Tag Archives: patent

[DS Notes] Kim Dotcom Has a Patent on Two Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication is a secure login method involving the use of a second passcode to access a service transmitted when a login attempt is detected. The method commonly works by having the service send an SMS to the account holder’s mobile phone number and have the passcode in that SMS entered into the service, thereby ensuring the authenticity of the user. Alternatively, it also works through an authentication app or device tied to the service, which randomly generates the second passcode.

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Twitter Kembalikan Kendali Paten ke Tangan Para Penemu

Di tengah pertempuran besar paten yang dihadapi antara berbagai perusahaan teknologi di AS dan di seluruh dunia, Twitter ingin mendobrak kondisi ini dengan memperkenalkan perjanjian paten yang akan menempatkan kewenangan atas paten yang telah mereka klaim pada karyawan mereka sendiri. Adopsi luas atas kebijakan ini akan memberikan efek luas tentang bagaimana paten digunakan terutama di industri teknologi. Meski banyak yang menyerukan perombakan sistem paten di AS, perjanjian sederhana ini bisa mengubah peta permainan tanpa harus mengubah peraturan yang ada.

Salah satu paten yang telah diterapkan oleh Twitter adalah untuk metode ‘pull to refresh’ yang ditemukan oleh Loren Brichter, yang digunakan untuk me-refresh konten di aplikasi Tweetie, aplikasi Twitter populer yang kemudian diakusisi Twitter. Loren mengajukan paten tersebut sebagai karyawan Twitter di tahun 2010 dan saat ini statusnya masih menunggu konfirmasi.

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Twitter is Putting Patents Back in the Hands of Inventors

Amid these massive patent battles being fought among technology companies in the US and across the world, Twitter aims to disrupt the field by introducing a patent agreement that would place the authority over the patents it has claims to to its own employees instead. A wide adoption of this policy would have a wide-ranging effect on how patents are used especially across the technology industry. Whereas many have called for the US patent system to be overhauled, this simple agreement may change the game without having to change the rules.

One popular patent that Twitter has applied for is the pull to refresh method invented by Loren Brichter to refresh the content in Tweetie, the popular Twitter app that Twitter eventually acquired. Brichter filed the patent as a Twitter employee in 2010 and is still currently pending.

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When a Company Being Assessed by How Many Patents They Hold

After the acquisition of (patent held by) Nortel then Motorola Mobility, suddenly patent became something important and priceless. In the USA, the value of the patent may higher then gold. In the time when innovation is less than it used to be and all people tend to create the same things, there is a nightmare spread by the patent holder, ROYALTY, and hundred million will be taken under the law.

Let’s see the hot news from Sillicon Valley. InterDigital and Kodak suddenly became the trend because their on-sale status and the numbers of patents they held. Palm, again, became the byword after HP stopped its device development, simply because Palm has webOS and thousands of patents. Most of us, in fact, haven’t heard the name of InterDigital, but it has been targeted by giant companies like Apple and Qualcomm.

What does actually happen? Only by doing a little slip will make a company accused for violating other’s intellectual properties and should pay for about hundreds million or event billion dollars. The worse thing is the long steps of law procedures. It may take months in the court. Moreover, it will take much money to pay the lawyer. After the court, suddenly the patent holder get significant income from outside of its business core. For me, it’s pathetic. The patents war will be tiring and not support the innovation. It tends to be contra productive.

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Ketika Perusahaan Divaluasi Berdasarkan Jumlah Paten yang Dimilikinya

Setelah akuisisi terhadap (paten yang dimiliki oleh) Nortel dan kemudian Motorola Mobility, tiba-tiba paten menjadi sesuatu yang penting dan berharga. Di Amerika Serikat, paten nilainya mungkin menjadi lebih mahal dari emas. Di saat inovasi menjadi sangat kurang dan semua pihak mulai menciptakan hal yang sama, ada mimpi buruk yang mulai disemaikan oleh pemilik paten ini, ROYALTI, dan ratusan juta dollar berpindah tangan berdasarkan perintah pengadilan.

Coba tengok lagi berita yang sedang “panas” di Silicon Valley sana. InterDigital dan Kodak tiba-tiba menjadi primadona karena statusnya yang on-sale dan memiliki banyak paten. Palm kembali menjadi buah bibir setelah HP menghentikan pengembangan device-nya, simply karena Palm memiliki webOS dan sekian ribu paten. Kebanyakan dari kita malah belum pernah mendengar nama InterDigital sebelumnya, tapi dia sudah menjadi incaran perusahaan raksasa macam Apple dan Qualcomm.

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