Tag Archives: Makko

[Simply Business] Creating Demand From Thin Air

Makko is a comic book publisher with high quality standard that focuses on digital distribution. The company is trying to do the impossible, it’s trying to create a market from thin air, something that Nintendo did with its Wii which turned everybody into casual gamers. A move that was then followed by Apple with its iPhone which can make non-gamers be a avid Angry Bird players. It’s definitely confident with the talents that it has, but does the market actually exist? If you look around your favorite book stores, you will find it hard to see comic books done by Indonesians.

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Makko.co – Online Comic Magazine

It’s not easy, conquering publishing world. That’s what I got from my 3 years experience in publishing. But with the internet era, the publishing world can get a glimmer of hope.

I myself saw some steps getting there as NulisBuku.com did. In comic world, I think for publishing comics offline is now just as hard. I witnessed some local offline comic publishers (independent or form a business entity), struggled to promote their published comics offline, with quality just as good as foreign comics.

But with the Internet, the cost of printing can be slightly resolved, at least in terms of distributing the work of comics which they do not have to wait for printing publication but can be uploaded to the internet. The site which also develop a community other than the comic itself is also growing rapidly, such as Komikoo and Ngomik, which are several times discussed in DailySocial. Now with a slightly different approach, Makko.co officially released to the public.

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Makko.co – Majalah Komik Online

Dunia penerbitan tidak mudah ditaklukkan, itu pengalaman yang saya dapatkan ketika berkecimpung di dunia ini selama kurang lebih 3 tahun, namun dengan perkembangan internet, dunia penerbitan bisa mendapatkan secercah harapan.

Saya sendiri melihat beberapa langkah ke sana seperti yang dilakukan NulisBuku.com, perihal komik, saya kira untuk penerbitan komik offline sama ‘kerasnya’. Saya sendiri melihat beberapa penerbit offline untuk komik lokal (independen atau berbentuk badan usaha) berjuang untuk mempromosikan komik offline yang mereka terbitkan, yang kualitasnya tidak kalah dengan komik luar.

Namun dengan internet, beratnya biaya cetak bisa sedikit teratasi, setidaknya dari sisi penyebaran karya komik yang tidak usah menunggu terbit secara cetak namun bisa diunggah ke internet. Situs yang juga mengembangkan komunitas selain komik itu sendiri juga bertumbuh pesat, antara lain Komikoo dan Ngomik, yang beberapa kali dibahas di DailySocial. Kini dengan pendekatan yang sedikit berbeda, Makko.co resmi diluncurkan untuk publik.

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