Tag Archives: ICT incubator

ICT Incubator: an Incubator from KEMKOMINFO

Few days ago, I read an interesting article on the official website of STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta. It is mentioned on the article that there is an incubator established by KEMKOMINFO (The Ministry of Communication and Informatics). It is called as “ICT Incubator”.

Besides, the article also explained the result of ICT Incubator socialization event in the last October in Yogyakarta. The speakers were the academicians, game developers, and business and animation enthusiasts. There was also a representative from KEMENKOMINFO who explained the aim of ICT Incubator at this socialization.

The explanation about this incubator, as cited by DailySocial from the article, said “since 2008, Sub Directorate General for Informatics Applications has established a pilot project for Telematics Incubator Innovation (or in Bahasa called as I2T). In Bandung, it is named as 12TB. The objective of its establishment is to create and add the number of qualified technopreneurs in Indonesia”. In Bandung, I2TB has been actively recruited some tenants to develop some business on many branches such as game, application, internet-based service, and so on. Their office is in the area of Surapati Core – Bandung.

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ICT Incubator, Inkubator Versi KEMKOMINFO

Hari kemarin saya membaca sebuah artikel yang cukup menarik di situs resmi STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta, artikel tersebut menyebutkan adanya sebuah inkubator yang didirikan oleh Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (KEMKOMINFO) bernama ‘ICT Incubator’.

Selain itu, artikel tersebut menjelaskan tentang hasil penyelenggaraan acara sosialisasi ICT Incubator pada akhir bulan Oktober lalu di salah satu hotel di Yogyakarta. Pembicara pada sosialisasi tersebut adalah beberapa orang yang berkecimpung di dunia akademisi, game development, bisnis, dan animasi. Tak lupa perwakilan dari KEKOMINFO sendiri juga menjadi pembicara yang menjelaskan tujuan ICT Incubator di sosialisasi ini.

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