Tag Archives: Singapore Venture Capital and Private Equity Association

Southeast Asia records the highest funding this year. By August 2018, it increased up to 16 percent if compared to total funding in 2017.

Southeast Asia Startups Record Funding Worth of 46 Trillion Rupiah Per August 2018

The total investment from Southeast Asia’s venture capital (VC) has increased this year, reaching the highest value. By August 2018, it has increased 16% if compared to last year’s total funding. Per August, the number has arrived at $3.16 billion (equiv. with 46 trillion Rupiah), whilst last year it reached $2.72 billion.

The report was submitted by the Singapore Venture Capital and Private Equity Association. According to Thomas Lanyi, its Chairman, the business environment (particularly digital) in Southeast Asia is getting more dynamic thanks to those players with high enthusiasm. Southeast Asia is a potential market base with a total population of 640 million.

The number is predicted to keep increasing by the end of 2018, along with the upcoming funding raised by large startups for expansion. Some are operating in Indonesia and contributing for the total funding, such as Grab, GO-JEK, and Traveloka.

In addition, the regional digital economy is projected to keep increasing. Google-Temasek’s research projected that in 2025, the digital economy in Southeast Asia will surpass $200 billion. Previously in 2017, the record shows $50 billion.

The association also highlighted the boundaries issue between venture capital and private equity (companies that provides funding through its investment arms). The thing is, in this area, funding isn’t always steered by venture capital (VC) company. Some of the global tech-companies start to play roles, including Alibaba, Tencent, Google, and Mirosoft.

Indonesia’s position

Previously, in the mid-year of 2017, OJK announces notion of the investment distribution from VC to Indonesia’s startups. Per May 2018, the number has reached 8.22 trillion rupiahs, 14.95% increase from the same period last year. Authority says the positive performance was due to the local business improvement.

Considering the current data, OJK is optimistic to gain two-digit growth by the end of this year. It was due to several reasons, one of those is the government’s tax incentives.

Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian

Tahun ini pendanaan startup Asia Tenggara menyentuh rekor tertinggi. Hingga Agustus 2018 peningkatannya mencapai 16 persen dibanding total sepanjang 2017

Pendanaan Startup Asia Tenggara Catat Rekor, Per Agustus 2018 Capai 46 Triliun Rupiah

Investasi yang diberikan venture capital (VC) di Asia Tenggara dilaporkan meningkat tahun ini, menuju rekor nilai investasi tertinggi. Hingga Agustus 2018, peningkatannya sudah mencapai 16% jika dibandingkan dari keseluruhan nilai yang dikucurkan pada tahun 2017. Per Agustus, nilainya mencapai $3,16 miliar (setara hampir 46 triliun Rupiah), sementara tahun 2017 membukukan $2,72 miliar.

Laporan tersebut disampaikan Singapore Venture Capital and Private Equity Association. Menurut Chairman Thomas Lanyi, lingkungan bisnis (khususnya digital) di Asia Tenggara menjadi lebih hidup berkat para pemain yang mulai meningkatkan gairah bisnis. Asia Tenggara menjadi basis pasar potensial dengan total penduduk mencapai 640 juta.

Angka tersebut diprediksikan masih akan terus meningkat hingga akhir tahun 2018, seiring dengan target pencarian dana baru yang dilakukan startup besar untuk kebutuhan ekspansi. Beberapa startup yang beroperasi di Indonesia yang turut meramaikan dominasi nilai pendanaan, seperti Grab, GO-JEK, dan Traveloka.

Selain itu, perekonomian digital di wilayah regional ini memang diproyeksikan terus meningkat. Hasil riset Google-Temasek memaparkan bahwa di tahun 2025 mendatang ekonomi digital di Asia Tenggara diprediksi akan melebihi angka $200 miliar. Sementara di tahun 2017 nilainya tercatat sekitar $50 miliar.

Asosiasi juga turut menyoroti soal batasan kabur antara venture capital dan ekuitas swasta (perusahaan yang memberikan pendanaan melalui unit investasinya). Pasalnya di wilayah ini, pendanaan tidak selalu dipimpin perusahaan modal ventura (VC). Beberapa perusahaan teknologi global mulai memainkan peran, sebut saja Alibaba, Tencent, Google, hingga Microsoft.

Kondisi di Indonesia

Sebelumnya pada pertengahan tahun lalu, OJK menyampaikan catatannya terkait penyaluran investasi oleh VC untuk startup di Indonesia. Per bulan Mei 2018, angkanya sudah mencapai 8,22 triliun Rupiah, meningkat 14,95% dibandingkan periode yang sama di tahun 2017. Menurut otoritas kinerja positif didorong hasil perbaikan bisnis para pelaku usaha lokal.

Menimbang data yang dimiliki, OJK optimis hingga akhir tahun nanti pertumbuhannya akan mencapai dua digit. Hal tersebut didorong beberapa hal, salah satunya insentif pajak dari pemerintah.