Tag Archives: Nielsen Asia

Nielsen’s Founds on Asia’s Smartphone Utilization

After InMobi released a report on smartphone user’s habit in Indonesia, it’s now Nielsen’s turn to do the same. Not limited to Indonesia, Nielsen made a report on 39 countries in the world, 13 of them are in Asia, including Indonesia. Method used is, even though not mentioned explicitly, still mentioning about ads impression on mobile platform.

As reported by Asia Media Journal, the highlighted finding is the fact that smartphone managed to win over feature phone in some Asian countries. At least in Singapore, Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan, the percentage of smarphone users reached more than 50%. China as the biggest potential market in the world comes next with smartphone user reach of 42%. Indonesia is still a bit behind with only 19% of smartphone user compared to feature phone user that reach 81%. More data shows that 22% of cell phone user in Indonesia uses it to access the internet in the last month.

Vishal Bali, Managing Director of Nielsen Telecom Industry Group for APMEA region, in his comment on smartphone usage in Asia mentioned, “Today, location based service is most likely utilized by smartphone user in mature market such as Korea, Japan, Singapore and Chine. Meanwhile, other Asian market such as Indonesia and Malaysia, the usage is more focused on social media and search. But both are expected to follow the trend (location based trend) soon when the availability of such service increases.”

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Inilah Temuan Nielsen Tentang Penggunaan Smartphone di Asia

Setelah InMobi mengeluarkan laporan tentang temuannya terhadap perilaku pengguna smartphone di Indonesia, kini giliran Nielsen melakukan hal yang serupa. Tidak terbatas pada Indonesia, Nielsen menurunkan laporan tentang 39 negara di dunia, dengan 13 negara di antaranya berada di Asia, termasuk Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan, meskipun tidak eksplisit disebutkan, masih menyinggung soal hasil impression iklan di platform mobile.

Seperti dikutip dari Asia Media Journal, temuan yang menjadi highlight adalah fakta bahwa di beberapa negara Asia ternyata smartphone telah berhasil mengalahkan feature phone. Tercatat setidaknya di Singapura, Korea, Hong Kong, dan Taiwan, persentase pengguna smartphone sudah lebih dari 50%. Cina sebagai pangsa pasar terbesar di planet ini juga menyusul dengan capaian pengguna smartphone sebesar 42%. Indonesia sendiri masih berada di posisi belakang, di mana hanya 19% pengguna yang sudah menggunakan smartphone, dibandingkan pengguna feature phone sebanyak 81%. Data lebih lanjut menyebutkan 22% dari pengguna ponsel di Indonesia menggunakannya untuk mengakses Internet dalam sebulan terakhir.

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