I got the information that DetikDeal as a daily deals (especially for group purchase) service supported by a giant online media, Detikcom, now does not offer daily deals anymore. Its last service is on last August 19th 2011. We do not know whether it is because of approaching the Lebaran day or they have already surrendered in this business. Actually, there are not many events shown in DetikDeal, the deal purchases are not so many, even the twitter account only shares about old feed deals without any interaction with (future) costumers. DetikDeal was established in May this year.
DetikDeal is not the only one facing the tight competition of daily deals sites in Indonesia. Some other daily deals that sometimes I visit—though still offer their deals—seem to be in the saturation point. The coupons that are sold for more than 100 for a deal can be counted with fingers. There are only two sites remain active. They are DealKeren and Disdus. This may be not a surprise since both of them have affiliated with giant international daily deals. DealKeren, which claiming to have domination around 60% of the market, can sell around 1000 coupons for each deal.
Continue reading Detik Deal Do not Offer Deal Anymore, Does the Natural Selection Happen?