Since the emergence of startup community Stasion, the development of digital industry (startup) in this city is getting seen and exciting. Some of the services/startups have been discussed on DailySocial. The startups/services in this city are also very interesting and arguably is able to compete with the startups/services from big cities from business model, technique and UI/UX sides. There will be another service made by the people from Malang that will be released soon.
This time, we acquired information that a service named will be released soon. One of the interesting things of OpenTiket is the founders. Other than being one of the initiators of Stasion community, each of them also helped several startups namely,, Ongkoskirim, etc. They are Heru Herlambang and Revandi M.
We also had the chance to do an interview via email with Heru Herlambang. Here’s our interview with Heru as the founder of