Tag Archives: prepaid

Smartfren Luncurkan Aplikasi VoIP Prabayar SmartCall dengan Konsep Nomor Virtual


Smartfren meluncurkan aplikasi VoIP prabayar menggunakan teknologi yang dikembangkan oleh One Horizon. Aplikasi ini diberi nama SmartCall dan bekerja untuk platform Android. One Horizon adalah perusahan yang bergerak di bidang pengembangan dan lisensi Mobile Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) untuk perangkat bergerak.

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Prepaid Nation. Or How Online Services Companies Can Make Money in Indonesia

The other day Pando published a story about how being “big in Indonesia” is like a kiss of death for Path. In a similar way, this seems to apply to other companies like BlackBerry, Friendster, Multiply, and Koprol, though obviously not to all international technology companies. With that in mind, what failed them and why is Indonesia such a tough market to crack financially?

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