Tag Archives: Consumer tech

Edward Tirtanata’s New Role: An Angel Investor through Kenangan Kapital

The new retail startup Kopi Kenangan has received a lot of attention, thanks to the Indonesian coffee chain business which has received large funding from a number of well-known VCs, including Sequoia Capital and Facebook Co-Founder Eduardo Saverin.

The success of this business cannot be separated from the efforts of its founders, Edward Tirtanata and James Prananto. Kopi Kenangan has now transformed into one of the top-tier coffee brands, especially among young adults in Indonesia.

DailySocial had the opportunity to interview Edward Tirtanata, not as a business founder, but his new experience as an angel investor through Kenangan Kapital. How does Edward define his new role?

Passion for entrepreneurship

Edward’s role as an angel investor has been going on since last year. Through his angel fund (called the Kenangan Investment Fund), he has invested in some of Indonesian startups, including BukuKas, GudangAda, OtoKlix, and Medigo (Smart Clinic).

From the beginning, he declared his big passion for entrepreneurship. This is visible from his efforts to build Kopi Kenangan. However, his success in building a business does not end there.

For him, entrepreneurship can be said as “good wealth management” which involves asset class in diverse. This means that if he wants to make a distinction, he doesn’t want to invest in just blue chips or deposits.

“A good investor must be able to diversify. Angel investing class assets, to increase ten times in a year is normal. I find it interesting,” Edward said.

Through Kenangan Kapital, he expects to contribute more to the Indonesian startup industry. This also encourages Edward to experience new role by being involved in startup funding.

Interest in the consumer tech

Consumer tech is one of the business verticals that attracts many investors. Consumer products combined with technology are the reasons why this business can be easily scalable.

The most obvious example is the mushrooming startups entering traditional businesses and utilizing technology with a direct-to-consumer (DTC) approach. Either eyewear or beauty products can now be marketed without having to build distribution channels.

Realizing this trend, Edward admits that he is interested to top up in the consumer tech sector through Kenangan Kapital. He said that there is still a missing gap in Indonesian consumer tech.

He said Indonesia needs more disruption, considering that products/services targeting the consumer segment are still underrated in terms of technology. On the other hand, Edward curious to what extent this vertical leads him to new experiences in entrepreneurship.

This is reflected in a number of his portfolios that mostly running in the B2C segment. A somewhat different hypothesis is taken when investing in Medigo.

Medigo’s business model is considered to have an impact on the consumer segment. Clinics are the main pillars of the health ecosystem in Indonesia. Currently, there are many clinics that are yet to be standardized, while being hospitalized costs quite expensive and is yet to reach the grassroots segment.

“We took an early bet when the numbers are still small, but now they are [Medigo] showing promising results even during the pandemic,” Edward said.


Apart from his main focus on consumer tech, Edward revealed that he did not set any portfolio targets in 2021. Likewise, the target range of investment for Kenangan Kapital.

In his opinion, angel investors do not have a certain pressure in providing funding. This is in contrast to the way VCs work, which is to follow KPIs. He tends to choose to invest if there’s a sight of opportunities.

“I think being an angel investor doesn’t require an investment target [issued]. It all depends on the deal per deal. In fact, if there are exceptions for certain companies, I can invest as much as I can,” he added.

Without any specific KPI, Edward emphasized that the most important thing in following the growth of his portfolio business is the product-market fit. If a startup is gaining organic traction, the metric is at least customer acquisition cost (CAC).

However, Edward admits that the challenge of becoming an angel investor is not that different from a venture capitalist. The most common issue is selecting portfolios. He tends to choose founders who can run/find the right business.

“There are many good founders, but not many of them pick a good business. Better to invest in a good business even though the founder is quite Mediocre. The most important thing for me is conviction. That is, no matter what happens, they stick around and make the best out of it. The term is determination,” he said.

Become the CEO and investor at a time

How come Edward manages his role as CEO and angel investor as the number of Capital Memories portfolios grows in the future?

“First, I need to emphasize that my main full-time job is the CEO of Kopi Kenangan. I don’t want my passion to help entrepreneurs interfere with my main job at Kopi Kenangan,” he said.

Second, he thinks it is not good for every businessman to be too dependent on their investors for a long time. Ideally, these founders are expected to be independent and focused on their business in three to six months.

“Because Kenangan Kapital is like a family office and there are no outside investors, I have no pressure to deploy capital like private equity or VC. I can invest in a very few but exceptional founders and help 2-3 founders at a time,” he said.

In fact, he admits that he is happy when his portfolio joins a well-known accelerator program. According to Edward, that could mean they won’t need his further involvement in terms of business.

Accommodating the angel investor ecosystem

It can’t be denied that the angel investor ecosystem in Indonesia is quite silent. Even though angel investors play a big role in providing startup funding in the early phase.

Edward said, the existence of angel investors in Indonesia is very different from the one in the United States (US). The country which is the mecca for the startup industry has a database platform that attracts thousands of angel investors. That way, startups can get direct access and find it easier to find funding from angel investors.

“Here, access to angel investors is rather difficult, so they tend to look for funding options from their families. Therefore, this is what makes them unable to provide [relevant] experience to invested startups because the investors are not from a startup background,” Edward said.

He is aware of the situation. He thought the phenomenon is similar to when the new VC industry has emerged and popular in recent years. As the industry develops, he expects the angel investor ecosystem to develop along the way in the future.

Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian

Selain mengejar "passion", Edward Tirtanata ingin berkontribusi lebih banyak ke sektor "consumer tech" Indonesia melalui angel fund Kenangan Kapital

Peran Baru Edward Tirtanata: Jadi “Angel Investor” Lewat Kenangan Kapital

Startup new retail Kopi Kenangan telah menuai banyak sorotan berkat bisnis coffee chain Indonesia yang memperoleh pendanaan besar dari sederet VC ternama, termasuk Sequoia Capital dan Co-Founder Facebook Eduardo Saverin.

Menjulangnya bisnis ini tak lepas dari upaya para pendirinya, Edward Tirtanata dan James Prananto. Kini Kopi Kenangan telah menjelma menjadi salah satu brand minuman kopi terkuat, terutama di kalangan anak muda di Indonesia.

DailySocial berkesempatan mewawancarai Edward Tirtanata, bukan sebagai pendiri bisnis, melainkan pengalaman barunya sebagai angel investor melalui Kenangan Kapital. Bagaimana Edward memaknai peran barunya ini?

Passion di bidang kewirausahaan

Kiprah Edward menjadi angel investor sebetulnya telah berlangsung sejak setahun terakhir. Melalui angel fund miliknya (dengan nama dana kelolaan Kenangan Investment Fund), ia telah berinvestasi di sejumlah startup Indonesia, antara lain BukuKas, GudangAda, OtoKlix, dan Medigo (Klinik Pintar).

Sejak awal, ia mengaku sangat menekuni bidang enterprenuership. Hal ini terbukti dari upayanya membangun Kopi Kenangan. Namun,  kesuksesannya membangun bisnis tak ingin berhenti sampai di situ saja.

Baginya, kewirusahaan dapat diibaratkan sebagai “a good wealth management” yang mana melibatkan asset class yang berbeda. Artinya, apabila ingin melakukan pembedaan, ia tak ingin berinvestasi pada aset bagus (blue chip) atau deposit saja.

A good investor itu harus bisa diversify. Asset class angel investing, dalam satu tahun naik sepuluh kali lipat itu normal. Buat saya itu menarik,” ujar Edward.

Lewat Kenangan Kapital, ia berharap dapat berkontribusi lebih terhadap industri startup Indonesia. Hal ini juga yang mendorong Edward untuk menjajal pengalaman baru dengan terlibat dalam pendanaan startup.

Ketertarikan ke sektor consumer tech

Consumer tech merupakan salah satu vertikal bisnis yang dilirik investor. Produk consumer yang dipadukan dengan teknologi menjadi alasan mengapa bisnis ini dapat di-scale up dengan mudah.

Contoh paling lekat adalah menjamurnya startup yang masuk ke bisnis tradisional dan memanfaatkan teknologi dengan pendekatan direct-to-consumer (DTC). Produk kacamata atau kecantikan kini bisa dipasarkan tanpa perlu membangun jalur distribusi.

Menyadari tren ini, Edward mengaku tertarik bermain lebih banyak pada sektor consumer tech lewat Kenangan Kapital. Ia menilai masih ada missing gap di consumer tech Indonesia.

Menurutnya, Indonesia masih membutuhkan disrupsi lebih banyak mengingat produk/layanan yang menyasar segmen consumer masih terbilang underrated dari sisi teknologi. Di sisi lain, Edward ingin melihat sejauh mana vertikal ini membawanya kepada pengalaman baru dalam berwirausaha.

Hal ini tercermin dari sejumlah portofolionya yang rata-rata bergerak di segmen B2C. Hipotesis yang agak berbeda diambil ketika berinvestasi ke Medigo.

Model bisnis yang diusung Medigo dinilai dapat memberikan impact terhadap segmen consumer. Klinik merupakan pilar utama ekosistem kesehatan di Indonesia. Saat ini, masih banyak klinik yang belum tersandarisasi, sedangkan biaya perawatan di rumah sakit masih terbilang mahal dan belum dapat menjangkau segmen grassroot.

We took an early bet when the numbers are still small, but now they are [Medigo] showing promising results even during the pandemic,” ungkap Edward.


Di luar fokus utamanya di consumer tech, Edward mengungkap ia tidak menetapkan berapa target portofolio yang akan dikejar di tahun 2021. Demikian pula target range investasi yang akan dikucurkan Kenangan Kapital.

Menurutnya, angel investor tidak memiliki pressure tertentu dalam memberikan pendanaan. Hal ini berkebalikan dengan cara kerja VC yang punya KPI tersendiri. Ia cenderung memilih berinvestasi jika melihat peluang yang ada di depan mata.

“Saya pikir menjadi angel investor tidak harus punya target investasi [yang dikeluarkan]. Semua tergantung dari deal per deal. Tentu saja jika ada pengecualian untuk perusahaan tertentu, saya bisa investasi sebanyak mungkin,” paparnya.

Meskipun tidak memiliki KPI tertentu, Edward menekankan bahwa hal terpenting dalam mengikuti pertumbuhan bisnis portofolionya adalah product to market fit. Apabila startup mendulang traksi organik, paling tidak metrik yang ia ukur adalah customer acquisition cost (CAC).

Kendati demikian, Edward mengakui bahwa tantangan menjadi angel investor sebetulnya tak jauh berbeda dengan venture capitalist. Yang paling umum adalah perihal menyeleksi portofolio. Ia cenderung memilih founder yang dapat menjalankan/menemukan bisnis yang tepat.

“Banyak good founder, tapi tak banyak good founder yang pick a good business. Lebih baik berinvestasi di bisnis yang oke meski founder-nya mediocre. Yang utama buat saya sih conviction. Artinya, no matter what happens, mereka tetap bertahan and make the best out of it. Istilahnya ada determination,” tuturnya.

Menjadi CEO dan investor sekaligus

Lalu bagaimana Edward mengelola perannya menjadi CEO dan angel investor seiring berkembangnya jumlah portofolio Kenangan Kapital di masa depan?

“Pertama, saya perlu menegaskan bahwa full time job utama saya adalah sebagai CEO Kopi Kenangan. Saya tidak ingin passion saya untuk membantu para entrepreneur justru menganggu pekerjaan utama saya di Kopi Kenangan,” ucapnya.

Kedua, ia menilai tidak baik bagi setiap pebisnis untuk terlalu bergantung pada investor mereka dalam jangka waktu lama. Idealnya, para founder ini diharapkan bisa menjadi independen dan fokus terhadap bisnisnya dalam tiga hingga enam bulan.

“Karena Kenangan Kapital itu seperti family office atau tidak ada investor luar, saya tidak ada pressure untuk deploy modal seperti halnya private equity atau VC. I can invest in a very few but exceptional founders and help 2-3 founders at a time,” ungkapnya.

Justru ia mengaku senang apabila portofolionya ada yang bergabung di program akselerator ternama. Menurut Edward, itu dapat berarti mereka tidak bakal memerlukan keterlibatannya lebih banyak di bisnis.

Mengakomodasi ekosistem angel investor

Tak dimungkiri bahwa ekosistem angel investor di Indonesia terbilang tak terdengar gaungnya. Padahal angel investor berperan besar dalam memberikan pendanaan startup di fase awal.

Menurut Edward, eksistensi angel investor di Indonesia sangat jauh berbeda dengan di Amerika Serikat (AS). Negara kiblat industri startup ini memiliki platform database yang menjaring ribuan angel investor di sana. Dengan begitu, startup bisa mendapatkan akses langsung dan lebih mudah mencari pendanaan ke angel investor.

“Di sini akses ke angel investor agak sulit, makanya mereka cenderung cari opsi pendanaan ke keluarga. Makanya, ini yang membuat mereka juga ga bisa kasih pengalaman [yang relevan] ke startup yang diinvestasi karena investor-nya bukan dari background startup,” jelas Edward.

Ia memahami situasi ini. Menurutnya fenomenanya sama ketika industri VC baru bermunculan dan populer beberapa tahun belakangan. Seiring berkembangnya industri, ia berharap ekosistem angel investor bakal ikut berkembang juga nanti.