Tag Archives: v.07

The Winners of Bubu Awards v.07

IDBYTE 2011 entered the top event with the announcement of the winners Bubu Awards v.07 on Thursday night, July 14, 2011. After a series of events that took place from 11 to 14 July 2011, as well as previous roadshow events to several major cities and campuses in Indonesia, followed by three day workshop, as well as seminars on the last day, a series of events closed with the announcement of the winners of Bubu Awards v.07.

Shinta W. Dhanuwardoyo in her speech said that the number of participants for the workshop that is run on July 11 to 13 of 1,500 participants, while for the seminar approaching 1,000, and the number of speakers as much as 28 speakers.

Top event held at The Ritz Carlton Ballroom, Pacific Place, Jakarta and announced the winners of various categories, they are:
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Pemenang Bubu Awards v.07

Hari ini IDBYTE 2011 memasuki acara puncak dengan pengumuman para pemenang Bubu Awards v.07, setelah rangkaian acara yang berlangsung dari tanggal 11-14 Juli 2011, serta sebelumnya acara roadshow ke beberapa kota besar dan kampus di Indonesia, dilanjutkan dengan workshop selama dua tiga hari, serta seminar pada hari terakhir, rangkaian acara ditutup dengan pengumuman para pemenang dari Bubu Awards v.07.

Shinta W. Dhanuwardoyo dalam sambutannya mengatakan bahwa jumlah peserta untuk workshop yang dijalankan pada tanggal 11-13 Juli berjumlah 1.500 peserta, sedangkan untuk acara seminar mendekati 1.000, sedangkan jumlah pembicara sebanyak 20 28 pembicara.

Acara puncak berlangsung di The Ritz Carlton Ballroom, Pacific Place, Jakarta. Para pemenang dari berbagai kategori akhirnya diumumkan. Para pemenang tersebut antara lain:

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