Tag Archives: Janine Grainger

Easy Crypto Obtains 140 Billion Funding from GDP Venture and Other Investors

New Zealand based crypto marketplace platform Easy Crypto announced a series A funding round worth of $12 million or 170 billion Rupiah, led by Nuance Connected Capital involving venture firm GDP Venture that belongs to Djarum Group.

Also, a series of other foreign investors participated in this funding, including pension fund managers Pathfinder KiwiSaver, Icehouse Ventures, Even Capital, Hutt Capital, and Seven Peaks Ventures.

In the official statement, Easy Crypto’s Co-founder & CEO, Janine Grainger said she was targeting the Indonesian and Southeast Asian markets for their next business expansion. This is in line with the involvement of institutional investors believe in the role of crypto assets in the financial ecosystem.

“This capital is an important milestone for Easy Crypto and the future of blockchain in the world. The rising interest in crypto investing is a support for Easy Crypto’s growth on a global scale,” Grainger said.

He claimed, this investment is the largest first round funding the company has ever secured in New Zealand. Prior to this, Easy Crypto had never received investment from angel investors or other investors in the seed stage.

Easy Crypto allows users to trade more than 150 crypto assets. The platform was founded by brothers Janine and Alan Grainger in 2018. To date, Easy Crypto has posted sales of over $750 million with a fivefold increase in the number of users over the past year.

Currently, Easy Crypto only operates in South Africa, Australia, Philippines, New Zealand and Brazil. With the support of venture capitalist GDP Venture, Easy Crypto can push its expansion plans to Indonesia as a top priority.

GDP Venture’s CTO, On Lee said, currently millions of Indonesians already own crypto. The trend of crypto growth in Indonesia will allow Easy Crypto to penetrate with the ease of the buying and selling process.

A bit of information, GDP Venture also has a subsidiary, GDP Labs, which focuses on developing technology products, such as blockchain, cloud computing, mobile computing, big data, and machine learning. This investment enables Easy Crypto synergies with products developed by GDP Labs.

“GDP Venture through GDP Labs has built a blockchain consulting business unit to assist our partners’ blockchain implementation,” he said as contacted by DailySocial.id separately.

Meanwhile, Nuance Connected Capital’s Founding Partner, Adrien Gheur added, the adoption of crypto and blockchain assets is increasing, both in the form of trading, payments, and exchanges. “The number of global crypto users is expected to grow 80% per year in the next three years.”

Crypto’s opportunity in Indonesia

Quoting Katadata, the phenomenon of the growth of crypto asset transactions in Indonesia still continues even though it only contributes 1% to the total global volume of transactions. Based on data from the Ministry of Trade, the value of crypto asset transactions in the country skyrocketed by IDR 478.5 trillion from IDR 65 trillion in 2020.

The number of crypto customers has also reached 7.4 million or doubled from the previous year of 4 million. There are a number of types of crypto assets that have a lot of interest in Indonesia, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Cardano.

Sumber: Katadata

The growth momentum also led to the presence of new crypto or blockchain startups in Indonesia. A number of investors started to eye this investing sector. In fact, foreign players have begun to penetrate the Indonesian market by seeing the market’s enthusiasm for crypto assets.

Referring to Pitchbook data as reported by CNBC, venture capitalists have disbursed investments of $14 billion or equivalent to Rp202 trillion per Q2 2021. The total investment is said to increase from the same perion last year at $600 million or Rp8.6 trillion.

Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian

Easy Crypto Indonesia

Pendanaan 140 Miliar Rupiah Diperoleh Easy Crypto dari GDP Venture dan Sejumlah Investor

Platform marketplace kripto asal Selandia Baru, Easy Crypto mengumumkan perolehan pendanaan seri A sebesar $12 juta atau setara 170 miliar Rupiah, yang dipimpin oleh Nuance Connected Capital dan melibatkan perusahaan ventura GDP Venture milik Grup Djarum.

Selain itu, sejumlah investor asing lainnya turut berpartisipasi dalam pendanaan ini di antaranya pengelola dana pensiun Pathfinder KiwiSaver, Icehouse Ventures, Even Capital, Hutt Capital, dan Seven Peaks Ventures.

Dalam keterangan resminya, Co-founder & CEO Easy Crypto Janine Grainger mengatakan tengah membidik pasar Indonesia dan Asia Tenggara sebagai target ekspansi bisnis berikutnya. Hal ini sejalan dengan keterlibatan investor institusional yang meyakini peran aset kripto dalam ekosistem keuangan.

“Permodalan ini menjadi tonggak penting bagi Easy Crypto dan masa depan blockchain di dunia. Meningkatnya minat investasi terhadap kripto menjadi dukungan bagi pertumbuhan Easy Crypto dalam skala global,” ungkap Grainger.

Menurut klaimnya, investasi tersebut menjadi putaran pendanaan pertama terbesar yang pernah diperoleh perusahaan di Selandia Baru. Sebelum ini, Easy Crypto belum pernah menerima investasi dari angel investor maupun pemodal lainnya di tahapan seed.

Easy Crypto memungkinkan pengguna untuk melakukan transaksi jual-beli dan memperdagangkan lebih dari 150 aset kripto. Platform ini didirikan oleh kakak-beradik Janine dan Alan Grainger pada 2018. Hingga saat ini, Easy Crypto telah membukukan penjualan lebih dari $750 juta dengan peningkatan jumlah pengguna sebesar lima kali lipat selama satu tahun terakhir.

Untuk saat ini, Easy Crypto baru beroperasi di Afrika Selatan, Australia, Filipina, Selandia Baru, dan Brasil. Dengan dukungan pemodal ventura GDP Venture, Easy Crypto dapat mendorong rencana ekspansinya ke Indonesia sebagai prioritas utama.

CTO GDP Venture On Lee mengatakan, saat ini jutaan orang Indonesia telah memiliki kripto. Tren pertumbuhan kripto di Indonesia akan memungkinkan Easy Crypto untuk melakukan penetrasinya dengan kemudahan proses jual-beli.

Sedikit informasi, GDP Venture juga memiliki anak usaha GDP Labs yang fokus terhadap pengembangan produk teknologi, seperti blockchain, cloud computing, mobile computing, big data, hingga machine learning. Investasi ini memungkinkan sinergi Easy Crypto dengan produk yang dikembangkan GDP Labs.

“GDP Venture melalui GDP Labs telah membangun unit bisnis consulting blockchain untuk membantu implementasi blockchain dari mitra kami,” ungkapnya dihubungi terpisah oleh DailySocial.id.

Sementara, Founding Partner Nuance Connected Capital Adrien Gheur menambahkan, adopsi aset kripto dan blockchain semakin meningkat, baik dalam bentuk perdagangan, pembayaran, dan pertukaran. “Jumlah pengguna kripto global diperkirakan tumbuh 80% per tahun dalam tiga tahun ke depan.”

Potensi kripto di Indonesia

Melansir Katadata, fenomena pertumbuhan transaksi aset kripto di Indonesia masih berlanjut meskipun hanya berkontribusi 1% terhadap total transaksi volume global. Berdasarkan data Kementerian Perdagangan, nilai transaksi aset kripto di Tanah Air meroket sebesar Rp478,5 triliun dari Rp65 triliun di 2020.

Jumlah pelanggan kripto juga sudah mencapai 7,4 juta atau naik dua kali lipat dari tahun sebelumnya sebesar 4 juta. Adapun sejumlah jenis aset kripto yang memiliki banyak peminat di Indonesia antara lain Bitcoin, Ethereum, dan Cardano.

Sumber: Katadata

Momentum pertumbuhan turut memunculkan kehadiran startup kripto atau blockchain baru di Indonesia. Sejumlah investor mulai tertarik untuk berinvestasi di sektor ini. Bahkan, pemain asing pun mulai melebarkan sayapnya ke pasar Indonesia dengan melihat antusiasme pasar terhadap aset kripto.

Mengacu data Pitchbook seperti diberitakan CNBC, pemodal ventura telah mengucurkan investasi sebesar $14 miliar atau setara Rp202 triliun per kuartal II 2021. Total investasi ini naik drastis dibandingkan periode sama tahun sebelumnya sebesar $600 juta atau Rp8,6 triliun.