Tag Archives: SuperBestDeal

SuperBestDeal.com: Local Daily Deals Service Aggregator

We certainly have heard various news, both in DailySocial and in other media about the growth of discount coupons offering services or daily deals. My previous article also mentioned that each service has its own target even though more or less they lead to the same market share.

With this kind of growth it has certainly opened up opportunities for a service that collects or provides the information on various daily deals services. That opportunity seems to be the kind that is what SuperBestDeal.com tried to take. Developed by Sanny Gadafi and Terry, this web and mobile application provides a main service as the aggregator of daily deals services in Indonesia.

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SuperBestDeal.com: Aggregator Layanan Daily Deals Lokal

Kita tentunya telah mendengar berbagai berita, baik di DailySocial maupun di media yang lain tentang pertumbuhan layanan penawaran kupon diskon atau daily deals, tulisan saya terdahulu juga menyebutkan bahwa masing-masing layanan punya target sendiri-sendiri meski rata-rata mengarah ke pangsa pasar yang sama.

Dengan pertumbuhan ini tentunya membuka peluang bagi sebuah layanan yang mengumpulkan atau menyediakan informasi atas berbagai layanan daily deals, peluang itulah sepertinya yang ingin diambil oleh SuperBestDeal.com. Dikembangkan oleh dua orang Sanny Gadafi serta Terry, aplikasi web dan mobile ini menyediakan layanan utama yaitu aggregator dari layanan daily deals yang ada di Indonesia.

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