Tag Archives: France

French Online Streaming Deezer, will Enter Indonesia

In the middle of Indonesian music industry uncertainty, especially dealing with the RBT business, Deezer, a French streaming site will expand their reach to 100 countries soon. It’s including Indonesia. As cited from Reuters, the Deezer head, Axel Dauchez, chooses to avoid the USA market (including avoid the competition with Pandora and Spotify) and manages market in other countries. Previously, DailySocial has already written that Spotify will enter Asia market, although it is not yet confirmed whether Indonesia will be included.

In the cooperation, Deezer will collaborate with local telecommunication operator. As known, Deezer provides services in various platforms, both on computer or mobile phone. However, it seems that the global expansion of Deezer will focus on the mobile platform. Deezer is available on almost all mobile platforms including Android, BlackBerry, Nokia, and Windows Phone.

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Layanan Online Streaming Perancis Deezer Bakal Masuki Indonesia

Di tengah gonjang-ganjing industri musik di Indonesia berkaitan dengan kepastian kelangsungan bisnis RBT, situs streaming Deezer yang berasal dari Perancis akan memperluas jangkauannya ke 100 negara dalam waktu dekat, termasuk di antaranya Indonesia. Seperti dikutip dari Reuters, Pimpinan Deezer, Axel Dauchez, memilih untuk menghindari pasar USA (termasuk menghindari persaingan dengan Pandora dan Spotify) dan mencari pasar di negara lain. Sebelumnya kami telah beritakan bahwa Spotify bakal masuki pasar Asia, meskipun belum bisa dikonfirmasi apakah Indonesia bakal termasuk di dalamnya.

Dalam kerjasamanya, Deezer akan ber-partner dengan operator telekomunikasi lokal. Deezer memiliki layanan di berbagai platform, baik di komputer maupun di ponsel, tapi nampaknya untuk ekspansi global ini Deezer akan memilih fokus dengan platform mobile. Untuk mobile sendiri, Deezer telah tersedia di hampir semua platform, termasuk iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Nokia, dan Windows Phone.

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