Tag Archives: RUPS

Pontus Sonnerstedt Joins Skybee as Executive Director

Pontus Sonnerstedt with his Yahoo! bandana

Through the annual shareholders on June 24, Skybee points Pontus Sonnerstedt, former Country Manager of Yahoo! Indonesia, as Executive Director. Pontus will replace Kendro Hendra who will focus more on doing his task as the CEO of Intouch, Sykbee’s subsidiary.

Kendro Hendra who is also the Head Commissioner of Skybee, as reported by Indo Telko, said that Pontus’ appointment is based on Skybee’s management awareness to be more focus after a year being on the low level at the stock exchange. Pontus’s experience in the internet business is expected to be able to raise the company’s performance.

Pontus Sonnerstedt who previously known as the Country Manager for Yahoo! Indonesia for two years, has left the position earlier this year. After that, there was no news on Pontus’s career until eventually, he is appointed as Skybee’s Executive Director.

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Pontus Sonnerstedt Bergabung ke Skybee Sebagai Direktur Utama

Pontus Sonnerstedt bergaya dengan bandana Yahoo!

Melalui rapat umum pemegang saham (RUPS) tahunan dan luar biasa yang diselenggarakan hari ini, Skybee menunjuk Pontus Sonnerstedt, mantan Country Manager Yahoo! Indonesia, sebagai Direktur Utama. Pontus akan menggantikan Kendro Hendra yang akan lebih fokus menjalankan tugasnya sebagai CEO Intouch, anak perusahaan Skybee.

Kendro Hendra yang juga menjadi Komisaris Utama Skybee, seperti dikutip oleh IndoTelko, mengatakan bahwa penunjukkan Pontus didasari oleh kesadaran manajemen Skybee untuk lebih fokus setelah satu tahun perusahaan ini melantai di bursa saham. Pengalaman Pontus dalam bisnis internet diharapkan mampu mengangkat performa perusahaan tersebut.

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