Tag Archives: Facebook Commerce

MySellr Introduces New Version, Changes Layout, and Renews Prices

In the beginning of September, MySellr introduced their new preface for this new version. As explained on the press release received by DailySocial, its layout and user feature is made simpler and easy to use.

MySellr provides services for Facebook users who want to sell their product by using Fan Page but with facilities similar to e-commerce such as product catalogue, order management, invoice, and daily deals. Some other facilities like discount program, and other programs blended with Facebook such as voucher with special code for Discount on Like.

DailySocial ever discussed about MySellr. MySellr AB was established by Indonesian who lives in Swedia. However, the head office is in Jakarta. Hermawan Tjakradiwira is the founder and CEO of MySellr.

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MySellr Perkenalkan Versi Terbaru, Ubah Layout dan Perbaharui Harga

Awal bulan September kemarin, MySellr memperkenalkan tampilan terbaru mereka, pada versi baru ini, seperti yang dijelaskan dalam rilis yang diterima DailySocial, layout dan fitur pengguna dibuat mejadi lebih sederhana dan mudah untuk digunakan.

MySellr menyediakan layanan bagi para pengguna Facebook yang ingin menjual produk mereka melalui Fan Page namun dengan fasilitas layaknya e-commerce, seperti katalog produk, manajemen order, invoice serta daily deals. Beberapa fasilitas lain misalnya program potongan harga, serta yang blend dengan fasilitas Facebook, voucher dengan kode khusus Discount on Like.

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MySellr.com is Ready for Indonesian Market

One Swedish company owned by Indonesian, MySellr.com, is preparing to enter the market and serve the users in Indonesia. Mysellr is an online shopping platform, today, is integrated with Facebook, these services provide facilities that could make a Facebook page of the brand owner or retailer into an online store with various facilities.

Mysellr provide services for users who want to sell on Facebook, but with the look and amenities like a regular online store, a facility that can later be used by the users, setting the stock of goods, and shopping cart facilities, management of goods and invoice management.

The display in your store will also show your logo and store information, the search field, category of goods, delivery options services, payment methods and various other facilities include a facility to make special offerings when there are discounts of products or goods. Currently their service is limited to Facebook Store, but if you look at their site, there will also be Facebook Marketplace facilities.

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MySellr.com Siap Layani Pasar Indonesia

Salah satu perusahaan asal Swedia yang dimiliki oleh orang Indonesia, MySellr.com, sedang bersiap untuk memasuki dan melayani pasar pengguna di Indonesia. Mysellr merupakan online shopping platform yang, saat ini, terintegrasi dengan Facebook, layanan ini memberikan fasilitas yang bisa membuat Facebook Page para pemilik brand atau penjual menjadi toko online dengan berbagai fasilitas.

Mysellr menyediakan layanan bagi pengguna yang ingin berjualan di Facebook namun dengan tampilan dan fasilitas layaknya toko online biasa, fasilitas yang nantinya bisa digunakan oleh para pengguna antara lain pengaturan stok barang, lalu fasilitas keranjang belanja, pengelolaan barang serta pengelolaan tagihan.

Tampilan di toko Anda nantinya juga bisa menampilkan logo dan informasi toko, kolom pencarian, kategori barang, pilihan jasa pengiriman, metode pembayaran dan berbagai fasilitas lain sampai dengan fasilitas untuk membuat penawaran khusus ketika ada diskon dari produk atau barang yang dijual. Saat ini layanan mereka baru sebatas Facebook Store, tetapi jika melihat situs mereka, akan ada juga fasilitas Facebook Marketplace.

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