Tag Archives: groupon clone

Interview: MbakDiskon’s Strategy for The Future

On Wednesday I had the opportunity to meet  the founder of one local daily deals services in Yogyakarta, MbakDiskon.com. Her name is Anggit Tut Pinilih (@anggitut), S2 student who is completing her thesis at one of the top universities in Yogyakarta.

MbakDiskon is the first daily deals service in Jogjakarta and is still very new. The startup was launched in March and is still much to be repaired by MbakDiskon, both in terms of online and offline. For the payment system similar to other daily deals service is by using the account of BCA or Bank Mandiri, use the T-Cash service from Telkomsel and for offline payment can be done at Swaragama FM Radio’s office.

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Wawancara: Strategi MbakDiskon Ke Depan

Hari Rabu kemarin saya berkesempatan bertemu dengan Founder salah satu layanan daily deals lokal di Yogyakarta yaitu MbakDiskon.com. Beliau adalah Anggit Tut Pinilih (@anggitut), mahasiswa S2 yang sedang menyelesaikan tesisnya disalah satu universitas ternama di Yogyakarta. Kali ini saya berkesempatan berbincang-bincang tentang layanan daily deals miliknya tersebut.

MbakDiskon adalah layanan daily deals lokal pertama yang ada di kawasan Yogyakarta dan masih sangat baru. Bulan Maret yang lalu startup ini diluncurkan, dan masih banyak yang harus dibenahi dari MbakDiskon, baik segi online maupun offline nya. Untuk sistem pembayaran hampir sama dengan layanan daily deals lainnya yaitu melalui rekening Bank Mandiri/ Bank BCA, melalui layanan T-Cash dari Telkomsel, dan pembayaran offline dapat melalui kantor Radio Swaragama FM.

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Why I Haven’t Bought Any Daily Deals Promo Coupon Yet

DailySocial often review about various daily deals websites that are popping out everywhere lately. Most of them are considered as not less than groupon clones, although there are some which have different selling techniques. Each site must have its pros and cons, but what they offers are similar, which is the price promotion of an item or service that is more interesting than the regular price, whether it’s food, hotel services, or consumer goods.

There are sites that look interesting and segmented, but there are still less appealing appearance and still lack of the offering frequency. Each site had a different partner when they offer what they consider as interesting discounts or promotions. Then why have not I try to buy a daily deals promo coupon?

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Kenapa Saya Belum Pernah Membeli Kupon Promo Daily Deals

DailySocial sering mengulas tentang berbagai situs daily deals yang akhir-akhir ini menjamur. Kebanyakan dari mereka tak lebih dianggap sebagai groupon clone, meskipun ada beberapa yang memiliki teknik jualan yang berbeda. Setiap situs pasti ada kelebihan dan kekurangannya, tapi yang ditawarkan kepada konsumen kurang lebih sama, yaitu promosi harga terhadap suatu barang atau layanan yang lebih menarik ketimbang harga regulernya, entah itu makanan, layanan hotel, ataupun barang-barang konsumsi.

Ada situs yang tampilannya menarik dan tersegmentasi, tapi ada yang tampilannya masih kurang appealing serta frekuensi penawarannya masih kurang banyak. Setiap situs punya partner yang berbeda-beda saat menawarkan diskon atau promosi yang (dianggap) menarik. Lalu mengapa saya belum pernah mencoba membeli kupon promo daily deals?

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eVoucher Provides Online Discounts For Electronics

Out of so many Groupon clones existed in Indonesia, eVoucher might be the only one with a differentiation -although not exactly a strong one. How eVoucher.co.id works is basically the same as other Groupon clones, the payment method is also pretty much the same, but the oh-not-so-strong differentiation is on the items they sell. eVoucher focuses on selling discounts for electronics and gadgets, and when i say focuses means they’re not exclusive for electronics and gadgets only but also restaurants.

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