Tag Archives: Djayanto Suseno

Cashlez Aims for Business Growth Through Online Merchant and Company Acquisition

PT Cashlez Worldwide Tbk (IDX: CASH) plans to acquire a company to encourage inorganic business growth in 2022. To support this plan, Cashlez is to held a fundraising through the Pre-emptive Rights (HMETD) scheme or rights issue in the first quarter of 2022.

Cashlez brought up the news during a virtual media visit with DailySocial.id’s editorial team. The Chief Revenue Officer, Djayanto Suseno and Corporate Secretary Hendrik Adrianto also attended this session.

His team said that Cashlez is to hold the first phase of the rights issue with a value of $10 million or around Rp143.8 billion to be used as working capital and product development. Furthermore, Cashlez will conduct a second phase of rights issue for acquisition inquiry.

Djayanto mentioned, the company is currently preparing a five-year roadmap which includes an organic and inorganic business strategy. Regarding inorganic strategy, Cashlez to create option for company acquisition. However, Djayanto could not provide further details on the business categories and lists of companies.

“That is why we fundraise through a rights issue. We are currently looking for investors who are prepared to be standby buyers. There are foreign investors want to chip in, also the local investors. We have submitted everything to our financial advisor, Bahana [Sekuritas],” he said.

He said, the company will continue to empower existing resources to encourage organic business development. However, that is considered insufficient considering that Cashlez wants to develop a larger digital payment ecosystem.

“For us, what is more important now is not about what to acquire, but how much funds to be raised. That way, we’ll know what to buy,” he added.

Cashlez was founded by Teddy Setiawan Tee in 2015 which offers financial solutions, payment gateways, payment aggregators, and mPOS solutions. In 2017, Cashlez obtained investments from Mandiri Capital Indonesia (MCI), and Sumitomo Corporation in 2019.

Targeting online merchants

On the general note, Cashlez has proceed 18 billion total transactions from 436 merchants in 2016. By the end of 2021, the company had served 13,000 merchants in six cities connected to 7,000 EDC devices. In further details by merchant category, 30% of users come from the retail segment, 18% from restaurants, and 12% from fashion.

Cashlez recorded Rp5.9 trillion total Gross Transaction Value (GTV) in 2020. Djayanto said that there will be a decline in GTV in 2021 at Rp4.3 trillion to Rp4.4 trillion. It is occurred due to the mall shutdown in a number of areas. The situation makes it difficult for merchants to sell out.

In order to anticipate the decline, Djayanto added, Cashlez will continue to increase the number of merchants, but will focus on MSME merchants that serve online transactions. As a comparison, the composition of offline merchants at Cashlez is 90%, and the remaining 10% is online. This year, Cashlez will significantly increase the online [transactions from merchants].

“To date, there has been no fintech with the ability [to serve transactions] on an O2O basis. Usually, it is solely has strong online presence. Therefore, we are the only ones with the O2O capabilities todau,” he said.

Social commerce

The trend of buying and selling products through social media, aka social commerce, is growing significantly in Indonesia. Apart from the large population of social media users, the Covid-19 pandemic situation in Indonesia has actually triggered the emergence of small business players selling online.

A number of reports project that social commerce trends will continue to grow given the high potential in tier 2 and 3 cities that are starting to shift into online transactions. According to McKinsey research, social commerce transactions in Indonesia are estimated to account for $25 billion of the projected total GMV of e-commerce of $65 billion in 2022.


In reference to the Momentum Works report, social commerce is an attractive area for MSME players with cheaper cost for customer acquisition and more flexible users in exploring or finding the product they are looking for.

In the sampling, this trend is also predicted to provide a great opportunity for payment system considering that MSME players are yet to have access or the ability to provide it.

Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian

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Cashlez Right Issue 2022

Cashlez Bidik Pertumbuhan Bisnis Lewat Akuisisi Perusahaan dan Tambah Merchant Online

PT Cashlez Worldwide Tbk (IDX: CASH) berencana melakukan akuisisi perusahaan untuk mendorong pertumbuhan bisnis secara anorganik di 2022. Demi mendukung rencana ini, Cashlez akan menggalang dana lewat skema Hak Memesan Efek Terlebih Dahulu (HMETD) atau right issue di kuartal I 2022.

Hal ini disampaikan Cashlez saat sesi media visit ke tim editorial DailySocial.id secara virtual. Dalam sesi ini turut hadir Chief Revenue Officer Djayanto Suseno dan Corporate Secretary Hendrik Adrianto.

Pihaknya mengungkap bahwa Cashlez akan menggelar right issue tahap pertama dengan nilai $10 juta atau sekitar Rp143,8 miliar yang akan digunakan sebagai modal kerja dan pengembangan produk. Kemudian, Cashlez akan melakukan right issue tahap kedua untuk kebutuhan akuisisi.

Menurut Djayanto, saat ini perusahaan tengah menyusun roadmap selama lima tahun ke depan yang mencakup strategi bisnis secara organik dan anorganik. Mengenai strategi anorganik, Cashlez membuka opsi untuk mengakuisisi perusahaan. Namun, Djayanto belum dapat merincikan lebih lanjut tentang kategori bisnis dan perusahaan yang akan diakuisisi.

“Itulah mengapa kami mau fundraise lewat right issue. Kami sedang sedang mencari investor yang siap menjadi standby buyer. Ada investor luar tertarik, ada juga investor internal. Semua sudah kami serahkan ke financial advisor kami, yaitu Bahana [Sekuritas],” ungkapnya.

Menurutnya, perusahaan akan tetap memberdayakan sumber daya yang ada untuk mendorong pengembangan bisnis secara organik. Akan tetapi, itu saja dinilai tidak cukup mengingat Cashlez ingin mengembangkan ekosistem pembayaran digital yang lebih besar.

“Bagi kami saat ini yang lebih tepat bukanlah apa yang akan kami akuisisi, melainkan berapa jumlah dana yang terkumpul. Dengan begitu, kami bisa tahu apa yang dapat kami beli,” tambahnya.

Cashlez didirikan oleh Teddy Setiawan Tee pada 2015 yang menawarkan solusi keuangan, yakni payment gateway, payment aggregator, dan solusi mPOS. Di 2017, Cashlez memperoleh investasi dari Mandiri Capital Indonesia (MCI), dan Sumitomo Corporation di 2019.

Bidik merchant online

Sebagai informasi, Cashlez mengantongi 18 miliar transaksi total dari 436 merchant di 2016. Per akhir 2021, perusahaan telah melayani 13.000 merchant di enam kota yang terhubung ke 7.000 perangkat EDC. Dirinci berdasarkan kategori merchant, sebanyak 30% pengguna berasal dari segmen ritel, 18% restoran, dan fesyen 12%.

Cashlez mencatat total Gross Transaction Value (GTV) di 2020 sebesar Rp5,9 triliun. Djayanto menyebut ada penurunan GTV di 2021, yakni berkisar Rp4,3 triliun-Rp4,4 triliun. Penurunan ini terjadi karena penutupan mal di sejumlah area. Situasi ini membuat para merchant sulit untuk berjualan.

Untuk mengantisipasi penurunan, ucap Djayanto, Cashlez akan terus menambah jumlah merchant, tapi difokuskan pada merchant UMKM yang melayani transaksi online. Sebagai pembanding, komposisi merchant offline di Cashlez sebesar 90%, dan sisanya 10% online. Tahun ini, Cashlez akan meningkatkan porsi [transaksi dari merchant] online secara signifikan.

“Sampai saat ini belum ada fintech yang memiliki kemampuan untuk [melayani transaksi] secara O2O. Biasanya hanya kuat di online saja. Jadi kami satu-satunya yang memiliki kemampuan O2O saat ini,” tuturnya.

Social commerce

Tren jual-beli produk melalui media sosial alias social commerce berkembang signifikan di Indonesia. Selain karena populasi pengguna media sosial yang besar, situasi pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia justru memicu kemunculan pelaku usaha kecil yang berjualan secara online.

Sejumlah laporan memproyeksi tren social commerce akan terus berlanjut mengingat ada potensi di kota tier 2 dan 3 yang mulai mencicipi transaksi online.  Menurut riset McKinsey, transaksi social commerce di Indonesia diestimasi menyumbang $25 miliar dari total proyeksi GMV e-commerce sebesar $65 miliar di 2022.

Sementara mengacu laporan Momentum Workssocial commerce menjadi salah satu opsi menarik bagi pelaku UMKM karena biaya akuisisi pelanggan lebih murah, dan pengguna lebih leluasa dalam mengeksplorasi atau menemukan produk yang dicari.

Di sampling itu, tren ini juga diprediksi memberikan peluang besar terhadap kebutuhan sistem pembayaran mengingat pelaku UMKM tidak punya akses maupun kemampuan untuk menyediakan hal tersebut.

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