan dua-duanya. Ada tim khusus yang didedikasikan ke dua bisnis tersebut,” pungkas Novel.

Di samping memperkenalkan platform Chilimart, Chilibeli juga menjalin kerja sama dengan Lazada. Kerja sama keduanya sudah terwujud sejak Juni kemarin. Melalui kolaborasi ini, Chilibeli dapat menyalurkan bahan pangan mereka di platform Lazada. Adapun bahan pangan yang tersedia meliputi sayur-mayur, buah-buahan, daging, telur, hingga ikan asin.

“Chilibeli bergabung dengan Lazada untuk memberikan akses lebih mudah bagi pelanggan kami. Sejak bergabung dengan Lazada, Chilibeli telah melayani ratusan konsumen baru dengan peningkatan hingga lebih dari 1,500 order dalam 3 bulan terakhir,” ucap Commercial Manager B2C Chilibeli Fintia lewat pernyataan tertulis.


*Update: Kami menambahkan informasi kerja sama Chilibeli dengan Lazada.

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