DealGoing, a daily deals aggregator site, releases Mall Diskon last Friday. Mall Diskon is mentioned as a marketplace of this aggregator, looks similar with the daily deals service itself, complete with discount, purchase period and the minimal limit of buyer. Mall Diskon is formed as a tab in Deal Going website.
The offer in Mall Diskon is also displayed inside the daily deals aggregator owned by Deal Going with a specific sign on the button to display the detail of the deal. Although Deal Going has expanded to Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippine, Mall Diskon is only limited for Indonesia.
As reported in the press release, the content of Mall Diskon is mentioned as originated from the aggregation of several marketplace. But when I browse around, there is no link or information that lead to said marketplace. And because the transaction happens inside Deal Going site, then the service is appear to be more of a daily deals itself.
Continue reading DealGoing Launches Its Own Daily Deals, Mall Diskon