Tag Archives: ngaturduit

IDX Watch Pertajam Investor Muda Indonesia Mengambil Keputusan

NgaturDuit mengklaim mampu menyajikan data dan informasi fundamental dan teknikal melalui IDX Watch / Shutterstock

Layanan pengelolaan finansial NgaturDuit resmi memperkenalkan tools baru mereka IDX Watch. Melalui aplikasi ini, pihaknya mengharapkan banyak kehadiran investor yang lebih teredukasi sehingga mampu menyuburkan iklim investasi di Indonesia. IDX Watch sudah tersedia di situs dan aplikasi mobile untuk platform Android dan iOS.

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iMoney Indonesia Is Now AturDuit

The re-branding activity has apparently been a new trend in Indonesia’s startup industry. In fact, no less than DapurMasak, Spavista, and CERI have just got re-branded. Various reasons of re-branding were made. However, those startups commonly aim for much better performance, and this might be what iMoney Indonesia, a banking products comparison platform, had in mind when it decided to re-brand itself into AturDuit.

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Learn to Invest with “Rich Game” from NgaturDuit

Last Wednesday, NgaturDuit launched a game for Facebook platform called Rich Game. In the development of Rich Game, NgaturDuit is supported by Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan (BAPEPAM-LK) – Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency and USAID. USAID supports the development of this game by granting a Bantuan Pengembangan Analisis Ekonomi di Indonesia – Support for Economic Analysis Development in Indonesia/SEADI program.

Rich Game is an online game which educates people on how to optimize financial products, particularly investment products, in Indonesia. In Rich Game, player will face many economic and financial scenario obstacles so they can simulate how to reach certain economic and financial condition.

Some of investment products available inside the Rich Game are 4 mutual funds (fixed income, mixed income, stock and syariah), savings both conventional and syariah, deposit, gold, life insurance, health insurance and unit-link insurance.

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Belajar Investasi dengan Rich Game dari NgaturDuit

NgaturDuit, Rabu kemarin meluncurkan sebuah game pada platform Facebook yang berjudul Rich Game. Dalam pengembangan Rich Game ini, NgaturDuit didukung oleh didukung oleh  Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan (BAPEPAM-LK) dan USAID. USAID mendukung pengembangan game ini melalui hibah program Bantuan Pengembangan Analisis Ekonomi di Indonesia (Support for Economic Analysis Development in Indonesia/SEADI).

Rich Game merupakan sebuah game online yang mengedukasi masyarakat mengenai cara mengoptimalkan produk keuangan, terutama produk investasi, yang terdapat di Indonesia. Dalam Rich Game, pemain akan menghadapi berbagai tantangan skenario ekonomi dan keuangan sehingga mereka dapat mensimulasikan bagaimana menghadapai kondisi ekonomi maupun keuangan tertentu.

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Indonesian Startup NgaturDuit Will Perform at APEC Startup Conference

NgaturDuit is invited to give a presentation at the APEC Startup Conference in Seoul, South Korea, 11-12 June. This is a great opportunity for NgaturDuit to introduce themselves in the conference that would be attended by government representatives, startup, venture capital, and entrepreneurs from 16 APEC member countries. Besides NgaturDuit , there are only two other startups that will make a presentation at this event.

APEC Startup Conference is the first APEC conference to discuss startup. The event was initiated by APEC’s Small Medium Entreprise Innovation Center (SMEIC) and was organized to further encourage the entrepreneurial spirit in Asia Pacific because the development of startup has emerged as one of the key drivers of world economic growth. This event will be having theme “Start-up APEC, Boot-up Economies”.

According to CEO NgaturDuit, Api Perdana, it was very pleased with the appointment of NgaturDuit to make a presentation at this event. Besides the opportunity to introduce them, NgaturDuit also honored to assist APEC governments to decide on policies related to the startup.

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NgaturDuit Akan Tampil di APEC Startup Conference

NgaturDuit diundang untuk memberikan presentasi pada acara APEC Startup Conference di Seoul, Korea Selatan, 11-12 Juni nanti. Ini menjadi kesempatan besar bagi NgaturDuit untuk memperkenalkan diri dalam konferensi yang akan dihadiri oleh wakil pemerintah, startup, venture capital, dan pengusaha dari 16 negara anggota APEC. Selain NgaturDuit, hanya ada 2 startup lain yang akan melakukan presentasi pada acara ini.

APEC Startup Conference kali ini merupakan pertama kalinya konferensi APEC membahas startup. Acara yang diprakarsai oleh Small Medium Entreprise Innovation Center (SMEIC) APEC ini diselenggarakan untuk lebih mendorong semangat kewirausahaan di Asia Pasifik sebagaimana perkembangan startup yang telah muncul sebagai salah satu pendorong utama pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia. Acara ini akan mengambil tema “Start-up APEC, Booting-up Economies”. Continue reading NgaturDuit Akan Tampil di APEC Startup Conference

NgaturDuit.com and Telkomsel Partners to Send Weekly News to Your Mobile Phone

Another significant partnership is inked by NgaturDuit.com. Working closely with Telkomsel as operator partner, starting on February 20th  NgaturDuit.com will provide information directly to the customers’ inbox on a weekly basis. The information is going to be sent via text and data, so make sure that registered phone has MMS feature. This subscription is free of charge, even for data transmission (because it’s MMS). It’s different with the usual premium tariff service.

The Information provided are financial planning tips, information  on gold, stock news and weekly stock picks, news and futures (gold, commodities, forex) strategy. This content is supported by the number of several financial institution partners such as AFC Financial Check Up, Finansia Consulting, Tatadana, hd Capital, and Monex.

After having pretty tight competition with Amplop.in in early 2011, it seems NgaturDuit successfully moving and keeping with new innovations this year. NgaturDuit itself has evolved from a mere daily and monthly expenditure record to be a tool for helping financial planning and investment. Beside website, NgaturDuit application for the Android platform would be also available soon.

NgaturDuit.com dan Telkomsel Kerjasama Kirim Berita Mingguan ke Ponsel

Satu langkah untuk memudahkan edukasi finansial dilakukan oleh NgaturDuit.com. Bekerja sama dengan Telkomsel sebagai partner operator, NgaturDuit mulai tanggal 20 Februari akan memberikan informasi langsung ke inbox ponsel konsumen setiap minggunya. Informasinya berupa teks dan data, jadi pastikan ponsel yang didaftarkan sudah memiliki fitur MMS. Berbeda dengan layanan seperti ini yang biasanya bertarif premium, langganan layanan NgaturDuit ini tidak dipungut biaya sama sekali, bahkan untuk pengiriman datanya (karena berbentuk MMS) sekalipun.

Informasi yang diberikan antara lain tips perencanaan keuangan, informasi tentang logam mulia, berita saham dan weekly stock picks, dan berita serta strategi futures (emas, komoditas, forex). Konten ini didukung oleh sejumlah lembaga keuangan yang menjadi partner NgaturDuit, yaitu AFC Financial Check Up, Finansia Consulting, Tatadana, hd Capital, dan Monex.

Setelah sempat terjadi kompetisi yang cukup ketat dengan Amplop.in di awal tahun 2011. Nampaknya NgaturDuit berhasil melenggang dan bertahan dengan inovasi-inovasi baru di tahun 2012. NgaturDuit sendiri telah berevolusi dari sekedar mencatat pengeluaran harian dan bulanan menjadi sarana membantu perencanaan keuangan dan investasi. Selain Selain via web, NgaturDuit juga akan tersedia sebagai aplikasi untuk platform Android.

And The Winner Is…

In late December we opened the opportunity for all readers to vote who deserve to earn the title “CEO/ Founder of the Year 2011” and also “Startup of the Year 2011”. The response was incredible, even Tentukan.com, the service that we picked as the voting platform had some trouble keeping up with the traffic.

Well, we finally have chosen the winners for both categories. The nominees competed for two awards “People’s Vote” and “Editor’s Choice”. The winners are based on popular votes by the readers and deliberation by DailySocial editors.

And the winners are:

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