Tag Archives: commercial

Line Mulai Dorong Promosi Marketing di Indonesia Melalui Iklan TV

Dengan makin memanasnya persaingan di segmen aplikasi messaging, Line baru-baru ini meluncurkan iklan TV untuk ditayang di televisi Indonesia sejak pagi ini. Iklan berdurasi 30 detik ini mengambil tema cinta anak muda yang diekspresikan melalui aplikasi Line lengkap dengan emoticon untuk mengekspresikan perasaannya. Continue reading Line Mulai Dorong Promosi Marketing di Indonesia Melalui Iklan TV

UPDATED : Google Starts TV Commercial Campaign In Indonesia

A tweet from Kaskus founder Andrew Darwis earlier today indicate that Google is starting their TV commercial campaign in Indonesia. “Google is here… check out their TVC ad tomorrow morning 8.30” said Darwis on his tweet, creating a wave of expectations amongst influential people in the industry.

Google is also preparing to launch Google Chrome campaign in Indonesia, and a source told us that the TVC campaign will be about Google Chrome. Google has been pushing their browser globally, and even pushing their “The Web is What You Make of it” campaign to promote Google Chrome, it is very likely that the TVC campaign in question will be under the same campaign.

Continue reading UPDATED : Google Starts TV Commercial Campaign In Indonesia


One phrase I just heard in Global Mobile Internet Conference is SoMoLoCo. This can be said as the key of successful internet services in China, which I think the same globally.

What is SoMoLoCo?

Four factors playing main part in a service’s success is Social, Mobile, Local and Commercial, or SoMoLoCo. Actually these are not new points, but many often forget one of these points in their service. There are a lot of success stories from services that are able to synergize these four points to serve their users. Now let’s see what they are.

Continue reading SoMoLoCo!