Tag Archives: Element

Biometric Platform Developer Element Inc Debuts in Indonesia

Element Inc partners with BCA for its debut in Indonesia. In its release, the New York-based biometric platform developer said, BCA is to implement authentication solution using facial recognition. Before Jakarta, Element Inc also has an operational base in Singapore, Manila, Nairobi, and Lagos.

The mobile software base biometric technology implementation from Element Inc is expected to ignite banking service development, to open the digital banking innovations and provide a convenient process. It includes improving customer acquisition for BCA by offering a safe and user-friendly experience through biometric authentication. It goes along with BCA’s main focus in its technology innovation.

“BCA’s reputation and success as the biggest private bank in Southeast Asia reflect the company’s leading technology innovation, giving the customers high-quality products and services in digital banking,” Head of Element Inc Indonesia, Suluh Adi said.

“By 2025, 284 million Indonesians are projected to have 410 million smartphone connection, that allows mobile banking to have the next breakthrough in digital financial. We’re proud to be partners with BCA in order to develop digital initiatives and take a closer step to the frictionless future,” he added.

Indonesia and target in 2019

Element Inc is supported by far with some investors, including GDP Venture, PTB Ventures, Central Capital Ventura, MDI Venture, and BRI investment arm. The Artificial Intelligence and biometric solution of Element Inc offer palm, fingerprint, and face recognition in the simplest and safest way.

The strategy for new markets, including Indonesia, is to adjust and form partnerships. Starts from the national-scale company for financial service, health and communication, also innovation companies with rapid growth in the market.

Their focus in Indonesia begins with providing high quality, streamlined, and scalable software service to be used by partners, including requirements and market demand. Their team believes the KPI on user growth and revenue will be discovered once the partner’s success metric achieved.

Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian

BCA jalin kemitraan dengan Element Inc untuk solusi digital

Pengembang Platform Biometrik Element Inc Debut di Indonesia

Element Inc jalin kerja sama dengan BCA untuk debutnya di Indonesia. Dalam rilisnya, startup pengembang platform biometrik berbasis pusat di New York tersebut menuliskan, BCA akan menerapkan solusi autentikasi menggunakan facial recognition. Selain di Jakarta, Element Inc juga sudah memiliki basis operasi di Singapura, Manila, Nairobi dan Lagos.

Penerapan teknologi biometrik berbasis perangkat lunak mobile dari Element Inc diharapkan bisa memicu pertumbuhan layanan perbankan, membuka kunci untuk seluruh inovasi digital banking dan memberikan keamanan yang lebih baik. Termasuk meningkatkan akuisisi pelanggan BCA dengan menawarkan sebuah pengalaman yang nyaman dan aman melalui autentikasi biometrik. Sesuai dengan fokus BCA dalam inovasinya di bidang teknologi.

“Reputasi dan kesuksesan BCA sebagai salah satu bank swasta terbesar di Asia Tenggara mencerminkan kepemimpinan inovasi teknologinya, memberikan pelanggan mereka produk dan layanan berkualitas tinggi dalam perbankan digital,” ujar Head of Indonesia Element Inc Rizki Suluh Adi.

“Pada tahun 2025, diproyeksikan 284 juta orang Indonesia diperkirakan memiliki 410 juta koneksi ponsel cerdas, memungkinkan mobile banking untuk membuka terobosan berikutnya dalam layanan keuangan digital. Kami bangga dapat bermitra dengan BCA untuk memajukan inisiatif digitalnya dan melangkah selangkah lebih dekat untuk membangun frictionless future,” imbuhnya.

Indonesia dan target di tahun 2019

Element Inc sejauh ini didukung oleh sederet investor seperti GDP Venture, PTB Ventures, Central Capital Ventura, MDI Venture, hingga unit investasi BRI. Teknologi kecerdasan buatan dan solusi biometrik Element Inc menjanjikan solusi pengenalan wajah, sidik jari, hingga telapak tangan yang dikemas dengan kemudahan dan aman.

Strategi yang diusung Element Inc untuk pasar-pasar baru, termasuk Indonesia adalah dengan penyesuaian dan kerja sama. Mulai dari perusahaan skala nasional untuk penyedia jasa finansial, kesehatan dan komunikasi hingga perusahaan inovasi yang bertumbuh dengan pesat di pasar.

Fokus mereka di Indonesia dimulai dengan menyediakan layanan perangkat lunak berkualitas tinggi, streamlined dan scalable yang bisa dimanfaatkan oleh mitra-mitra, termasuk dengan pemenuhan persyaratan dan kebutuhan pasar. Pihak Element percaya bahwa KPI mereka tentang pertumbuhan pengguna dan juga pendapatan akan didapatkan setelah metrik keberhasilan para mitra tercapai.

Applying Game Element on Web or Mobile Based Service

Game element is nothing new in internet, both applied on web/mobile based service and applied on application accessible through web or mobile device. Several services from Indonesia also applied various game elements in one of features on service offered.

Based service such as Foursquare, Gowalla are using game element to their service, and other local (Indonesia) services like Bouncity or Tasterous will also applied game element on their service. This game element application is not only apply on location based service, but social recommendation like Rockto and shirt design competition service GantiBaju also provide badges for their users.

There could be many detail explanations on game element jargons, but what I meant in a simple way in this article is as a certain part of service/application or feature inviting users to ‘play’ or do certain activity (which usually is fun) and get ‘prizes’ from the activity. So the feature can make users use the service longer, have fun element, persuasive and addicting (in a positive way) over a certain service.

Continue reading Applying Game Element on Web or Mobile Based Service