Tag Archives: JVN

The List of Participants That Do Pitching In 2012 Jakarta Ventures Night

Jakarta Ventures Night 2012 was held on Thursday January 12th, 2012 and presenting a variety of startup and services that have been doing a pitch before the investors, other startup partners, some media and other invitees.

In addition, the event was also featured presentations from startups that have received funding from EV such as idBlognetwork, Penn-Olson and Nightspade; Several other speakers like Mr Edi Taslim from Digital Compass and Mr Shinichi Takamiya, a speaker who describes the strategy to build startup and a financial strategy for startup

Unlike JVN event last year, this time “pitching” wasn’t done by the invited startup to introduce their startup but also “pitch” and demo from Alpha Ventures East program graduates that have been held since the past 100 days. As previously announced, there are 6 program participants who passed the first batch of EV Alpha. So in total, there are 18 pitches this time.

Here’s the list of the participants whom introduce their services; we’ve known some already and had been discussed in DailySocial, but for some others, I just heard their names. Happy reading!

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Event Review: Jakarta Ventures Night 2011

Jakarta Ventures Night (JVN) 2011 was held last Friday and there were two articles from DailySocial related to the event. But here’s another article on JVN that will highlight startups in technology industry who were pitching there.

JVN is held by East Ventures since last year. The first one was Jakarta Ventures Night (JVN) 2010 and Bandung Ventures Night (BVN) 2010. On this JVN 2011, before pitches from 9 startups, there were 4 startups conducting presentation. 2 startups shared their experience, Jason Lamuda from Disdus and Aria Rajasa from GantiBaju.com and after breaks, the show continued with announcement of two startups in technology recently funded by East Ventures, they were TeknoUp and Nightspade. News on the funding can be found here.

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Event Review: Jakarta Ventures Night 2011 (Updated)

Acara Jakarta Ventures Night 2011 memang diadakan hari Jumat kemarin, dan sudah terdapat dua berita dari DailySocial yang berkaitan dengan acara tersebut. Namun sebagai pelengkap, berikut satu lagi artikel tentang JVN yang akan meng-highlight para startup di bidang teknologi yang melakukan pitch di acara tersebut.

JVN sendiri adalah acara yang diadakan oleh East Ventures, diadakan sejak tahun lalu, yang pertama Jakarta Ventures Night (JVN) 2010 serta Bandung Ventures Night (BVN) 2010. Sebelum acara pitch dari 9 startup ada 4 startup yang melakukan presentasi. Dua startup berbagi pengalaman mereka, yaitu dari Jason Lamuda dari Disdus serta Aria Rajasa dari GantiBaju.com.

Setelah rehat, acara dilanjutkan kembali dengan pengumuman dua startup di bidang teknologi yang baru mendapatkan inventasi dari East Ventures, yaitu TeknoUp serta NightSpade. Berita tentang pendanaan ini bisa dibaca pada artikel DailySocial berikut ini.

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