Wiku once had written his opinion on a wide-open opportunity to help Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). In that opinion, he said that despite SMEs owners’ knowledge about the internet is increasing, opportunities for business development as well as helping SMEs owners to develop their businesses, remains wide open.
This may be true because until today, this kind of business model keeps on sprouting. When I googled the keyword “SME Directory”, I found many websites have SME directory, whether it’s there for a very long time or newly made. But in my opinion, there are only 3 websites that deserve to be mentioned in providing listing service to SMEs in Indonesia. Those three websites are Promo UKM, Bisnis UKM (beta) and PlazaID.
This many not meet Wiku’s hope at the time to give a service that’s different and combine two or more existing services. The three directories are still a container to be a place to promote products and services offered by SMEs. At least, that can help SMEs to meet prospective clients. Let’s compare the three based on several things below.
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