Tag Archives: EasyTaxi

Resmi Meluncur di Indonesia, Aplikasi Easy Taxi Gandeng Empat Operator Taksi di Jakarta

Entah kebetulan atau tidak, layanan pemesanan taksi lewat aplikasi mobile mendadak ramai di Indonesia. Sebut saja seperti aplikasi GrabTaxi, lalu juga ada aplikasi Uber yang punya layanan ride sharing mobil mewah, serta aplikasi lainnya yang menawarkan keunggulan masing-masing. Kini layanan tersebut bertambah satu lagi dengan kehadiran aplikasi Easy Taxi. Continue reading Resmi Meluncur di Indonesia, Aplikasi Easy Taxi Gandeng Empat Operator Taksi di Jakarta

Why is There a Lack of Taxi Apps in Indonesia?

The proliferation of taxi apps and private car hire services around the world is inevitable with companies such as Uber, Lyft, Hailo, EasyTaxi, GetTaxi, and myTaxi leading the charge. With these apps making their ways into cities across the world, Indonesia is one of the countries which have yet to see serious play by these apps and services.

Continue reading Why is There a Lack of Taxi Apps in Indonesia?