Tag Archives: Clinic chain

Medigo Announces Pre Series A Funding, to Expand with Clinic Supply Chain

Healthtech startup Medigo announced it has secured pre-series A funding of an undisclosed amount. There are three investors involved in this new funding, the existing Venturra Discovery, and two new investors: Golden Gate Ventures and Kenangan Kapital participated as an angel investor by Kopi Kenangan’s Co-founder, Edward Tirtanata.

In his interview with DailySocial, Co-founder and CEO of Medigo Harya Bimo revealed that this new funding will support the company’s expansion plan to focus on becoming a clinic chain provider in Indonesia.

“Previously, the clinic chain was one of Medigo’s initiatives to strengthen the healthcare ecosystem in Indonesia. We are now focus on becoming a clinic chain. So, our revenue stream will be mainly from clinics,” said the man better known as Bimo.

On a separate occasion, Edward Tirtanata revealed his reasons for being involved as an angel investor in Medigo. He considered that currently there is still a big gap in the Indonesian health industry. It is undeniable that the clinic is quite the main goal of the Indonesian people considering the high cost of the hospital (RS).

The standardization of clinics in Indonesia is currently still low, so not all people are able to obtain the same health care in every region. With the support of digital platforms, Indonesia can improve the standardization of its clinic ecosystem.

“This is why this pivot can be a game changer. Not only for Medigo’s business, but also for Indonesia’s [health industry]. We made a small bet in the beginning, but Medigo is now showing promising results, even during the pandemic,” he said.

Aim to transform Indonesia’s health industry

Currently, Medigo has partnered with 73 clinics in 42 cities in Indonesia. According to Bimo, the number of partnerships will continue to be increased next year and will be followed by the presence of new services, such as telemedicine.

Klink Pintar offers a solution through a profit sharing system with clinic owners. This collaboration is in the form of providing technology solutions to digitize business processes and services, standardization, and investment that can help clinic owners develop their business and increase value-based care. Two clinics have been built by the end of 2019.

Medigo has started to fully focus on becoming the clinic supply chain since the beginning of 2019. This is because the first approach through the hospital is considered difficult to accelerate. Initially, Medigo had a mission to connect all health ecosystems in Indonesia from upstream to downstream, from patients, medical personnel, clinics, hospitals, to laboratories.

It turns out that in his journey, Medigo realized that the nature of the hospital industry is to have a long bureaucratic chain. Bimo admitted that it took him almost one year per hospital to carry out the implementation, such as platform integration and HR training.

He said this strategy is quite the right one because it reaches more on the grassroots segment. In addition, there are more clinics than hospitals in Indonesia. According to the data from the Ministry of Health per 2018, there are 2,813 hospitals in Indonesia, while there are 8,841 clinics and 9,993 health centers.

“When developing the clinic management system, more than 300 clinics registered on our platform. Only, the usage is quite low. We started to research the clinic to find out what the problem is. Is technology the main problem or is there anything else that hasn’t been resolved?” Bimo explained.

From this research, Medigo continued to prepare plans in July 2019. One of the realizations was to build a Klinik Pintar (Smart Clinic) by collaborating with the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) in December 2019 and officially launched in February 2020.

Pivot during pandemic

Before the pandemic, Klinik Pintar was divided into two models, independent development or collaboration with existing clinics. For the second option, Medigo can manage all existing clinic operations. There are clinics managed jointly with its owner.

When the Covid-19 pandemic occurred, the third Klinik Pintar planned to be built in March was hampered. This development requires face-to-face and continuous monitoring, while the social distancing policy does not allow this plan to continue. Even though his team has tried to provide a seamless experience to reduce interactions, people still tend to be reluctant to come to hospitals or clinics during a pandemic.

Medigo then decided to re-evaluate its pivot strategy considering the pandemic situation did not allow the startup which was founded in 2018 to continue with the Klinik Pintar partnership model at that time.

“At first, we thought this [pivot] should partner with several hundred physical clinics that can be managed by yourself. Due to pandemic, we are trying to see what are the real focus and values we aim for from the entire healthcare ecosystem. Now, we have strengths where there aren’t many who play in [the clinic supply chain],” he explained.

Medigo finally performed a repositioning strategy with two new business models, (1) continuing to build a physical clinic that would be 100 percent managed by Medigo and (2) increasing cooperation with existing clinics. He said his main focus was on the second model by expanding services rather than building a new physical clinic.

Bimo said pivot with the new business model can be effective. Even during the pandemic situation, the presence of digital communication platforms (Zoom, WhatsApp, Google Meet, and others) has greatly helped companies build trust with clinics throughout Indonesia.

Although it was down for several months, Medigo’s business is progressively growing. The peak, last May, Medigo obtained an increased rate of service up to four times compared to April. In fact, Bimo said that Medigo’s business has earned healthy margins every month until now.

Apart from that, it has also noted a significant increase in interactions on its platform. The interaction referred to is the connection among stakeholders in the health industry. Bimo admitted that this was his main KPI when Medigo was founded.

Currently, Medigo manages patient medical record data at its clinic partners. Of the 73 registered clinics, a clinic can have 100 patients per day. Along with the increasing number of Medigo partners in the future, his team targets the interactivity in the Indonesian health ecosystem will be even higher.

“Our pivot already has validation and the business model is clear. We have a demand that we can answer, the numbers prove it. It’s just how we proceed vertically, such as clinical acquisitions and service scale-up, and horizontally,” Bimo added.

To date, Medigo is focusing on expanding access to Covid-19 testing in clinics to all regions in Indonesia. His team is also conducting a proof of concept (POV) for teleconsulting specialist doctor services.

“We are aware that Covid-19 has an impact on mothers. They are not brave enough to go out for vaccines for their children because of this pandemic. We are worried that there will be a generation gap. Therefore, in the future we also want to become a distribution network for any vaccine. clinic, our ultimate goal is transparency and reduce monopoly potential.”

Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian

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Medigo Umumkan Pendanaan Pra Seri A, Berencana Ekspansi ke Rantai Suplai Klinik

Startup healthtech Medigo mengumumkan perolehan pendanaan pra seri A dengan nilai yang tidak disebutkan. Ada tiga investor yang terlibat dalam pendanaan baru kali ini, yakni investor existing Venturra Discovery serta dua investor baru: Golden Gate Ventures dan Kenangan Kapital yang merupakan angel fund milik Co-founder Kopi Kenangan Edward Tirtanata.

Dalam wawancaranya dengan DailySocial, Co-founder dan CEO Medigo Harya Bimo mengungkapkan bahwa pendanaan baru ini akan mendukung rencana ekspansi perusahaan untuk fokus menjadi menjadi penyedia rantai suplai klinik (clinic chain) di Indonesia.

“Tadinya clinic chain adalah satu dari sekian inisiatif Medigo untuk memperkuat ekosistem healthcare di Indonesia. Sekarang kami fokus untuk menjadi clinic chain saja. Jadi, revenue stream kami nanti [mainly] dari klinik,” ujar pria yang karib disapa Bimo ini.

Dihubungi secara terpisah, Edward Tirtanata mengungkapkan alasannya terlibat sebagai angel investor di Medigo. Ia menilai saat ini masih ada gap besar di industri kesehatan Indonesia. Tak dipungkiri, klinik masih menjadi tujuan utama masyarakat Indonesia mengingat biaya rumah sakit (RS) masih mahal.

Standardisasi klinik di Indonesia saat ini terbilang masih rendah sehingga tidak semua masyarakat mampu memperoleh perawatan kesehatan yang sama di setiap wilayah. Dengan dukungan platform digital, Indonesia dapat meningkatkan standardisasi ekosistem kliniknya.

“Inilah mengapa pivot ini dapat menjadi game changer. Tak hanya bagi bisnis Medigo, tetapi juga bagi [industri kesehatan] Indonesia. Kami bertaruh di awal dengan jumlah yang masih kecil, tetapi sekarang Medigo menunjukkan hasil yang menjanjikan, bahkan selama pandemi,” ungkapnya.

Ingin ubah wajah industri kesehatan Indonesia

Saat ini, Medigo telah bermitra dengan 73 klinik di 42 kota di Indonesia. Menurut Bimo, jumlah kemitraan ini akan terus ditingkatkan di tahun depan dan akan diikuti dengan kehadiran layanan-layanan baru, seperti telemedicine.

Klinik Pintar menawarkan solusi melalui sistem bagi hasil dengan pemilik klinik. Kerja sama ini berupa pemberian solusi teknologi untuk mendigitalkan proses bisnis dan layanan, standarisasi, dan investasi yang dapat membantu pemilik klinik mengembangkan usaha dan meningkatkan value based care. Dua Klinik Pintar telah dibangun per akhir 2019.

Fokus untuk sepenuhnya menjadi rantai suplai klinik sudah mulai dieksekusi Medigo sejak awal 2019. Hal ini karena pendekatan awal melalui RS dinilai sulit diakselerasi. Semula Medigo memang memiliki misi untuk menghubungkan seluruh ekosistem kesehatan di Indonesia dari hulu ke hilir, mulai dari pasien, petugas medis, klinik, RS, hingga laboratorium.

Ternyata dalam perjalanannya, Medigo menyadari bahwa nature dari industri RS adalah memiliki rantai birokrasi yang panjang. Bimo mengaku pihaknya membutuhkan hampir satu tahun per RS untuk melakukan implementasi, seperti integrasi platform dan training SDM.

Menurutnya, strategi ini sudah tepat karena lebih banyak menyentuh segmen grassroots. Selain itu, jumlah klinik di Indonesia jauh lebih banyak dibandingkan RS. Data Kementerian Kesehatan per 2018 mencatat ada 2.813 RS di Indonesia, sedangkan klinik mencapai 8.841 dan puskesmas 9.993 unit.

“Saat mengembangkan clinic management system, lebih dari 300 klinik mendaftar di paltform kami. Hanya saja usage-nya masih kecil. Di sini kami mulai riset ke klinik untuk tahu apa masalahnya. Apa teknologi jadi masalah utama atau ada hal lain yang belum bisa diselesaikan?” jelas Bimo.

Dari riset tersebut, Medigo berlanjut pada persiapan rencana pada Juli 2019. Salah satu realisasinya saat itu adalah membangun Klinik Pintar dengan menggandeng Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI) pada Desember 2019 meresmikannya pada Februari 2020.

Mengeksekusi pivot selama pandemi

Sebelum pandemi, Klinik Pintar terbagi atas dua model kerja sama, yakni membangun sendiri atau berkolaborasi dengan klinik existing. Untuk opsi kedua, Medigo dapat mengelola seluruh operasional klinik existing. Ada juga yang dikelola secara bersama dengan pemilik klinik tersebut.

Ketika pandemi Covid-19 terjadi, Klinik Pintar ketiga yang direncanakan dibangun pada Maret menjadi terhambat. Pembangunan ini membutuhkan tatap muka dan monitoring berkelanjutan, sedangkan kebijakan pembatasan sosial tak memungkinkan untuk meneruskan rencana ini. Meskipun pihaknya sudah mencoba memberikan seamless experience untuk mengurangi interaksi, masyarakat tetap cenderung enggan datang ke RS atau klinik selama pandemi.

Medigo pun memutuskan mengevaluasi ulang strategi pivot-nya mengingat situasi pandemi tidak memungkinkan startup yang berdiri pada 2018 tersebut melanjutkan model partnership Klinik Pintar saat itu.

“Semula, kami pikir [pivot ini] harus menggandeng sekian ratus klinik fisik yang dapat dikelola sendiri. Karena pandemi ini, kami coba lihat apa sebetulnya fokus dan value yang ingin kami tuju dari seluruh ekoistem healthcare. Nah, kami punya strength di mana belum banyak yang bermain di [rantai suplai klinik],” jelasnya.

Medigo akhirnya melakukan repositioning strategi dengan dua model bisnis baru, yakni (1) tetap membangun klinik fisik yang akan 100 persen dikelola oleh Medigo dan (2) memperbanyak kerja sama dengan klinik existing. Ia menyebut fokus utamanya pada model kedua dengan memperbanyak layanan ketimbang membangun klinik fisik baru.

Menurut Bimo, pivot dengan model bisnis baru ini dapat dikatakan efektif. Meski di situasi pandemi ini, kehadiran platform komunikasi digital (Zoom, WhatsApp, Google Meet, dan lainnya) sangat membantu perusahaan membangun kepercayaan dengan klinik di seluruh Indonesia.

Meski sempat turun selama beberapa bulan, kini bisnis Medigo berangsur meningkat kembali. Puncaknya, pada Mei lalu, Medigo mengantongi kenaikan layanan hingga empat kali lipat dibandingkan April. Bahkan, Bimo menyebut bisnis Medigo sudah meraup margin yang sehat setiap bulan hingga saat ini.

Selain itu, pihaknya juga mencatat peningkatan signifikan pada interaksi di platform-nya. Interaksi yang dimaksud adalah keterhubungan para stakeholder di industri kesehatan. Bimo mengaku bahwa ini menjadi KPI utamanya ketika Medigo didirikan.

Saat ini, Medigo mengelola data rekam medis pasien pada mitra kliniknya. Dari 73 klinik yang dikelolanya, per klinik saja dapat memiliki 100 pasien per hari. Seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah mitra Medigo ke depan, pihaknya menargetkan interactivity di ekosistem kesehatan Indonesia akan semakin tinggi.

“Kini pivot kami sudah memiliki validasi dan sudah jelas model bisnisnya. Kami punya demand yang dapat kami jawab, the numbers prove it. Tinggal bagaimana selanjutnya kami mengeksekusi vertikal, seperti akuisisi klinik dan scale up layanan, dan horizontal,” tambah Bimo.

Saat ini, Medigo tengah fokus untuk memperluas akses tes Covid-19 di klinik hingga ke seluruh wilayah di Indonesia. Pihaknya juga tengah melakukan proof of concept (POV) untuk telekonsultasi layanan dokter spesialis.

“Kami menyadari bahwa Covid-19 berdampak pada ibu-ibu. Mereka menjadi tidak berani keluar untuk vaksin anaknya karena pandemi ini. Kami khawatir bakal ada generation gap. Maka itu, ke depannya kami juga ingin menjadi jaringan distribusi vaksin apapun. Dengan dukungan rantai suplai klinik, tujuan akhir kami adalah transparansi dan mengurangi potensi monopoli.”

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