We were all devastated when we saw what hit Japan a couple of weeks ago. Earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear reactor leak threat causing countless casualties. As mere mortal and fellow humans we sure hope that everything will return back to the way it was there. And we, from DailySocial also offers our deepest condolence of this disaster.
To show concerns, Elasitas as one of well known local developer, develop a Blackberry application, pro bono, called Indonesia for Japan (ID for Japan) as distribution place. Calvin Kizana, CEO of Elasitas, in his press release said that this application can help creating positif attitude between Indonesian people and to encourage them to get involve more in voluntary activity, Indonesia for Japan. Calvin added, “If there’s such thing as perfect time for us to join hands and help each other, this will be it – because the world’s future is in our hands.”
Continue reading Let’s help our friends in Japan with IDForJapan Application