Tag Archives: you are what you share

[Dailyssimo] You Are What You Share

Have you ever try to find out why people are following/liking you on social media service? Many said with common assumption; because they know them personally, because of their profession or even looking at the average content shared on the timeline.

For figures which personalities are already defined on traditional medias, entering the social media may reveal some of their real personality (in this case, if they handle their own account). In example, when a media moghul, Rupert Murdoch decided to use Twitter, his figure that is well known for being a power of media with all its misteries, slowly melts through his chitchat on Twitterverse. Many said that Twitter is ruining Murdoch’s reputation because we’ve lost a figure that has been shaped before. But I personally think that Twitter, on the contrary, is actually turning Murdoch’s figure far more human and showing his true character as one Rupert Murdoch. Continue reading [Dailyssimo] You Are What You Share

[Dailyssimo] You Are What You Share

Apakah Anda pernah mencari tahu apa alasan orang mem-follow/like Anda di layanan social media dimana Anda bergabung? Banyak yang menjawab dengan asumsi yang paling umum, yaitu karena teman, karena profesi yang dijalani atau juga karena melihat rata-rata konten yang sering dibagikan.

Bagi tokoh-tokoh yang personality-nya sudah kadung terbentuk pada media-media tradisional, masuk ke social media bisa sedikit menguak real personality mereka (kalau mereka handle sendiri lho ya), contohnya ketika seorang media moghul, Rupert Murdoch memutuskan untuk menggunakan Twitter, sosoknya yang dikenal sebagai salah satu kekuatan media lengkap dengan kemisteriusannya sedikit demi sedikit mulai lumer melalui celotehannya di Twitterverse. Banyak yang  menyebutkan bahwa Twitter merusak reputasi Murdoch karena kita semua jadi kehilangan sosok yang dibentuk sebelum, namun saya berpendapat justru Twitter membuat sosok Murdoch jadi jauh lebih membumi dan memunculkan karakter sebenarnya dari seorang Rupert Murdoch.

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