Tag Archives: Faisal Basri

The Unclarity of Taxation towards Foreign E-Commerce Players in Indonesia

Ironic. Despite the fact that e-commerce industry enjoys fruitful growth in Indonesia, the country has yet had a clear yet strict regulation which administers foreign e-commerce players, making them immune to taxes. Considering that more and more foreign players flood Indonesian market today, this is a real deal for the government to handle. Continue reading The Unclarity of Taxation towards Foreign E-Commerce Players in Indonesia

Aturan Pajak Untuk E-Commerce Asing Di Indonesia Masih Belum Jelas


Perkembangan bisnis e-commerce di Indonesia saat ini begitu pesat dan semakin diminati baik oleh para pengusaha lokal atau asing. Hal ini menimbulkan masalah baru, karena Indonesia dirasa masih belum punya aturan yang jelas untuk mengatur peredaran e-commerce asing, sehingga banyak pelaku e-commerce asing yang masih belum tersentuh pajak.

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