Tag Archives: Frame

Silahkan Dicoba, Fitur Frame Bar Dari LintasBerita

Anda pengguna LintasBerita? Salah satu website terbesar untuk urusan traffic ini ternyata ‘hobi’ untuk mengeluarkan fitur mereka secara diam-diam.

Setelah sebelumnya mereka secara ‘rahasia’ meluncurkan kerjasama iklan dengan KrazyMarket, dengan menambahkan tab khusus, yang mirip dengan tab channel untuk KrazyMarket, kini mereka menambahkan frame bar khusus setiap kali anda membuka link konten yang ada di situs mereka.

Jadi, ketika anda memasuki situs mereka lalu melakukan klik atas salah satu link berita, maka setelah anda masuk ke situs yang memuat konten yang anda klik, perhatikan bagian atas halaman web tersebut, maka akan terlihat frame bar dari LintasBerita yang berisi link channel-channel berita yang ada di LintasBerita. Ada 5 link yang terdiri dari Home/Hot, Berita, Foto, Video serta link untuk memberi komentar.

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LintasBerita Sucks More Traffic With Their Frame Bar

Lintas Berita starts to apply their Frame Bar, which is very similar to Digg’s DiggBar where they display stats and info about the website visited. This probably based on the behavior of their user and the nature of the website itself that people tend to get out from the website, it’s like throwing away visitors to another website and it’s most likely that they’re going stay inside the website.

Anyway, it’s just common sense that LB decided to go where Digg has gone before (and failed miserably). But if we think about it, Indonesian people are not that grumpy about it, they’re pretty relaxed. Well, by relaxed i mean they don’t have any idea what’s going on so as long as they can see and read websites thru it, it’s fine. While for LB, this can actually double/triple their traffic and it’s a good way to keep visitors inside the LB website by making it easier for them to go back thru a link on the LB Bar.

They can also use the frame bar to track their visitor’s behavior, gathering demographic information about their users and probably use the data for something good (don’t sell it to advertiser). This is the second time we’ve covered LB this week, i guess they’re doing something significant about the website in terms of strategy and business models. Good to know.