Tag Archives: digital operator

The Operator “Branding” Wear Off Through Digital-Based Prepaid Service

Amid the stagnant industrial growth, telco operators continue to seek new breakthroughs through their products/services. Experienced in failing to develop a digital business, operators are getting serious to enter the application-based prepaid card service since last year.

In Indonesia, this service is considered new by the way it works very differently from ordinary prepaid cards. All activities from card ordering, number selection, registration, and data purchases are made through the application.

This service was first launched in Indonesia by Telkomsel in October 2019 under the brand by.U. A few months later, a similar service Switch Mobile was launched on the market. Switch Mobile is the latest Smartfren prepaid product.

In addition to the two operators, XL Axiata (XL) will dive into digital-based prepaid services in the near future. Based on DailySocial’s data, XL will soon join the club with Live.On.

The Live.On application is available on Google Play, but is not yet run officially. In our observation, XL opened Live.On official shop in Shopee to purchase the starter packs.

XL did not comment on this matter. Although, our sources say XL has partnered with Circles.Life to build Live.On. The Live.On app link on Google Play is similar to Circles.Life.

Circles Life is a digital telco startup (MVNO) available in Singapore, Australia, and Taiwan. Circles Life has indeed planned expansion to Indonesia since last year. It is not clear what kind of partnership between XL and Circles Life.

Provide young generations with “refreshment”

The initiative to develop a digital prepaid business indicates cellular operators to seriously targeting young people through branding and business models which is different from the previous cellular products.

Operators strive to present products to be personalized by user demands. This product is considered suitable for young people who tend to choose specific services.

Previously, former Telkomsel’s Managing Director Emma Sri Hartini had mentioned that Telkomsel had been established for 25 years and was seen as an old brand. The launch of by.U is considered to be a “refreshment” step to embrace generation Z without cannibalizing its existing products, such as simPATI, AS, and Loop.

“Gen Z does not want to have boundaries in terms of products, they are not product-driven. In contrast to all this time products that have been driven by the operator. Well, this by.U can be customized according to user demands,” Emma said.

Contacted separately, Smartfren’s President Director Merza Fachys said similar things. He said he wanted this cellular brand [Switch Mobile] to be known as a new product on the market without the need to be associated with the existing Smartfren brand.

“To date, our customers are mostly in class C and D. With this switch product, we aim at higher markets in B and C classes,” Merza said.

Enough with the price war

Furthermore, Merza, who is also the Deputy Chairperson of the Association of Indonesian Telecommunications Providers (ATSI), acknowledged that the telecommunications industry is starting to move towards digital prepaid services. The market awaits whether Indosat and Tri Indonesia to enter similar services.

In fact, prepaid products are actually common. Each operator has more than one cellular product targeting different market segments. However, digital-based prepaid products can be a new strategy for operators to get out of the long-standing price war.

Digital prepaid services promote brand and product novelty without being associated with telecommunications companies. According to Merza, this service can open up opportunities to compete in two market segments, which are affordable and premium markets.

After the failure era of e-commerce, e-wallet, and OTT, operators are still trying to find the right business model to become a digital telco (digico) operator. However, it is yet to find whether this strategy can have a positive impact on the growth of the telecommunications industry. Moreover, the growth space for cellular customers in Indonesia is increasingly difficult.

“To play on existing products, operators can no longer raise prices, customers will started to leave,” he explained.

Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian

Setelah Telkomsel dan Smartfren masuk segmen prabayar digital, XL Axiata menyiapkan layanan Live.On. Dikabarkan mereka bermitra dengan Circles Life

Melepas “Branding” Operator Lewat Layanan Prabayar Berbasis Digital

Di tengah stagnannya pertumbuhan industri, operator telekomunikasi terus berupaya mencari gebrakan baru melalui produk/layanannya. Berpengalaman gagal mengembangkan bisnis digital, sejak tahun lalu satu per satu operator mulai masuk ke layanan kartu prabayar berbasis aplikasi.

Di Indonesia, layanan ini mungkin bisa dibilang baru karena cara kerjanya sangat berbeda dengan cara masyarakat biasa membeli kartu prabayar. Segala aktivitas mulai dari pemesanan kartu, pemilihan nomor, registrasi, hingga pembelian paket dilakukan melalui aplikasi.

Layanan ini pertama kali di Indonesia diluncurkan oleh Telkomsel pada Oktober 2019 dengan merek by.U. Berselang beberapa bulan kemudian, layanan serupa Switch Mobile juga hadir di pasaran. Switch Mobile merupakan produk prabayar terbaru Smartfren.

Selain dua operator tersebut, XL Axiata (XL) bakal terjun ke layanan prabayar berbasis digital dalam waktu dekat. Berdasarkan informasi yang dihimpun DailySocial, XL akan masuk dengan merek Live.On.

Aplikasi Live.On telah tersedia di Google Play, tetapi belum resmi beroperasi secara komersial. Menurut pantauan kami, XL membuka toko resmi Live.On di Shopee untuk pembelian kartu perdana.

Pihak XL tidak memberikan komentarnya terkait hal ini. Meskipun demikian, sumber kami menyebutkan XL menggandeng Circles.Life untuk membangun Live.On. Tautan aplikasi Live.On di Google Play serupa dengan Circles.Life.

Circles Life adalah startup telko digital (MVNO) yang telah beroperasi di Singapura, Australia, dan Taiwan. Circles Life memang telah merencanakan ekspansi ke Indonesia sejak tahun lalu. Belum jelas seperti apa bentuk kemitraan antara XL dan Circles Life.

Merangkul anak muda dengan “penyegaran”

Langkah mengembangan bisnis prabayar digital menandakan operator seluler mulai serius membidik segmen anak muda melalui branding dan model bisnis yang berbeda dari produk seluler pendahulunya

Operator berupaya menghadirkan produk yang dapat dipersonalisasi sesuai kebutuhan pengguna. Produk ini dianggap cocok untuk kalangan anak muda yang cenderung tak ingin didikte dalam menikmati layanan.

Sebelumnya, mantan Direktur Utama Telkomsel Emma Sri Hartini sempat menyebutkan bahwa Telkomsel telah 25 tahun berdiri dan dipandang sebagai merek lama. Peluncuran by.U dinilai dapat menjadi langkah “penyegaran” untuk merangkul generasi Z tanpa menganibalisasi produk existing-nya, yakni simPATI, AS, dan Loop.

“Gen Z itu tidak mau diatur produknya, mereka tidak product-driven. Berbeda dengan selama ini produk-produk yang sudah ada di-drive oleh operator. Nah, by.U ini bisa dikustomisasi sesuai kebutuhan pengguna,” papar Emma.

Dihubungi secara terpisah, Presiden Direktur Smartfren Merza Fachys mengatakan hal senada. Menurutnya, ia ingin merek seluler ini [Switch Mobile] dapat dikenal sebagai produk baru di pasaran tanpa perlu diasosiasikan dengan merek existing Smartfren.

“Saat ini, pelanggan kami sebagian besar berada di kelas C dan D. Dengan Switch ini, kami ingin membidik high market di kelas B dan C,” ungkap Merza.

Keluar dari perang harga

Lebih lanjut, Merza, yang juga adalah Wakil Ketua Asosiasi Penyelenggara Telekomunikasi Seluruh Indonesia (ATSI), mengakui bahwa industri telekomunikasi mulai mengarah ke layanan prabayar digital. Pasar menanti apakah Indosat dan Tri Indonesia untuk masuk ke layanan serupa.

Sebetulnya, peluncuran produk prabayar adalah hal lumrah. Setiap operator memiliki lebih dari satu produk seluler yang menyasar segmen pasar berbeda. Namun, produk prabayar berbasis digital dapat menjadi strategi baru operator untuk keluar dari lingkaran perang harga yang telah berlangsung lama.

Layanan prabayar digital mengedepankan kebaruan merek dan produk tanpa diasosiasikan dengan perusahaan telekomunikasi. Menurut Merza, layanan ini dapat membuka peluang untuk berkompetisi di dua segmen pasar, yani pasar terjangkau dan premium.

Setelah era kegagalan e-commerce, e-wallet, dan OTT, operator masih terus mencoba mencari model bisnis yang tepat untuk menjadi operator digital telco (digico). Kendati demikian, belum dapat diketahui apakah strategi ini dapat memberi dampak positif terhadap pertumbuhan industri telekomunikasi. Apalagi, ruang pertumbuhan pelanggan seluler di Indonesia semakin sulit.

“Untuk bermain di produk existing, operator tidak bisa lagi menaikkan harga, pelanggannya bisa kabur,” paparnya.

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