Asosiasi Fintech Pendanaan Bersama Indonesia (AFPI) bersama EY Parthenon Indonesia meluncurkan riset bertajuk “Studi Pasar dan Advokasi UMKM Indonesia” untuk memetakan kondisi terkini UMKM. Riset ini bertujuan untuk membuat kebijakan yang tepat sasaran.
Selama ini, mengacu pada kondisi di lapangan, pengelompokan kriteria UMKM di Indonesia cukup beragam karena tiap institusi pemerintah belum memiliki satu definisi segmen UMKM akibat memiliki agenda berbeda, seperti yang terjadi di KemenBUMN, Kemenperin, dan Kemenparekraf. Sementara itu, mengacu pada PP Nomor 7 Tahun 2021, definisi UMKM nasional memiliki ruang untuk pengembangan.
Riset ini mengelompokkan UMKM di Indonesia menjadi empat klaster yang lebih rinci untuk mendukung pengambilan kebijakan pemberian pembiayaan dapat lebih tepat sasaran bagi pemangku kepentingan, termasuk penyelenggara P2P, dalam rangka memperkuat ekonomi melalui UMKM.
Sekretaris Jenderal AFPI Sunu Widyatmoko menyampaikan, AFPI merasa perlu memetakan segmentasi UMKM untuk mengetahui lebih rinci mengenai kondisi UMKM di Tanah Air, sehingga dapat memberikan pendanaan yang tepat sasaran. Anggota AFPI diharapkan dapat menjadi motor peningkatan penyaluran pembiayaan, khususnya untuk menjangkau pasar unbanked dan underserved.
“Dalam riset AFPI dan EY, dirasa perlu menambahkan elemen literasi digital dan literasi keuangan, untuk memperkuat segmentasi UMKM yang sudah ada selama ini. Harapannya anggota AFPI dapat menambah visibilitas terhadap potensi UMKM ke depan, sehingga menjadi sumbangsih nyata kami terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional,” ucapnya, Jumat (14/7).
Empat segmentasi UMKM tersebut adalah:
Kelompok Bisnis Prospektif: Bisnis skala ultra mikro dan mikro dengan literasi digital dan keuangan tinggi, memiliki potensi kemampuan perencanaan bisnis.
Kelompok Kebutuhan Dasar: Bisnis skala ultra mikro dan mikro dengan literasi digital dan keuangan rendah, menghasilkan potensi risiko pembiayaan yang lebih tinggi.
Kelompok Bisnis Konvensional Bertahan: Bisnis skala kecil hingga menengah dengan literasi digital dan keuangan rendah, hanya berfokus pada mempertahankan kondisi status-quo mereka.
Kelompok Bisnis Unggul: Bisnis skala kecil hingga menengah dengan literasi digital dan keuangan tinggi, memiliki daya tarik tertinggi dalam hal pendanaan.
Segmentasi ini dirancang untuk melengkapi segmentasi UMKM yang sudah ada selama ini, atau yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan modal usaha dan pendapatan tahunan sesuai PP Nomor 7 Tahun 2021.
Segmentasi baru ini juga mengakomodir jumlah karyawan, tingkat maturitas digital dan finansial, dan tipe industri (manufaktur atau servis di pasar UMKM), sehingga memperluas cakupan pemahaman profil dan perilaku UMKM, serta mendorong pembentukan kebijakan dan penetrasi pembiayaan yang lebih akurat di masa depan.
Partner EY Parthenon Indonesia untuk Strategy and Transactions Anugrah Pratama mengatakan, definisi nasional tentang UMKM yang ada saat ini masih memiliki ruang untuk pengembangan disesuaikan dengan industri yang membutuhkan. Melalui riset ini diharapkan seluruh pemangku kepentingan, termasuk pemerintah, akan memiliki definisi terpadu untuk dapat menyelaraskan dan menyusun strategi yang lebih kuat untuk segmen UMKM.
Setiap segmentasi ini memiliki masalah dan solusi yang berbeda satu sama lain. Dalam riset dipaparkan, Kelompok Bisnis Prospetif membutuhkan kebijakan terkait kemudahan akses pembiayaan, sementara Kelompok Kebutuhan Dasar membutuhkan kebijakan terkait peningkatan kesadaran digital dan finansial mereka.
Selanjutnya, Kelompok Bisnis Konvensional Bertahan membutuhkan kebijakan terkait peningkatan kesadaran digital dan finansial. Terakhir, Kelompok Bisnis Unggul membutuhkan peningkatan penyediaan pembiayaan dan akses pengembangan bisnis.
“Segmentasi UMKM ini menjawab sejumlah kemungkinan risiko pembiayaan khusus per klaster yang harus diperhatikan. Setiap klaster tersebut membutuhkan serangkaian intervensi kebijakannya sendiri berdasarkan tingkat urgensi yang dimiliki. Oleh karena itu, pengambilan langkah yang tepat sangat penting agar pembiayaan tidak salah sasaran dan terhindar dari kesenjangan yang semakin besar,” katanya.
Penyaluran belum merata
Riset ini juga menemukan bahwa penyebaran permintaan pembiayaan di seluruh wilayah tidak seragam karena memiliki komposisi klaster yang unik. Permintaan pembiayaan UMKM masih terpusat di Jawa dan Bali, yakni 62% dari total pembiayaan UMKM di Indonesia pada 2022 dan akan menjadi 61% pada 2026.
Pada 2022, total suplai pembiayaan UMKM Rp1400 Triliun dan pada 2026 akan menjadi Rp1900 Triliun. Sementara itu, segmen dengan pertumbuhan tertinggi terdapat di Indonesia Timur dengan skala Ultra Mikro dan Mikro (Segmen Bisnis Prospektif) yang memiliki laju pertumbuhan CAGR 23,1% antara 2022-2026.
Permintaan pembiayaan dari Indonesia Timur diperkirakan mencapai Rp250 Triliun pada 2026, di mana 24% atau sekitar Rp60 triliun berasal dari kelompok Bisnis Prospektif. Namun, sampai saat ini, akses pendanaan masih terbatas di daerah tersebut.
Sedangkan untuk usaha skala besar yang masih belum matang (Segmen Bisnis Konvensional Bertahan) masih mendominasi permintaan pembiayaan di Kalimantan. Kondisi ini membutuhkan kombinasi program pembiayaan dan kesadaran untuk membantu UMKM tumbuh optimal.
“Potensi masih banyak dan kita setuju [itu berada] di beyond Jawa Bali. Memang pertimbangan bisnisnya market terbesar ada di sini karena growth paling besar. Tapi [luar Jawa] yang lain juga sedang bertumbuh. Kalau mindset-nya ke sini saja, market akan jenuh. Tapi perlu dicatat, kalau sudah jadi juara Jawa belum tentu [dengan produk dan strategi yang sama] di luar Jawa bakal berhasil karena target audiensnya dan kebiasaannya berbeda,” tambah Anugrah.
Ketua Bidang Humas AFPI sekaligus CEO & Founder Amartha Andi Taufan Garuda Putra menuturkan, “Dengan memahami profil pembiayaan yang berbeda di setiap daerahnya, maka lembaga keuangan termasuk anggota AFPI dapat mengetahui potensi pendanaan yang dapat disalurkan. Dengan demikian segmentasi klaster UMKM ini dapat menjadi panduan bagi seluruh pemangku kepentingan, termasuk pemerintah dalam merumuskan inisiatif kebijakan utama yang sesuai dengan profil daerah masing-masing.”
Sebelumnya, EY memproyeksikan total kebutuhan pembiayaan UMKM pada 2026 akan mencapai Rp4300 triliun dengan kemampuan suplai hanya Rp1900 triliun. Artinya, terdapat selisih atau gap sebesar Rp2400 triliun dari total kebutuhan pembiayaan.
Permintaan beserta suplai bertumbuh dengan laju pertumbuhan yang hampir sama, yakni Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) ~7,2% dari 2022 hingga 2026. Hal ini menyebabkan selisih pembiayaan juga bertumbuh dengan laju CAGR ~7%, sehingga gap akan terus melebar dikarenakan laju pertumbuhannya yang masih positif.
Selama bertahun-tahun, sektor UMKM terus memainkan peran pentingnya sebagai tonggak perekonomian nasional. Berbagai survei dan data telah memvalidasi besarnya sumbangsih nilai ekonomi yang dihasilkan dari sana, termasuk kaitannya dengan penyerapan tenaga kerja dan pemberdayaan masyarakat kelas menengah ke bawah. Dengan dampak positif yang dihasilkan, tentu menjadi tugas bersama untuk menjaga agar pertumbuhan UMKM nasional tetap berkelanjutan.
Mengamati perkembangannya dalam dua-tiga tahun terakhir, digitalisasi menjadi salah satu aspek yang cukup menonjol. Upaya tersebut diadopsi untuk menghasilkan efisiensi proses bisnis dan memungkinkan terbukanya akses pasar yang lebih luas. Terlebih di saat pandemi UMKM skala mikro-kecil tergolong rawan terdampak gejolak ekonomi, digitalisasi dinilai dapat menjadi jalan tengah untuk menyelamatkan mereka.
Transformasi digital UMKM mendapatkan perhatian dari para inovator teknologi, khususnya pelaku startup digital. Ragam layanan aplikasi kemudian dihadirkan dan terus bermunculan, mulai dari solusi yang mendukung proses operasional, finansial, pemasaran, penjualan, sampai personalia. Adopsinya pun terlihat kencang, terbukti dengan traksi layanan aplikasi yang terus meningkat dari waktu dan waktu, di samping dukungan pemodal ventura untuk para startup terkait.
Untuk melihat tren adopsi teknologi di UMKM secara lebih mendalam, DSInnovate merilis laporan bertajuk “MSME Empowerment Report 2021: Revive and Thrive with Digitalization” yang didukung oleh Lazada, Sirclo, Xendit, dan Youtap.
Dalam prosesnya dilakukan riset kualitatif dan kuantitatif, melibatkan responden dari berbagai kalangan, mulai dari pelaku UMKM di berbagai daerah, founder startup teknologi, sampai pemerintah. Laporan ini terdiri dari lima bagian utama, sebagai berikut:
Lanskap UMKM di Indonesia; membahas tentang gambaran umum dan kondisi ekosistem UMKM di Indonesia saat ini, termasuk kategori bisnis dan dampak yang dihasilkan.
Tantangan umum UMKM di Indonesia; membahas terperinci tiga tantangan utama yang banyak diisukan, mulai dari finansial, operasional, dan ekspansi bisnis.
Adopsi teknologi oleh UMKM; mendalami teknologi yang diterapkan pelaku UMKM dan tingkatan adopsinya — termasuk manfaat yang didapat dari layanan digital yang diimplementasikan dalam bisnisnya.
Dampak pandemi bagi UMKM; melihat dampak pandemi pada bisnis UMKM dan bagaimana pandangan pelaku UMKM dalam menyongsong era normal baru.
Regulasi terkait UMKM; membahas aspek regulasi dan dukungan pemerintah untuk kemajuan industri UMKM di Indonesia.
Ada banyak temuan menarik yang dirangkum dalam laporan. Salah satunya, berdasarkan survei yang dilakukan ke 100 pelaku UMKM, 83% di antaranya sudah menggunakan produk atau layanan startup digital untuk memaksimalkan bisnisnya. Sebanyak 95% dari yang sudah mengadopsi layanan tersebut mengaku mendapatkan peningkatan produktivitas.
This article is a part of DailySocial’s Mastermind Series, featuring innovators and leaders in Indonesia’s tech industry sharing their stories and point of view.
Silicon Valley is the paradise of the startup industry and Arip Tirta spent nearly 7 years analyzing the market for the US-based leading capital market company that lends to technology, life sciences, and sustainable technology companies. He has specialties in venture capital, venture lending, private equity, start-ups, entrepreneurs, financial structuring, and business models.
In 2011 he decided to come home and built his own venture. His startup debut is in the property sector, with UrbanIndo, an online service that helps its users to market, sell, and buy property in Indonesia. After being acquired by another proptech startup, Arip moved to the next venture in the accommodation sector, Bobobox. Aside from building a venture, he also actively invest in startups, he also directly involved in some of the startups.
Arip’s current focus now lies in Evermos, the first social commerce to empower Small Medium Enterprises and individuals, by connecting brand owners to resellers to end consumers through the platform. He’s currently very passionate about cultivating the SME ecosystem, also become a part of BRI Ventures’ commissioner to help to build the VC ecosystem in Indonesia.
Aside from his experience in Silicon Valley, Arip Tirta has specialties in venture capital, venture lending, private equity, start-ups, entrepreneurs, financial structuring, and business models. DailySocial team has an opportunity to discuss his venture and future expectations of the Indonesian tech industry.
When was the first time you realize that you’re in the tech industry?
I have an educational background in scientific computing. It’s a combination of applied math, statistics, and computer science. During my campus life, I always dreaming about making it into Wall Street and become a trader. Then, life got in the way. In my last year of college, I got an interview with one of the venture capital & private equity-based in Palo Alto. My viewpoint of the tech industry was limited at that time, however, I managed to pass the interview with my technical skill.
My first attempt in the tech industry was being an analyst for the US-based leading capital market company that lends to technology, life sciences, and sustainable technology companies. During my first few years, I was being a generalist until I decided to focus on the tech industry in my third year. I think that was when it all started to become more interesting. I spent 7 years analyzing the market in Silicon Valley and leaving with the finest seeds to plant in the home country.
You’ve had the time of your life in Silicon Valley, what makes you leave the “it” city and decided to come home?
If there is one thing I’ve learned in Silicon Valley, technology can change people and business in a fast and significant way. In terms of marketing, back in the day when the internet is very exclusive, people have to pay loads of money for ads. Nowadays, when there are options, everything is made possible even with just a little money. Technology is changing the way marketing works and still counting.
In 2010, Indonesia was having its first internet boom, one of the historical moments was Koprol’s acquisition by Yahoo! I was watching Indonesian tech companies’ growth from afar and quite impressed. With some serious considerations, I finally pull the trigger and leave Silicon Valley to contribute more in my capacity with my experience to the Indonesian market.
How was your first experience building a startup?
When we want to start anything, there is no such thing as perfect timing. Few months before leaving for my hometown, I’ve already worked on some ideas and business plans, one of which is the real estate industry.
Indonesia circa 2010 is like a wild wild west where basic infrastructure is very limited. Therefore, we [tech enthusiasts] collectively trying to develop the foundation. I did it in the property sector, there are others in different sectors. At the same time, we need to educate the market. Market in this sense not only stands for end-users but also the government, including families a.k.a societies.
When I set my foot back in this archipelago, I’m aware that I shall not compare how things work in here with the way things are in Silicon Valley. Therefore, I did it all without high expectation, just try to make it work. We founded UrbanIndo, an online service that helps users market, sell, and buy property in Indonesia in 2011.
First, I see the Indonesian property lacks market data and decided to disrupt this industry for more people can have more insights on this sector. UrbanIndo was build to become the best property site in Indonesia by redefining the way Indonesians looking at properties. Therefore, all Indonesian people can make the best decision regarding investment in property. We’re focused on market insights, changing prices, projections, available undervalued property, and so on.
We did everything in our capacity to build this platform, it was backed by Gree Ventures, IMJ Fenox, East Ventures, and prominent angels. It was an exciting nearly-7-years time of making business work until in late 2017, we finally decided to accept an unsolicited offer from Singapore’s property search startup
It is said that you are also an active angel investor. With Bobobox, you become the Co-Founder and directly contribute to managing day-to-day operations as Managing Director for almost a year. How did you manage?
While I was working with UrbanIndo, I also did some angel investing. There are several sectors that are worth disrupting. With bobobox, I was involved since the beginning. I see the travel industry is at its peak. Many people are traveling a lot, despite for content or just for peace of mind. We then found out that accommodation becomes a big cost-related issue in this segment. One of the ways to solve this problem is to maximize space resulting in cost-effective price.
Bobobox was founded in 2018, a new, young, sleek, nimble, and smart accommodation solution for everyone. Bobobox becomes the alternative accommodation for millennial adventurers and smart travelers who crave something new and refreshing. The platform was built to revolutionize sleeping habits and help people sleep better and experience more through technology.
Angel investing in Indonesia is getting popular as many startup founders have exited with high net worth individuals growing interested to invest directly in startups. In Silicon Valley, it’s different indeed as they have passed some full cycle from startup founding to exit. Meanwhile in Indonesia, it’ll make its full cycle this year when the nation’s unicorn/decacorn succeeded to exit in the overseas stock exchange.
As social commerce, Evermos focuses to empower SMEs and individuals on its platform, especially Muslim brands. Why do you take this approach?
Throwback to Silicon Valley, I used to think I would start my venture with e-commerce. In every region, the sector that is usually taking off first is e-commerce, the first one to make it into a unicorn. However, when I examine the current situation in Indonesia, there are already some leading players and if I added one more, there will not be a significant difference in terms of a value proposition.
Fast forward to 2018, I see the there are lots of pain points in our retail industry. It requires many middlemen to complete the cycle from brand owners to end-users. And I think to myself, how to disrupt this retail market? Years have passed since e-commerce expanding all around Indonesia, but the percentage of online purchasing is considered not big enough. There are several reasons, including people as a social being and culture.
Back then, social commerce is yet to be a thing. In fact, we also tried to bring the positive impact of e-commerce to a bigger market. Founded in November 2018, Evermos is the first social commerce to empower Small Medium Enterprises and individuals, by connecting brand owners to resellers to end consumers via our platform.
We want to create inclusive economy and prosperity by giving access, opportunity and training for individuals and SMEs to become more financially independent.
Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, therefore, we decided our platform be sharia compliance. However, it is not exclusive and it’s open for all kinds of merchants regardless of the sharia compliance. The approach is to make the platform more inclusive.
SME becomes one of my focus since it contributes to 60% of our GDP and absorbs around 97% of domestic employment. Try counting the unskilled workers, too. Evermos is considered to take the hard road as it is easier to deal with global brands with a growth mindset and sophisticated technology. However, we did questioning ourselves about the impact we want to create, is it to make a short term gain or long term gain. Thus, we decided to focus on local brands that can create an impact on the nation’s economy.
We believe whether the group of people or SMEs work together with the right platform and incentives, we can achieve something substantial. That is why we put our trust in social commerce because this is people’s economy, where we can be the bridge for SMEs in the early stage. With Evermos, they can focus on production to create a competitive price with global players. Our sales channels are distributed throughout Indonesia, therefore, the local brands automatically become national companies. This has become our value proposition.
My biggest fear in terms of tech startups or SME is that our country became a sole consumer. We have to be able to build the value, instead being a sole trader. Indonesian economy should have the positive impact, it’s an essential part of this nation.
You’ve been venturing in the property sector, accommodation, and now the social commerce, Evermos. What is the biggest challenge or the lesson learned from all your experiences?
Every industry holds different issues. In fact, there are some similar concerns we should be aware of and collectively improve. In Indonesia, some startups are usually having difficulty with monetization. Our previous blunder was thinking of market share first and being the leading one, then we can turn on monetization. This strategy has proven in many countries. After all, Indonesia is indeed a unique nation that some people are not willing to pay a certain amount for an internet solution. It might work in other country but it’s a leap of faith in Indonesia.
Second, it’s the human resources. To date, Indonesia still experiences a crisis due to the lack of a middle layer. In terms of supply, talent is still quite rare, especially in a tech background. I think both issues are happening in almost every sector.
You’ve had experience as a venture capitalist and venture builder, what do you think of Indonesia’s investment climate, and how do you see the Indonesian tech industry’s growth for the past few years?
As I said previously, Indonesia is yet to create one full cycle in terms of venture investment. From investing to harvesting. This year will be the year of validation for the unicorn/decacorn which already have plans for IPO. Hopefully, the exit can also bridge other startups for M&A activities. Indonesia is already a very attractive market, it’s how we trigger more success stories to impact the whole ecosystem.
In this time of the pandemic, people are looking for capital everywhere, and VCs have been tight and selective with their investment. Using both perspectives, what do you think a business can do to get funding and what kind of value most investors are seeking for in a founder/business.
The pandemic is an anomaly and people’s first reaction is to wait and see. In time, investors are getting adapt and adjust to the current condition seeing some companies can make it through with healthy growth. Also, there’s a certain amount of money to be planted to companies. When the wait-and-see season is finally passed, they started to chip in selectively.
There are also lots of startups fundraising at this moment, hopefully, the situation gets better. Regarding VC’s assessment, it’s really depend on the market and personal experience. There are times when growth becomes the fundamental, today, it’s not really about growing at any cost, but growing in a healthy way.
As one of the commissioners in BRI Ventures, I personally have two things. First, the company wants to build VC ecosystem in Indonesia. As many VCs build offices in this country, the money did not stay here. It’s about how to make VCs and its money can stay to generate the ecosystem. Second, BRI as an SME-focused bank is very aligned with my passion for SMEs.
As a seasoned entrepreneur, do you have anything to say to those tech enthusiasts who tried to start something in this time of pandemic?
In order to create tech startup, it requires certain mindset and no perfect timing. Always think of the best way out of any situation. How can we make an unfortunate card works. In fact, when we decided to venture, challenge is something expected. If you have to wait for the perfect timing, how can you face the more challenges ahead.
I personally like my hands dirty, that’s why I involved in the operation level. However, I understand that this is the time for young people to blossom. I’m currently focusing my energy to mentor and it’s already time to pass the baton. We live in a very exciting time. About 400 years ago, it’s almost impossible to create big impact in such short time. Technology creates equal opportunity and pulling the gap closer for people to create a big impact.