Tag Archives: FundedHere

A Singapore Based Equity & Debt Crowdfunding Platform FundedHere Invests in ANGIN

ANGIN (Angel Investment Network Indonesia) declares itself as an independent early-stage investment platform. They have managed the funds of more than 100 investors, from angel investors, venture capitalists, impact investors, corporations, to foundations from all over the world. Targeting entrepreneurs in various fields in Indonesia.

Over the past four years, they have supported more than 70 startups and entrepreneurs, some of them Kitabisa, Kargo, and most recently Burgreens.

Last year, ANGIN successfully closed its first seed funding round of 500 Startups and three angel investors including Shinta Kamdani (CEO of Sintesa Group), Diono Nurjadin (CEO of Cardig International), and Jefrey Joe (Managing Director & Co-Founder of Alpha JWC Ventures).

Recently, FundedHere has joined the list of shareholders by providing additional funding for ANGIN. FundedHere is an equity and debt crowdfunding platform registered with the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Their business model is almost the same as ANGIN, connecting investors with startups.

“We are very honored to be working with the FundedHere team. They not only believe in our values ​​and vision but can also connect the Singapore startup ecosystem to our investors and entrepreneurs in Indonesia. This will accelerate our mutual footprint in Southeast Asia,” ANGIN’s Managing Director David Soukhasing said.

Meanwhile, FundedHere’s Co-Founder & CEO Daniel Lin said, “Investing in ANGIN will further strengthen our investment thesis [..] Investors on both of our platforms will now have exposure to these cross-border opportunities.”

Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian

Pendanaan ANGIN

Platform “Equity & Debt Crowdfunding” Asal Singapura FundedHere Berikan Pendanaan ke ANGIN

ANGIN (Angel Investment Network Indonesia) mendeklarasikan dirinya sebagai platform investasi tahap awal independen. Mereka telah mengelola dana lebih dari 100 investor, mulai dari angel investor, venture capital, impact investor, korporasi, hingga yayasan dari seluruh dunia. Menargetkan pengusaha di berbagai bidang di Indonesia.

Selama empat tahun terakhir, mereka telah mendukung lebih dari 70 startup dan pengusaha, beberapa di antaranya Kitabisa, Kargo, hingga yang terbaru Burgreens.

Tahun lalu, ANGIN berhasil menutup putaran pendanaan awal pertamanya dari 500 Startups dan tiga angel investor meliputi Shinta Kamdani (CEO Sintesa Group), Diono Nurjadin (CEO Cardig International), dan Jefrey Joe (Managing Director & Co-Founder Alpha JWC Ventures).

Baru-baru ini, FundedHere turut bergabung ke jajaran shareholder dengan memberikan pendanaan tambahan untuk ANGIN. FundedHere merupakan platform equity dan debt crowdfunding yang terdaftar di Monetary Authority of Singapore. Model bisnis mereka hampir serupa dengan ANGIN, menghubungkan investor dengan perusahaan rintisan.

“Kami merasa sangat terhormat dapat bekerja sama dengan tim FundedHere. Mereka tidak hanya percaya dengan nilai dan visi kami, tapi juga dapat menghubungkan ekosistem startup Singapura kepada investor dan pengusaha kami di Indonesia. Ini akan mempercepat mutual footprint kami di Asia tenggara,” sambut Managing Director ANGIN David Soukhasing.

Sementara itu, Co-Founder & CEO FundedHere Daniel Lin menyampaikan, “Investasi ke ANGIN akan semakin memperkuat thesis investasi kami [..] Investor di kedua platform kami sekarang akan memiliki eksposur terhadap peluang lintas batas ini.”