Tag Archives: Solid

South Korea-Based Smartphone Producer Sees Potential in Indonesia

Optis-led South Korean tech consortium plans on joining the smartphone competition in Indonesia. The condition of local telecommunication industry, which is currently on the verge of transition from 3G to 4G/LTE, is seen as a potential gold mine. The company has projected to bring along Pantech, which finds difficulties to survive in the South Korean market. Continue reading South Korea-Based Smartphone Producer Sees Potential in Indonesia

Produsen Smartphone Asal Korea Selatan Intip Peluang di Indonesia

Konsorsium Optic-Solid berencana masuk pasar smartphone Indonesia / Shuterstock

Konsorsium teknologi Korea Selatan yang dipimpin oleh produsen perangkat optik Optis dan pembuat perangkat telekomunikasi Solid mengisyaratkan untuk ikut bersaing di pasar smartphone Indonesia. Kondisi telekomunikasi di Indonesia yang sedang dalam masa ransisi menuju teknologi 4G/LTE dianggap lahan menjanjikan. Mereka akan membawa teknologi Pantech yang kesulitan bersaing di pasar lokal (Korea Selatan). Continue reading Produsen Smartphone Asal Korea Selatan Intip Peluang di Indonesia